Prognosis tool - enter your health data

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i don't live in the US or China and don't trust the data from either

have an echo-cardiogram appointment on Monday .. this should be educational for the technician seems i habitually ruin the technicians perception of a slightly damaged heart

if i haven't had the virus my probability is NOT good , if i had it already the medical faculty were not of any help whatsoever .. and they still haven't tested me for anything i actually have . and exposed me to a measles threat to boot

*** There is no model for a single mortality risk that takes into account multiple variables.

Accounting for differences in age and prevalence of underlying condition, mortality associated with COVID-19 in the United States was similar to China. ***
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No real risk factors Screenshot_20200530-022059_Samsung%20Internet.jpeg
I know people like evaluating risk factors and estimating risk, but so many apparently low risk or healthy people still get horribly sick, and even some young people die. I don’t think anyone can assume they would absolutely survive unscathed just because they have no comorbidities. How the infections play out is way too unpredictable.

Like that lady yelling at people in the store that 99% of you will survive this, so why are you all wearing masks?
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How are they selling the data you give them and to whom?
Took the test and now I plan to update my will this week. :)
Didn't ask other questions that are probably pertinent (weight, exercise, etc) so I tend to discount the results.

But - hey - it gives me 1.3% (chinese) and 1-3% (US). Which I suspect is the lowest percentage given.
I don't know how to answer this question. Hypertension? I was treated for it for 20 years then lost weight and it went away. When we moved to altitude it came back for a couple years until I had a phlebotomy. Now I can't take BP meds or I pass out.

So do I have hypertension? Dunno, but it doesn't seem to matter for my data.
Didn't ask other questions that are probably pertinent (weight, exercise, etc) so I tend to discount the results.

But - hey - it gives me 1.3% (chinese) and 1-3% (US). Which I suspect is the lowest percentage given.

Also gender - although the difference is minor.

I answered yes and no to the cardiovascular question to see the difference, and there was none!
I don't know how to answer this question. Hypertension? I was treated for it for 20 years then lost weight and it went away. When we moved to altitude it came back for a couple years until I had a phlebotomy. Now I can't take BP meds or I pass out.

So do I have hypertension? Dunno, but it doesn't seem to matter for my data.

Numbers are only as good as their accuracy and source. So far I haven't seen reliable numbers anywhere.

I would prefer not to know this "answer". If very low, maybe I would be complacent. If high I could worry needlessly.

And positive mental attitude is important.
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