Possum Living Book -- Free Online

Hey, I have that book! :D

I must have got it when I was going through one of my "I've got to get out of here!" phases! :LOL:
My paperback copy is displayed prominently on the mantle, and we have some accompanying possum pictures on the fridge to help us keep the "possum faith".

I do wish someone could find her all these years later and get an update!

possum Sarah
Ok, so I started reading this and thought: What is wrong with being a back-to-nature soybean and yogurt freak?? but I got over it and read on until I got to the next sentence about her living with her father. OMG, if that is required I just need to find a job!

Really, it is interesting to think about spending the bare minimum. I don't do it - I wonder if I could.
That is absolutely one of my favorite books. I had it years ago and can still literally quote from it.

One of the parts I like best is where her father goes out and fishes everyday and incurs the ire of the old codgers who think he doesn't "deserve" to be out there. They do because they worked all those years and EARNED it. So he comforts them by pointing out that when he's old, he'll probably be up a creek without a paddle, and they go off, mollified, and he just keeps on fishing.

We "dropped out" of the regular working world at 42 and 50, fifteen years ago, and I can't tell you how many times we've been in that position. The joke is that because of our frugal ways, and because in those younger years, we tended to reinvest our dividends and keep our lifestyle together by sporadic parttime jobs, we lived as free as Dolly's father, and STILL managed to find ourselves up a creek with a very big paddle. I always like to think about what those old codgers would think of that!


P.S. That darned book goes for more than $25 on Amazon.com most of the time at present. So any who have it and are willing to part with it, that's money sitting there on the shelf. Not to mention that it could be out there in the world influencing yet another person......
Loose--it is funny how much some paperbacks are worth these days! My copy was about $20 and I have the entire collection of John D. MacDonald (pulp fiction writer of Travis McGee novels and more) that has a few worth quite bit more than you'd expect of a dimestore paperback, due to rarity and condition.

But I just know the cats and dogs are going to fight over them when we die...sigh.

Just finished reading it. Interesting read, but they certainly do cross the line:

1. Tax evasion
2. Never visit a dentist
3. No insurance
4. Illegal fishing methods and poaching
5. Brick through the opponent's window to settle disputes
I think it is more work doing some of those things than just getting a job!
"Dolly Freed explains how to be lazy, proud, miserly, and honest, live well, and enjoy leisure."

Describes me to a T!
I thought the book was great - now I don't know that I'd go to those lengths, but they seemed happy with their life and definitely demonstrated don't judge people by the way they look :)

I thought them keeping bunnies for food and then her skinning them was interesting.....and then their prescription for staying fit - actually, if you read about fitness now, interval training is the key to weight loss - her prescription is just that, interval training - plus she mentions it helps reduce stress.

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