maddythebeagle said:
I think in yahoo, you can put in how many shares of each you have, but I get paranoid about them knowing what I have and might market to me, lol.
I leave out the # of shares as well, although my primary concern is people looking over my shoulder and seeing my portfolio data, etc. (I work in construction, and there's nothing like the envy that builds up when a union construction worker catches a glimpse of what you have saved up, even though they make damn good money and could accumulate more than I have if they wanted to)...although, I do enter the average cost, so I can scroll down my various portfolios and see how each is doing.
I've also taken an (absurd, ridiculously large) amount of time to copy every preferred stock from into an excel spreadsheet, then copy and paste the symbols into Yahoo. Then, I simply copy and paste the Yahoo spreadsheet into my massively large preferred stock excel sheet, and let the calculations autocalculate the yield to maturity and yield to call (both pre- and post-tax) to screen for new preferreds to buy when I scare up some cash.
The only thing is, it required two adjustments:
1) Yahoo! portfolios have a max of 200 stock symbols
2) Yahoo!'s preferred symbols are _p with the class after the p. Quantum Online has symbols with - and the class after the -. It took a simple "search and replace" to change the - to a _p, but it took a few seconds to double check everything. Also, some of the symbols have changed, so a few iterations were required to change them to their pink sheet symbols, etc.
But, all-in-all, I've been very pleased with Yahoo!.