Shopping and restocking updates

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I took a look at the products available, also varying the search parameters to better meet my needs. I saw short grain, long grain white, long grain other, frozen, instant brown, but, unfortunately, not the type I am looking for. Some of the possible but lesser alternatives are available at my local supermarket.

OK. No sense getting something that isn't exactly what you're looking for. I thought this one, organic - long grain - brown did hit the spot for ya...... Well, good luck! Shopping gets interesting these days!

My latest troublesome item to buy is organic brown rice. Tried both supermarkets. One had only the short grain

Wellsley Farms Organic Long-Grain Brown Rice, 4 lbs.

100% whole-grain
Certified organic
Includes 4 lbs. of organic long-grain rice
Made in USA
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Update from Pa. The cheap wine continues to be sold out at the grocery stores. The 5 liter box wines (cheapest per ounce) don't exist at the grocery stores anyway. The cheapest 3 liter box wines and 3 liter bottles ( $14.99) are always sold out. The expensive 3 liter box wines ($21.95) are there sometimes. Plenty of cheap 1.5 liter bottles available ( $8.99 ). Unlimited supply of standard 1/5 gallon bottles (most expensive per ounce). You can possibly get a curbside pickup of the 5 liter box wines at the state liquor store if you can get them to answer the phone, or get into their overloaded website, but must use a credit card, no cash. And they are possibly sold out also, lol.
Gotta love the PA Liquor Control Board. In NYS, liquor stores are "quite common" and are considered essential businesses.

OTOH, I have an RV at a fairly close to my house (but 5-8 degrees cooler due to altitude) RV campground. It is a class A, so it has on-board water and sewer, heat (if needed). But the state has deemed campgrounds "Non-essential" so I am currently prohibited to use it (and that will be true even after May 1st as of now). So we have this:


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OK. No sense getting something that isn't exactly what you're looking for. I thought this one, organic - long grain - brown did hit the spot for ya...... Well, good luck! Shopping gets interesting these days!

Wellsley Farms Organic Long-Grain Brown Rice, 4 lbs.

100% whole-grain
Certified organic
Includes 4 lbs. of organic long-grain rice
Made in USA

This one didn't show up in my first few searches. I did find it later and it is the type I want. But it costs $28 for 4 pounds, with shipping, a little steep for an item which already is a little pricey without the big shipping charge.

I may have to switch back to the non-organic type for a while, something I stopped buying 20 years ago.
I went to Costco today for the first time in 2 months. Though the opening hour is 8, they did open at 7:30 as others have mentioned. Yesterday they opened at 7:10 apparently.

They were very well stocked, had almost everything I wanted and a few things that have not been available until now (organic flour and two gallons of vinegar). There were no limits on meat. I had read about some store limiting one package per type. I didn't need eggs or milk so didn't look at that area.

A couple of people near me in line wanted toilet paper and there was plenty of it and paper towels.

Because they were metering us as we entered, the store was not crowded at all. A little more crowded near the meat but the rest of the store was nice and sparse.

I bought gas at $2.03. The last time I bought gas at Costco it was $2.99 on March 3. Nice drop.
Grocery run today. Store had everything including TP. Just about everyone wearing masks. Some people haven’t figured out the one-way isles yet. People without masks stand out. Fair amount of folks in the store.

Gas $1.69/ gallon.

Bought a new pillow at Target. Store was nearly empty.
I took a look at the products available, also varying the search parameters to better meet my needs. I saw short grain, long grain white, long grain other, frozen, instant brown, but, unfortunately, not the type I am looking for. Some of the possible but lesser alternatives are available at my local supermarket.

I know what you mean about wanting only a certain type of brown rice. They are not the same! A neighbor gave my DH a bag of whole grain sprouted gaba brown rice (because her friend works for a rice distributor) which he then gave to me---I did not like the taste or texture. The only non-white rice I buy is Tamaki "Haiga", a specially milled short grain rice with rice germ. Really good! These days it's hard to get.
Mega Costco run around 10 am. No entrance line but pretty busy inside. All checkouts had a few people in line but self check was quick.

Had just about everything except TP, flour and frozen veggies. Had some organic chicken breast and tons of regular despite the sign up front.

