Rust on outdoor shed


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2011
Fair Lawn
I have a 3+ year old 8X6 steel shed in my backyard. I keep my snow blower in it and not much else, and other than tending to the sprinkler rarely use my backyard.
So, at some point the rust monster came and the shed doors have rust on the bottom and top, and rest of shed has scratch lines of rust. Do I take the doors off, and apply naval jelly, then paint? How about for those scratches?
[I think I know the answer to this, but I'll ask anyway] Can I just paint over the rust?
Dealing with rusty sheet metal is like trying to cure cancer. You may get lucky, or you may be dealing with it again when it re-appears. If it's not too bad, Krylon makes a spray paint that touts painting over rust. If it were me, and I wanted the shed to last a long time, I would do all I can to remove the rust, prime the bare metal, then paint it.

Most newer sheds are polyethylene. The sun kills those over time but they don't rust.
Dealing with rust so that it doesn't reoccur:

Remove the heavy stuff
Passivate the steel surface with acid (phosphoric)
Primer with a paint that has a zinc base
Seal with regular paint

This was taught to me by the former lab manager of the Charleston Naval Shipyards. The link below provides an inexpensive kit that accomplishes this.

Would I do this much work for a metal shed? Maybe. I have a metal shed at my cottage that is now completely rusted. Any year now I will be replacing it. Metal or plastic? How about wood? Haven't decided.
I would wash the shed ... just good to make sure the surface is clean. Then I would paint with rust restorer (rustoleum), at least over the rusty areas. Then paint the whole shed to the color you would like it to be. Use a primer first if the underlying paint is bad.
You can buy a spray on rust neutralizer at auto parts stores and big box home stores. It stops corrosion in its tracks. Then paint the shed with an oil based enamel like Rustoleum--by brush or spray.
Contact the manufacturer about replacement doors. Might not cost a lot.
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