Siblings disagreeing on listing price on inherited home

Get an experienced appraiser to evaluate the house. Get two appraisals - in its current condition and if fixed up.
Frankly, if no sibling wants to buy out the others, it might be better to sell it in "as is" condition. You'd hate to sink money into renovation and have that money go down the drain.
Get an experienced appraiser to evaluate the house. Get two appraisals - in its current condition and if fixed up.
Frankly, if no sibling wants to buy out the others, it might be better to sell it in "as is" condition. You'd hate to sink money into renovation and have that money go down the drain.
It was listed today...unfortunately no siblings could afford to buy the others out even with a family discount. As much as I dream about moving back to Bay Area ot is just nit the same place we left 15 years ago. Very nice place to visit but could not afford to live there now. Probably biggest mistake we made was moving from there 15 years ago when we wanted to upgrade from 2 bedroom 1 bath home to 3 bed 2 bath home. It was gonna be like 500,000.....remember when that was a lot of money.....LOL....
Trying hard not to think of the lost equity we would have compared to Phoenix...[emoji22]
Looks like a typical 1961 Newark 3/2. Basic blue collar house affordable to the line workers at the GM Fremont plant where Tesla is now. I remember when Newpark Mall opened to serve the retail market in the area. Haven't followed prices that closely, but a million is probably not far off.
Looks like a typical 1961 Newark 3/2. Basic blue collar house affordable to the line workers at the GM Fremont plant where Tesla is now. I remember when Newpark Mall opened to serve the retail market in the area. Haven't followed prices that closely, but a million is probably not far off.

You nailed it. You must be from around there. My first job just out of highschool was at Newpark Mall 1981..still living at home with Mom and Dad...LOL. Worked in the exciting shoe business at Hardy Shoes across from Mrs Fields cookies by the food court. Man those were the days....fresh cookies only feet away.

And yes you nailed it again. We got a great offer today we are going to accept. An unbelievable just over 1,000,000 all cash with no contingencies quick close offer from one of those mega corps. I feel bad that it isn't going directly to a family that is out there searching for a home. Not sure how us little guys even compete these I don't want to bring this up with siblings as they probably would think I am crazier than they already do. I think everyone will be very happy with the offer. They are ready to move on at this point.
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It was listed today...unfortunately no siblings could afford to buy the others out even with a family discount. As much as I dream about moving back to Bay Area ot is just nit the same place we left 15 years ago. Very nice place to visit but could not afford to live there now. Probably biggest mistake we made was moving from there 15 years ago when we wanted to upgrade from 2 bedroom 1 bath home to 3 bed 2 bath home. It was gonna be like 500,000.....remember when that was a lot of money.....LOL....
Trying hard not to think of the lost equity we would have compared to Phoenix...[emoji22]

Congratulations on the sale.

We had a townhouse in Sunnyvale and moved away over 20 years ago. We should have kept it and rented it out. Who knew it would be worth $1.5 million today?

But you’re right. Bay Area living is not what it used to be. And moving away to much better schools, low COL, good hiking and a great local music and theater scene ended up being far more important for a life well-lived.

When we visited family in 2018 I was happy to go home. Simply put, I didn’t feel safe.
I would suggest, after 30+years in real estate sales and development , listen to your Realtor and/or get a second opinion.
Zillow and any other automatic value site are not accurate enough or timely enough to have the best CURRENT value of the home. All real estate is hyper local and the value estimate online tools are not.
Signed: long time real estate broker and trainer
List it for the higher price, regardless of what the realtor thinks you should list it for. Its YOUR house. I sold mine in Dec. It needed a little work. My realtor’s suggestion was low. She listed for what I wanted for it. It sold within a few hours of listing and for MY full price offer. You can always go down. But you probably wont have to in this market.
WOW is all I can say....

Over $1 mill for a 1500+ sq ft house is so far out from where I am it boggles my mind...

I live in a 2700 sq ft house that is really nice and it is probably $260,000 to $300,000...

There are some really high priced ones close to downtown... but still...
+1 nice enough house but $950k is CRAZY! Around here a 1960s era house that needs updating in a nice neighborhood would be 20-30% of that.
WOW is all I can say....