Looked almost normal except for the masks. Hopefully good for two more weeks.
OK, this isn't about grocery shopping, but it is about "shopping and restocking updates". I had to take the DW to the dentist a few days ago (75 miles from home) and I had some time to wait during her appointment, so I decided to go by the local gun store in town. (Hey this is Texas so they are open) Absolutely shocked when I walked in. They were almost sold out. Plenty of ammo but very few guns. I'd estimate they had 10% of their normal stock on display. I talked to the owner and he said he has well over $100k out on orders but they were trickling in at rate of about 10% of normal and when they do come in they sell almost immediately. It wasn't clear if the shortage is due to manufacturing slow downs or high demand... Maybe both.

Mods, feel free to delete if you see fit!
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OK, this isn't about grocery shopping, but it is about "shopping and restocking updates". I had to take the DW to the dentist a few days ago (75 miles from home) and I had some time to wait during her appointment, so I decided to go by the local gun store in town. (Hey this is Texas so they are open) Absolutely shocked when I waked in. They were almost sold out. Plenty of ammo but very few guns. I'd estimate they had 10% of their normal stock on display. I talked to the owner and he said he has well over $100k out on orders but they were trickling in at rate of about 10% of normal and when they do come in they sell almost immediately. It wasn't clear if the shortage is due to manufacturing slow downs or high demand... Maybe both.

Mods, feel free to delete if you see fit!

High Demand. I just looked (curiosity given your post). NICS checks jumped from 2.8 million in Feb 2020 to 3.7 million in March 2020. March 2019 was at 2.6 million. The actual item count might even be a bigger jump, as NICS data doesn't breakout whether there was one item sold or more than one. In calm times one would expect a single firearm to be sold - in not so calm times a single purchaser might buy >1 at a time.

Ammo prices have also jumped, again a quick look shows 9MM @ 31 cents/round in bulk (1K rounds). Dunno what it was in Feb, but I think these were going for 19 cents/round or so in 2018/19.
I know what you mean about wanting only a certain type of brown rice. They are not the same! A neighbor gave my DH a bag of whole grain sprouted gaba brown rice (because her friend works for a rice distributor) which he then gave to me---I did not like the taste or texture. The only non-white rice I buy is Tamaki "Haiga", a specially milled short grain rice with rice germ. Really good! These days it's hard to get.

Thanks, will look for it. I am a brown rice snob but don't have exotic tastes - just buy Lundberg. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons. Still have 3 bags of Lundberg in different varieties from my early March shopping trip to stock up. I was concerned that I was hoarding at the time but the store aisles with the less expensive rice were almost empty while there was plenty of Lundberg. If they don't want it, I'll take it.
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Hopefully - BRISKET is coming my way.

I've got my Walmart curbside order in (for tomorrow), and noticed they had Brisket available for $2.97/# (on sale even). So, I ordered one. Shows in my basket at $40+, with range of sizes 12.3 to 23#. Now, that's a lot of beef! :) Normally, if I were in the store I would try to find the smallest available slab, but even in normal times here in the great north east it is semi-rare to find it in the store.

If it happens, it looks like my Smoker will be working away this weekend. (Some will be eaten, some sliced and frozen.)
... I decided to go by the local gun store in town. (Hey this is Texas so they are open) Absolutely shocked when I waked in. They were almost sold out ...
Doesn't surprise me at all. With millions of Americans either idle or laid off, desperation will set in the longer the lockdowns continue.
Doesn't surprise me at all. With millions of Americans either idle or laid off, desperation will set in the longer the lockdowns continue.

Maybe. Lots of things that are related are hard to get. I ordered some black powder to restock since I have been burning up the charcoal a lot lately. Settled for about my fifth choice and it comes with a three week shipping delay. I very much doubt anyone is planning on relying on a muzzleloader for self defense. I suppose if you miss you could run away from an assailant while they are coughing in all that smoke.
Costco trip in AZ today. Seeing paper towels and eggs made me giddy! There was no TP and no hand sanitizer. I have isopropyl alcohol and glycerin and I'm creating my own mix this afternoon. I know it is recommended on some official sites NOT to make your own but homemade must be better than none at all?
Store was not too crowded 75% masks, 90% gloves.
Freezer is beef and pork heavy, not much chicken to be found.
Costco trip in AZ today. Seeing paper towels and eggs made me giddy! There was no TP and no hand sanitizer. I have isopropyl alcohol and glycerin and I'm creating my own mix this afternoon. I know it is recommended on some official sites NOT to make your own but homemade must be better than none at all?
Store was not too crowded 75% masks, 90% gloves.
Freezer is beef and pork heavy, not much chicken to be found.

