Speaking of Equifax...Ever Hear of Lexis Nexis?

They were still training us in the art of manual shepardizing (with books!) in early 2000's during law school. :/

And they are *still* doing it today. Someone asked why in the world this is still a thing and the professor said, "Well, you never know when you might be in the middle of nowhere trying to get a motion filed and the only way you can find something is going to a dark, dank law library and dig through the stacks!" Really? Sounds like a great way to commit malpractice to me.

The same idea still floats around in the Air Force and doing very long division by hand. When asked why can't you just use a calculator, the answer was something along the lines, There is no guarantee that the calculator will work!" And yes, I think they are STILL teaching that today! :confused:
And they are *still* doing it today. Someone asked why in the world this is still a thing and the professor said, "Well, you never know when you might be in the middle of nowhere trying to get a motion filed and the only way you can find something is going to a dark, dank law library and dig through the stacks!" Really? Sounds like a great way to commit malpractice to me.

The same idea still floats around in the Air Force and doing very long division by hand. When asked why can't you just use a calculator, the answer was something along the lines, There is no guarantee that the calculator will work!" And yes, I think they are STILL teaching that today! :confused:

Is there a courthouse in this land of ours that doesn't receive a 4G or at least a 3G signal sufficient to get internet access at least on your phone?!?! Or that doesn't have a McD's or Starbucks within spittin' distance? What are the odds it'll come with an up to date law library? :)
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