Shout out to Home Brewers

old medic

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 28, 2020
A search on here reveals several brewers, but old threads. I just bought a ton of stuff from a friend thats getting out of brewing, and spurring me back in to it after a 10 year hiatus from brewing. Lots of new stuff to learn now.
I used to do a lot of home brewing: all-grain, corny kegs, yeast harvesting, etc. But as I've grown older, I don't drink enough beer to justify it. Also, I like variety in what I do drink (different styles of beer, wine and spirits). It's a great hobby for many people.
I started in the mid 80's. Got busy with life and dropped it for a while, picked it up again ~ 2004, and been pretty steady, ~ ten 5.5G batches (sometimes less) a year.

The big difference was all the info on the internet, all we had back in the 80's was a few books, and the home brew store staff may or may not know what they are talking about.

Took some time off to get set up in the new-to-us house, I set up an electric brewery in the basement, working out well. Added a pulley system to lift the full bucket from floor to counter to avoid back strain.

I'm doing "mash in a bag" - I use the 10G Rubbermade round cooler, a big mesh bag from the home brew store, and batch sparge. Simple and relatively quick.

I'm almost out, need to brew some between the holidays.

Its been a blast the last few days, had to dig out all my old stuff, sort thru and divide up... Setting another friend up to do all grain brewing. He filled the back of his suburban with gear grains kegs...
The new to me is his yeast ranch set up.. 14 different saved yeast cultures. Got to set up a heated fermentation cabinet and get a batch started.
I used to home brew all grain. 2005 through 2015. Then I lost interest in brewing and sold my equipment. I would start up again if I found an equipment and processing setup that wasn't so much work. I liked the beer, I just didn't like how much time and effort it took to get there.
I still do kit brewing in 5 gallon batches. I'll bottle the latest batch this weekend and try to get one more brew in before it gets to cold.
I used to home brew all grain. 2005 through 2015. Then I lost interest in brewing and sold my equipment. I would start up again if I found an equipment and processing setup that wasn't so much work. I liked the beer, I just didn't like how much time and effort it took to get there.

Used to home brew, but haven't for over 5 years. Plan non getting back into it

Ronstar....are your familiar with the all grain "brew in a bag" method. That's what I did and it's a lot easier with no lautering tun needed.

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