Over $1 mill for a 1500+ sq ft house is so far out from where I am it boggles my mind...

I live in a 2700 sq ft house that is really nice and it is probably $260,000 to $300,000...

There are some really high priced ones close to downtown... but still...
I totally agree with you. Bay Area real estate prices are out of control. It has truly become home of the million dollar fixer upper. Even apartment rents are insane there. Those that are not in the technology fields are getting squeezed out. Even those that are making good money have to spend way to much to live there unfortunately.
LOL, around here, you'd pay $2M for it and tear down the house to build something else.

Congrats on the sale OP. I lived across the freeway in Fremont for a couple of years right after college and liked it very much. It's a nice family area, so I hope eventually the house makes it to someone who will love it as much as you did.
It was wise of the OP to post that link... with all of us clicking on it to see it it will appear that there is unusually high interest in the property and will prompt interested parties to jump on it before it gets sold out from under their nose. :D
+1 nice enough house but $950k is CRAZY! Around here a 1960s era house that needs updating in a nice neighborhood would be 20-30% of that.
Location location location....Bay Area is in a high-tech bubble in my opinion. I think the prices are out of this world insane. Property taxes will go from 1200 to over 10000 a year...forever...SAD.
The house really needed so much updating that in the beginning we had considered selling to a couple of those house flippers because their websites seemed like they would give you a reasonable offer...not so.
Glad we decided not to go that direction.
It was wise of the OP to post that link... with all of us clicking on it to see it it will appear that there is unusually high interest in the property and will prompt interested parties to jump on it before it gets sold out from under their nose. :D
LOL...certainly was not my intention to get more views. I probably contribute a 100 myself. I kept checking the views every few minutes like some people watch the stock market change. It makes you realize how technology has changed the way we do things and access info.
I just thought with so much feedback (which was greatly appreciated) that others would like to put a face to a name so to speak. This is a great group of people here so I thought I would share.
I hope any of it did not come across as bragging or flaunting things. We were very lucky to have great parents who are very much missed.
Pricing Real Estate

When my DH retired and we moved to our forever home, we listed with a sharp young agent who saturated the other local realtors' emails with info about our condo. She scheduled one weekend--Saturday and Sunday afternoon--for an open house with the understanding that we would be accepting offers the following Tuesday. By Tuesday we had 6 offers, all but one well above asking price. One was so far above asking, we were concerned the property would not appraise for that figure because no similar unit in our building had sold for anywhere near that amount. The high bidding buyers offered an addendum to their offer insuring that they would pay any amount over the appraisal out of pocket, along with proof of funds, so the extravagant amount they offered was what we got. (As if turned out, their interest was in the number of our unit. They were a young Chinese couple and our address ended in 8--the luckiest of lucky numbers!)

Another thing that seems to be happening in some markets is the "value-added" offer. In this scenario, a buyer offers to beat any other legitimate offer by X amount. Also look for buyers willing to forego inspections since none of you siblings are living in the property and may not know all the bad things an inspection might find.

Good luck!

Just a FYI sample of one that came in the mail box today:
The first time I heard $1m over asking I was shocked and it was in a very sought after zip.

This is not a particularly hot or high interest area, but it seems that listing low to generate interest and bidding war is still current.

Listed: $1,395,000 apparently sold $2.1
It was wise of the OP to post that link... with all of us clicking on it to see it it will appear that there is unusually high interest in the property and will prompt interested parties to jump on it before it gets sold out from under their nose. :D

Yea, did not think about that!!!

We should ask for a fee!!!
Hello all,

I thought I would update this thread with latest info for those playing along. Apparently the home was sold to a home flipping company. There was a large strange fence added to the front yard so we couldn't tell what was going on inside. Two brothers live close by and would go by and give us updates so we new there was remodeling going on.

It was listed for sale yesterday. Really nice job on the remodel. It looks like a new home stuck in an older neighborhood. Shows what lots of money and experience can do. They actually went from 4 bedrooms to 3 and enlarged the master bedroom. Very strange feeling looking at the updates to our little ol home. Lets hope a sweet family ends up in there now.

Company selling it...larger pictures if interested...

enjoy and cheers to all those that replied to this thread!!!
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