signing up for Medicare?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Sep 4, 2017
OK, I retired last year an am now ready to sign up for Medicare. It will be Part A only right now since health insurance is covered under my wife's plan for a few more years.

I just turned 65 this January.

Just curious as to what paperwork I will need. The SSA website indicate it could be anything almost, including birth certificate, driver's license, Passport, etc. What are folks' experience with this?

Also, is signing up online advisable?
I could try a local SS office but, getting an appointment will likely be a hassle.
Yes, we signed up online for Medicare part B. I’m not sure what the options were for A only.

We already had an online SS account with cell/email authentication set up, so we didn’t need additional identification.

It was pretty easy.
Many of us have signed up for Medicare online. No problems at all. I don't remember if I was even asked anything, like driver's license #. If they asked for anything online, it was simple, so simple I don't remember it! I certainly didn't need to go hunting up any documents.

Edit: IIRC, there was a choice in the online signup for Part A & B, or only Part A. You may need to list your insurance company that you are getting insurance from, such that you do not need Part B at this time. You will probably need to list that anyway, as that is the ins. co. that you have been getting health insurance from prior to your signup.
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Even though I was able to stay on my retiree health insurance they required I sign up for Medicare part A and B. You might want to check if her insurance has any such requirements.
I signed up online, but somehow the last step was not initiated. Medicare did give me the signup date I requested. Make sure you get confirmation.
I signed up online, but somehow the last step was not initiated. Medicare did give me the signup date I requested. Make sure you get confirmation.

That's a pain and a little surprising. In all the government programs I've run into including business connected ones, SS does the best job and it's not even close..

Was there something going on that caused your problem?
My sister is 73, and she's remained on my brother in law's company's insurance--no Medicare. The company is semi-self insured with a high deductible.

An employee that worked for him 6 months had to have a heart transplant and wiped out their insurance kitty.

Now my sister cannot get the insurance company to step up and even pay for a MRI on her back. She really cannot get Medicare either since the premiums go up 10% per year for every year past 65 you're not signed up.
My sister is 73, and she's remained on my brother in law's company's insurance--no Medicare. The company is semi-self insured with a high deductible.

An employee that worked for him 6 months had to have a heart transplant and wiped out their insurance kitty.

Now my sister cannot get the insurance company to step up and even pay for a MRI on her back. She really cannot get Medicare either since the premiums go up 10% per year for every year past 65 you're not signed up.

Is she sure about the penalty....was this ACA qualified insurance.
My sister is 73, and she's remained on my brother in law's company's insurance--no Medicare. The company is semi-self insured with a high deductible.

An employee that worked for him 6 months had to have a heart transplant and wiped out their insurance kitty.

Now my sister cannot get the insurance company to step up and even pay for a MRI on her back. She really cannot get Medicare either since the premiums go up 10% per year for every year past 65 you're not signed up.

If you have group insurance from an employer after turning 65 there is no penalty for signing up for Medicare once employer coverage is lost.
Turning 65 and you or your spouse is still
I’m still working and have health coverage from my employer. My husband is turning 65 this April. If we decline Part B and decide to enroll at a later date, will we have to pay a late enrollment penalty?
No, as long as you’re eligible for and enroll during a Special Enrollment Period. If you wait to enroll in Part B because you or your spouse are working and have group health coverage through an employer or union based on this current employment, you can enroll during a Special Enrollment Period. You can sign up for Part B during one of these times:
■ Any time you’re still covered by an employer or union group health plan, through your or your spouse’s current or active employment
■ During the 8-month period that begins the month after the employer or union group health plan coverage ends, or when the employment ends (whichever is first)
Note: If you’re still working and plan to keep your employer’s group health coverage, you should talk to your benefits administrator
to help you decide when you should enroll in Part B. When you sign up for Part B, you automatically begin your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. Once your Medigap Open Enrollment Period begins, it can’t be changed or restarted. For more information
on Medigap, visit to view the booklet “Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare.”
OK, I retired last year an am now ready to sign up for Medicare. It will be Part A only right now since health insurance is covered under my wife's plan for a few more years.

I just turned 65 this January.