Making it should be fine...assuming you understand the need (and measurements) to keep the alcohol % above 70%.
Still no towels and TP at the grocery store today. Paid a slightly premium price online a couple of weeks ago and glad I did. I did find chicken breast today so that is a plus.
Hopefully - BRISKET is coming my way.

I've got my Walmart curbside order in (for tomorrow), and noticed they had Brisket available for $2.97/# (on sale even). So, I ordered one. Shows in my basket at $40+, with range of sizes 12.3 to 23#. Now, that's a lot of beef! :) Normally, if I were in the store I would try to find the smallest available slab, but even in normal times here in the great north east it is semi-rare to find it in the store.

If it happens, it looks like my Smoker will be working away this weekend. (Some will be eaten, some sliced and frozen.)

"And just like that, it was over". my brisket that is. Cancelled from my order. :(
"And just like that, it was over". my brisket that is. Cancelled from my order. :(

Sad to say, but half the fun of online pickup from Walmart is finding out what I actually receive when I get the final email from them.

Once they said they were out of stock on something we really needed so I went into the store before my pickup. The item I wanted was stocked on the shelf. Guess it was stocked after the online shopper picked my items?
I do a pick up order from Walmart every 2 weeks or so. Got most of the stuff ordered but there is always a handful of things I do not get with no rhyme or reason (last time I did not get pickles, pie or pepsi I guess they were out of all "P" items.). I have a $150 pick up scheduled for in the morning. Will be interesting to see what I do not get this time. In any event I will gratefully take what I get and make do with it. No way am I going to go into a grocery store right now. Our county's cases and deaths are climbing and DH and I are high risk.
I do a pick up order from Walmart every 2 weeks or so. Got most of the stuff ordered but there is always a handful of things I do not get with no rhyme or reason (last time I did not get pickles, pie or pepsi I guess they were out of all "P" items.). I have a $150 pick up scheduled for in the morning. Will be interesting to see what I do not get this time. In any event I will gratefully take what I get and make do with it. No way am I going to go into a grocery store right now. Our county's cases and deaths are climbing and DH and I are high risk.

I'm getting more of my orders filled at WalMart but at a cost..We have several things we eat daily think, whole milk yogurt ,cheese, eggs at al. Everything perishable at this point is limited to 2 items an order so I find I have to make more trips as my "staples" don't last as long as I would like. I completely understand why they implemented this policy and it is what it is.
Just got back from my every 2 week pick up from Walmart and it was the worst pick up so far. Pick up area very crowded, took about an hour even though it was an early morning time. The worst thing was I did not get about one third of my order--no paper products not even facial tissue, did not get fruit, did not get most of my vegetables like lettuce, the only meat I got was lunch meat. So I am going to have to figure out some other way to get groceries. UGH!!! Some folks say grocery shopping is getting better where they live but not here. I have checked with friends who shop other stores and it is the same--no paper products, few meats, not much fruit and veg.
Brown rice update: I was at a different store this morning and was able to get a 5-pound bag of brown rice, pretty cheap, too. It isn't organic, but it happened to be the brand my ladyfriend buys and makes for me, so I know I'll be okay. I still like the organic kind more, but if I have to forgo it for a while if supplies of it are questionable, that's okay.
I went shopping for my mom a couple days ago. The store was well stocked on paper towels, facial tissue (Kleenex), and several brands of toilet paper. It still wasn't up to pre-COVID levels but it's the most I've seen since this started.
I'm having a hard time finding diet soda at any of our local grocery stores. DH and I are fans of A&W root beer and Dr. P...none to be found anywhere. The non-diet are well stocked, but diet aren't to be had. I'd even settle for some diet coke.
Brown rice update: I was at a different store this morning and was able to get a 5-pound bag of brown rice, pretty cheap, too.

Hooray! :dance:

Finally, a pleasant dawn following the long, black night.
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