Oil Change - when?

'13 Camry: 10K Synthetic {I've only got 8K on it, but I'm sure it has a reminder}

'05 Prius: 5K Conventional {DW's car and she puts about 150 miles a week on it. But she will ignore the reminder until I see it and schedule the service}

'98 Tacoma: 5K Conventional {I used to drive the truck to work, but since I got the Camry it is lucky to get 50 miles a month. I've been 500 miles shy of the mileage on the little sticker on the windshield forever it seems. I will most likely have the oil changed once a year from here on out}
I still change my own. Cost is only few $ since stock on oil and filters during promos, rebates and sale. Have a stash of oil/filters that have been gotten for free mostly. I do annual changes but average less than 5k miles/year.

Some links, oil change intervals Stop Changing Your Oil! - Edmunds.com

You can your oil analyzed for a few $$, can tell you how your change interval fits your driving habits What Does Your Engine Oil Tell You? - Edmunds.com

Oil analysis site Blackstone Labs

Bob the oil guy site was mentioned, great site for automotive stuff

The petroleum quality institute is another good site, The Petroleum Quality Institute of America
They periodically test and evaluate brand and off brand oils with some interesting results.
2010 Toyota Camry SE - just passed 100,000 miles. Gets synthetic oil & filter changed every 10k miles.

2007 Toyota Camry LE - getting close to 100,000 miles. Gets non-synthetic oil & filter changed every 5k miles.

So far, so good.

2006 Camry 4 cylinder 248,000 miles. changed every time the light comes on for maintenance. Now use a high mileage blend of synthetic and non-synthetic. Puffs on startup after sitting for 12 hours or more.
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