Just curious as to what paperwork I will need. The SSA website indicate it could be anything almost, including birth certificate, driver's license, Passport, etc. What are folks' experience with this?

Also, is signing up online advisable?
I could try a local SS office but, getting an appointment will likely be a hassle.

it's been 5-years for me and 4-years for my wife but we filed for medicare (A&B), SS, our supplements and part D plans on-line. is on-line no longer an option?
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Cool! I will proceed with online enrollment.
I will update on progress.
I signed up for Medicare this year. It was the easiest online enrollment I've ever encountered.

However, the timing was "pressured" by my existing health care provider - I *couldn't* sign up (at least I thought so) before 3 months before my 65th birthday, and I started receiving nagging letters (not friendly reminders, nagging) about 6 weeks before that 1st eligibility. I signed up pretty promptly, 2 weeks after that "3 months before my birthday date," and at almost the same point received a letter that my existing insurance would be terminated 2 months BEFORE my birthday unless I was signed up. This didn't give me much time.

What about that "3 months before to 4 months after" your 65th birthday? I can understand that existing insurances would want you on Medicare asap, but why not be more clear, e.g.: "You need to sign up IMMEDIATELY as our policy dicatates dropping you after your first month of eligibiliity." I would just get a form letter saying "provide us with proof of Medicare" with no due date until the last one, 2 weeks after I was eligible.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and rapidly. Medicare had its act together, my existing insurance did not.
Wow - nasty behavior from insurance company! DH signed up for A and B his first month of Medicare eligibility, but waited until the month before turning 65 to call his insurance company to cancel the next month.
Those of you who signed up for Medicare online, did you have to upload ANY documents?

The Medicare website says you need to have a birth certificate to apply. I lost mine. Should I be worried?
Those of you who signed up for Medicare online, did you have to upload ANY documents?

The Medicare website says you need to have a birth certificate to apply. I lost mine. Should I be worried?

i don't recall having to upload anything. when filing for SS (age 62) we both received very short follow-up phone calls from a SS rep confirming our enrollment.
Those of you who signed up for Medicare online, did you have to upload ANY documents?

The Medicare website says you need to have a birth certificate to apply. I lost mine. Should I be worried?


But as I said, DH already had an SS account set up years ago, and if you don’t have one yet that may require additional documentation.
I will turn 65 in February. I was unable to sign up using the online system. I am living in Thailand. I contacted the Social Security office in Manila. They told me that I was already (i.e. automatically) signed up for Part A. They also said that the online system cannot be used outside the US. My address in the Social Security system is an address in Thailand.
Wow - nasty behavior from insurance company! DH signed up for A and B his first month of Medicare eligibility, but waited until the month before turning 65 to call his insurance company to cancel the next month.
What is the difference between the two dates? I.e. Medicare eligibility and turning 65? Thought one wasn't eligible until turning 65.
Most of the time it's the first day of the month that you turn 65, but I think there are disabilities that can get you started before 65.
Don’t mean to hijack the OP’s thread so I apologize in advance.

I signed up online. It went fine. I’ve gotten my confirmation letter in the mail but the card hasn’t come yet. I have a couple questions.

1. Do I need to have my card / number before I can apply for my supplemental plan?

2. Do I need my number before I can create a MediCare account?

Thanks !
Don’t mean to hijack the OP’s thread so I apologize in advance.

I signed up online. It went fine. I’ve gotten my confirmation letter in the mail but the card hasn’t come yet. I have a couple questions.

1. Do I need to have my card / number before I can apply for my supplemental plan?

2. Do I need my number before I can create a MediCare account?

Thanks !

Your Medicare number is on the confirmation letter (at least mine was). That should solve any problems.
Don’t mean to hijack the OP’s thread so I apologize in advance.

I signed up online. It went fine. I’ve gotten my confirmation letter in the mail but the card hasn’t come yet. I have a couple questions.

1. Do I need to have my card / number before I can apply for my supplemental plan?

2. Do I need my number before I can create a MediCare account?

Thanks !
You can create an account with your # on Medicare website and then print a card or generate a pdf version right away.
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