Nutrafol hair supplement?


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 3, 2020
Tampa, FL
I was taught in college biology that most male hair loss is caused by male pattern baldness which is an inherited trait. In other words trying to prevent it is like trying to change your eye color. Has anyone tried Nutrofol supplement and did it make a difference? Just wondering since I see their commercials on TV quite often.
If your maternal grandfather was bald, you would have a high chance of going bald. Personally, I know no one who thinks it’s a big deal. DW’s father, her brothers and our son are bald. Nobody cares. If they do, they’re not worth knowing.
My personal feelings, if my hair turns grey (is) or falls out (getting thinner and receding), it's just the genes. Can't change it, live with it.
I agree with the above. Although, if there IS a miracle cure, please post 😸
I don't worry too much about it, but if there were a simple pill that would keep me from going totally bald (and it were safe) I might give it a shot. YMMV
Funny, but none of my close (old men) friends are bald, but one guy cuts his hair leaving the hair about 1/4" long. He wears a hat to hide it. Bald is OK by me, as long as it's not me. :2funny:
My son is bald except for around the edges. His grandfather on his mother's side was bald.

I don't even notice if people are bald or not.
I'm not taking Nutrafol, but my supplement regime includes almost everything in it. As far as I can tell, I'm losing hair just as quickly as I ever did. I have bald genes coming in from both families. My brother got it from DM, and I got it from DF (different pattern).
Every single male on both sides of my ancestry had a full head of hair when they died, so I obviously don't have that particular gene.
But if I were to go bald it wouldn't bother me a bit.
Every single male on both sides of my ancestry had a full head of hair when they died, so I obviously don't have that particular gene.
But if I were to go bald it wouldn't bother me a bit.
My dad and both my grandfathers all had a full head of hair until the day they died. And I do too. But it did turn gray very early about age 29. But I am frank to admit that it would most certainly bother me if I started going bald. Yeah, I am shallow.
My personal feelings, if my hair turns grey (is) or falls out (getting thinner and receding), it's just the genes. Can't change it, live with it.

I agree with the above. Although, if there IS a miracle cure, please post 😸

Not a cure but Rogaine has worked for me. I've always had a full head of hair and for years my barber has commented on how thick it was. After the pandemic, I noticed I had started to lose the hair on the top of my head near the crown. Not much, but it was happening. About six months ago the spot had grown to a (mostly) round patch about 2" in diameter. I wasn't completely bald there but whenever I got out of the shower with wet hair I could see in the mirror there was a bald spot in that area with extremely thin hair barely covering it.

Time to nip this in the bud. My dermatologist recommended Rogaine, the foam, not the liquid.

I spent $60 on a three-pack of Rogaine aerosol cans and started using it on January 1st. By mid-February I could see some progress, not much, but progress. By the end of March there was noticeable fill-in of new hair. Now, in mid-May, the spot is barely noticeable.

A can is supposed to last one month. You apply it twice a day, morning and nighttime, using an amount equal to about one-half of a shot glass (it comes out of the can as a foam.) I ended up getting almost two months out of each can. I'm on my last can now and am only applying during the morning after my shower. You're supposed to apply twice a day, but I have a hard time finding any bare areas to apply to, so I just put it on once a day where I remember the spot had been forming.

I'm quite amazed at the results. I will likely continue using once per day after my last can is finished.
Not a cure but Rogaine has worked for me. I've always had a full head of hair and for years my barber has commented on how thick it was. After the pandemic, I noticed I had started to lose the hair on the top of my head near the crown. Not much, but it was happening. About six months ago the spot had grown to a (mostly) round patch about 2" in diameter. I wasn't completely bald there but whenever I got out of the shower with wet hair I could see in the mirror there was a bald spot in that area with extremely thin hair barely covering it.

Time to nip this in the bud. My dermatologist recommended Rogaine, the foam, not the liquid.

I spent $60 on a three-pack of Rogaine aerosol cans and started using it on January 1st. By mid-February I could see some progress, not much, but progress. By the end of March there was noticeable fill-in of new hair. Now, in mid-May, the spot is barely noticeable.

A can is supposed to last one month. You apply it twice a day, morning and nighttime, using an amount equal to about one-half of a shot glass (it comes out of the can as a foam.) I ended up getting almost two months out of each can. I'm on my last can now and am only applying during the morning after my shower. You're supposed to apply twice a day, but I have a hard time finding any bare areas to apply to, so I just put it on once a day where I remember the spot had been forming.

I'm quite amazed at the results. I will likely continue using once per day after my last can is finished.
I think there's a generic form of Rogaine available. I'm sure it would be cheaper. I looked into using it and it seemed some what of a pain AND it interfered with my hair "styling." So, basically, I'm still losing hair - slowly - and don't worry too much about it. YMMV
I have been using rogain since the mid 80s, right after the study of minoxidil by Upjohn. Had a pharmacist make it for me before rogaine hit the public. 60 yrs old now, and still have most of my hair. Hair has always been fine so I didn’t want to be bald in my 20s. I just don’t have the head to look remotely decent.
My hair is thinning on top. Both GF's were bald, dad was pretty bald at my age. One son has less hair on top than me and shaves his head. Brother was bald on top in his 20's. Other son has hairline similar to me and keeps it pretty short. Their mom's dad had a thick head of hair.
Genetics? crapshoot.
My SIL is going bald, so he just shaves his head. He tried rogain/minoxidil a few years ago, it worked when he used it.
My DS has a full head of hair, but has shaved his head, not bald, but extremely short, for years.
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