NOVA: Mystery of a Masterpiece


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
I watched it on DVR this morning. Not a subject that sounded of interest to [-]neanderthal[/-] me, but I started watching and got hooked. I would rarely recommend anything on TV, but I thought it was fascinating and well worth the time. Fine art forensics, who knew? Should be in your programs on PBS this week. FWIW...:flowers:
Sounds interesting and it looks like I can watch it online otherwise my options are 2 am Fri. or 11 am Sunday.
Sounds interesting and it looks like I can watch it online otherwise my options are 2 am Fri. or 11 am Sunday.

Please tell me how you can watch this online. I bought an AppleTV device, but have found it less than useful with my iMac as a source. Clerk oversold it I think. They have said that anything on my hard drive can somehow be watched via AppleTV. But so far it's just a little block of Apple engineering sitting on the shelf, plugged into my projection system.
Please tell me how you can watch this online. I bought an AppleTV device, but have found it less than useful with my iMac as a source. Clerk oversold it I think. They have said that anything on my hard drive can somehow be watched via AppleTV. But so far it's just a little block of Apple engineering sitting on the shelf, plugged into my projection system.

No AppleTV here or like gadgets. I went to the web page of my local PB station and was able to find the Nova page and then watch the episode online. Here is the link - NOVA | Mystery of a Masterpiece
Actually it's the same link that Midpack posted!
Thanks. I don't think that will work though, since it's directly off a website. Oh well, maybe I can use it as a paperweight.
I just clicked on Midpack's link, which took me to a link to watch the program online. Just finished watching the show. Very interesting and enjoyable.
tightasadrum said:
They have said that anything on my hard drive can somehow be watched via AppleTV. But so far it's just a little block of Apple engineering sitting on the shelf, plugged into my projection system.

Things on your hard drive that are in your iTunes library can be watched via Apple TV. (yes, I know that some folks are opposed to using iTunes for various reasons. I don't know of a workaround for them.)

I have a Mac set up as a media server for the house. TV content gets added three ways.

1) buy something through the iTunes store. I don't do much of this.
2) record off the air programs using EyeTV. I use one of their gadgets that looks like a tiny cable TV adapter with a USB cable coming out he other end. I pick shows to record off the TitanTV web site, and set the recording options to convert he programs to AppleTV format and add them to my iTunes library.
3) convert DVDs to digital files using HandBrake, a utility that can read a DVD and convert the bits to formats usable on devices that didn't exist when DVDs were invented, and add those to my iTunes library.

The iTunes library is physically stored on a two terabyte disk ($100) attached to the media server, and backed up via the built in Time Machine hourly backup system to another big drive. All drives are "whole disk encrypted" so if stolen I won't become a MPAA litigation target. :)

ITunes is set up to share the library across only my password protected and authorized machines, what Apple calls "Home Sharing". This lets my AppleTV devices and iPad have access to my purchased or timeshifted content.

The AppleTV gadgets are usually used to watch this local content, stream Netflix content, or play slide shows from iPhoto.
M Paquette,

Thanks for your input. I'll have to do some research about some of the gadgets you mention like EyeTV. This might get me closer to where I want to go with this. We'll see.
Watched the Nova episode last night and found it very interesting. Amazes me what can be done to track down the history of an item. It reminds me of History Detectives only to the extreme of course the $$$$ at stake are also extreme.
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