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I'm so sorry for the loss of your DM. You and your sister certainly did the best you could for her care and comfort.
Wow, condolences! That’s rough. But aren’t you also glad that you had so many things taken care of and lots of closure? Also of course being able to spend those last months with her.
So sorry for your loss. It is never easy losing loved ones.

I am glad that you and your sister were able to spend time with your DM, since she was close to you.
Thanks for all the replies - much appreciated.

As sad as it was, I felt it was a good experience. It brought me and sis closer. The three of us spent 3 solid weeks of good quality family time together, something which we probably haven't had in 4 decades. I think it also made both me and sis more comfortable with the dying process helping mom through it as her body was literally shutting down. We had a hospice organization supporting us along the way and they were incredible with the slew of resources they had at hand ready to go...helping us, coaching us, and providing everything we needed to help make mom comfortable.

When the doctor said to me "You could either leave her in the hospital to let things play out, or you can take her home and make her comfortable", there was no thought, I instantly said that we're taking her home. I wasn't going to leave her in the hospital to die if it wasn't necessary.
Sorry for your loss. I have lost a parent too and it was not pretty. Or quick.
Deepest condolences for your loss.

It’s truly a gift that you took her home and let her pass surrounded with loved ones.

I went through this over a decade ago with my mom. I remember the doctor saying that often she was the only one present when somebody passed in the hospital. I found that to be incredibly sad.

In my case, mom was incredibly relieved when she knew she was going to my house for hospice care. It wasn’t easy, but I’m happy that she was at peace.

Take care.

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