Now Where Did I Misplace it?

On a related note, does anyone occasionally think about things they used to own, but no longer have, and cannot remember what happened to them? Did you sell it, give it away, lose it? No matter how hard you think, you simply cannot remember why you no longer have it.

It doesn't happen to me very often, but is strangely vexing when it does!
I do! Probably 45 years ago, I had a fairly new plunge router that I believe I loaned to a neighbor. We are still friends, no longer neighbors, but he has never said anything, and I never remember to ask. Kept the table for it for probably another 30 years.
OMG so many things we can’t find!

My bicycle keys. It’s been several months since I used them, so I’m really clueless. Fortunately I have a spare.
Woohoo I found my missing bicycle keys yesterday! They were in a spot I occasionally use but had forgotten about. I occasionally use them to unlock something from the back door. Yesterday I used a different set of keys to do that and as I brought them back I suddenly thought - they’ve got to be on the dresser by the back door as I was about to put the other set up there. They sure were!

And today I found my husband’s Odie’s oil that he’s been looking for for a week. It was out in the open, he was just overlooking it for some reason.
We needed a copy of the original survey of our house for the neighborhood HOA to approve new fencing. I knew I had seen it but all I could recall was that it was somewhere safe. DW was certain I had thrown all our copies out, but I knew I hadn't.

There is far too much stuff in our house and I went through every scrap of paper in every drawer, folder, cupboard, table, countertop, nightstand, desktop, bookcase, shred pile, hurricane go-box, boxes in the garage, you name it, but no survey copies were anywhere to be found.

The contractor was coming and we were out of time, so we went back to the original survey company and they charged $150 to make a copy and mail it to us (at least they didn't charge extra for the stamp).

A month later, we went to the bank to downsize the safe deposit box...and there were 5 copies of the survey. I was right - they certainly were safe!
I'm one of those "a place for every thing and everything in its right place" sort of people. It helps me find things. Unfortunately, DW is not. I'm lucky if something gets back in its right cupboard. Frustrating.:mad:

Finally, it seems that when I lose something that I ALWAYS find it in the last place that I look.:confused:

I'm the kind of person who finds order in chaos. My desk may be a mess to others, but I know where everything is. That's why I don't like it when people rearrange my things without telling me, because I'll have to ask them where they put everything.
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