Still yet another vBulletin feature suggestion: "Ignore Poster" summary


Moderator Emeritus
Dec 11, 2002
Whether or not it's public knowledge, I think it would be a very good feedback mechanism for users to see how many "Ignore Poster" lists they're on.

It'd be great if it was public or if it named names, although I can see how that could turn vindictive. Maybe it could be just a box in our profiles that says "You are being ignored by __ members." (Hopefully four digits would be enough.) Perhaps a public list could just name the top five (or 25!) ignored posters.

Even if it's not public, it'd be a helpful tool for moderators to review & rank so that they could say "Ya know, buddy, about all those rants you think people are reading..."
But then, I see the glass as half full.

The results of Martha's Poll resulted in only 3 people that had more than 5 people on their ignore poster list. It's obvious to the ignoree if no one ever responds to them but that doesn't seem to be the case.

The only tool I could see is if the multi-ignorer has an intervention where a well meaning Moderator could say, "Hey, you've got more than 10 people on your ignore list, who ya reading when you visit the forum? Yourself? Maybe you need to look inside yourself."

I think the posts that brag about their ignore lists should be deleted, but don't see anything wrong with a private notification to the ignoree when they are placed on someone's list.

Let's solve the real problems!
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The results of Martha's Poll resulted in only 3 people that had more than 5 people on their ignore poster list.

I don't think it's an issue of how many people have 5 or 10 or 50 posters on ignore. But if 10 or 50 or 100 people have only one on ignore and it is the same poster, that would be very informative to both the individual and the mods.
I don't think it's an issue of how many people have 5 or 10 or 50 posters on ignore. But if 10 or 50 or 100 people have only one on ignore and it is the same poster, that would be very informative to both the individual and the mods.
For example:
This message is hidden because honobob is on your ignore list.
I don't think it's an issue of how many people have 5 or 10 or 50 posters on ignore. But if 10 or 50 or 100 people have only one on ignore and it is the same poster, that would be very informative to both the individual and the mods.

Martha's Poll resulted in only 17 people that utilized the feature. So if one person was on all peoples list that would still only be 17 people! And do you think the Moderators are so clueless that they can't figure out who is pissing people off and why? The few times I felt there might be a problem I contacted a moderator directly. Do we really need to enable the passive-aggreessive?

I tried the feature just to see what it did by placing a male poster on my list. Instead of just having the post it goes out of the way to name the poster. Seemed kinda homoerotic, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Can the Moderators expand on this if there really has been an issue?
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It is interesting that not a lot of people seem to use the ignore list, if the poll results are at all valid. Of course, we don't know about those who don't vote and it is rare to get more than 50 voting in a poll.

I can imagine that it might help a poster to know if they are on a number of ignore lists, but I don't think it should be public knowledge. It would be somewhat helpful for the moderators to know if someone is on a large number of ignore lists. But again, I don't think it should be public info.

At this point, we don't know if any of this information can be gathered.

I would like the feature that is available in vBulletin of being able to click a "thanks" or "good post" button on someone's post to give them positive feedback. Sometimes I just want to say someone's post is good but hate to take up the "space" saying good post.
It appears that part of the problem is that there is at least a couple of moderators who are harsh in their comments and at times in·sti·gate harsh feelings towards individuals with which views and opinions they do not agree with. This results in what is called piling on, name calling, insults and mocking of a person's religion by members of the forum.

The definition of mod·er·a·tor is acts as a mediator in discussions or negotiations.

The definition of me·di·a·tor is
somebody helping end dispute: somebody who works with both sides in a dispute in an attempt to help them to reach an agreement

There are also individuals (moderators and members)that appear to be following or looking for certain individuals threads and posts so that they can resort to name calling, mocking of religion and insults.

It is time for the forum adminstrators to call in the moderators and immediately cease this form of intimidation which is intended to quiet those that they do not agree with or that they do not like.

GOD BLESS:angel:
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It appears that part of the problem is that there is at least a couple of moderators who are harsh in their comments and at times in·sti·gate harsh feelings towards individuals with which views and opinions they do not agree with. This results in what is called piling on, name calling, insults and mocking of a person's religion by members of the forum.

The definition of mod·er·a·tor is acts as a mediator in discussions or negotiations.

The definition of me·di·a·tor is
somebody helping end dispute: somebody who works with both sides in a dispute in an attempt to help them to reach an agreement

There are also individuals (moderators and members)that appear to be following or looking for certain individuals threads and posts so that they can resort to name calling, mocking of religion and insults.

It is time for the forum adminstrators to call in the moderators and immediately cease this form of intimidation which is intended to quiet those that they do not agree with or that they do not like.

GOD BLESS:angel:

:angel::angel::angel: Lighten up Wags :angel::angel::angel:
If at first you don't succeed....

Tenacity or fanatacism? But then when you circumvent your own ignore poster list you would not be satisfied until all control is yours. Buwhahahaha

Use the tools you have.:bat:

Where's Dumps like a Truck when you need him?

09-13-2007, 06:12 PM #18 Nords
Moderator Emeritus

Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Oahu
Posts: 13,458

The "Ignore Poster" list is the best part of not being a moderator.

I have 10 11* names on mine, although two of them are duplicates and three others have since departed or been banned. One more poster is on my "thinking about it" list...

I think a master "Ignore Poster" list would give moderators (let alone the entire board) a good indication of who's not helping. Mods would be able to look at the top 5-10 ignored posters and privately suggest to them that they change their ways-- or if the list was public it'd be a good credibility check to help new posters figure out track records.
Youth may be wasted on the young, but retirement is wasted on the old.
Live like you're dying, invest like you're immortal.
We grow old if we stop playing, but it's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Forget about who you were-- discover who you are.
Last edited by Nords : 09-13-2007 at 06:24 PM. Reason: * Got enough data in another thread to make a decision...

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09-13-2007, 06:34 PM #19 honobob

Recycles dryer sheets


Join Date: May 2006

Posts: 430​


Originally Posted by Nords

I think a master "Ignore Poster" list would give moderators (let alone the entire board) a good indication of who's not helping. Mods would be able to look at the top 5-10 ignored posters and privately suggest to them that they change their ways

Finger pointing! I think I like it but suggest the better way would be to remove anyone with more that 1 or two people on their list. Why should 11 people suffer instead of one? The consensus of the poll seems to be that anyone with more than a couple of people on their ignore list might need to look within themselves.:angel:

Are stonings less entertaining when not public?

There are also individuals (moderators and members)that appear to be following or looking for certain individuals threads and posts so that they can resort to name calling, mocking of religion and insults.

It is time for the forum adminstrators to call in the moderators and immediately cease this form of intimidation which is intended to quiet those that they do not agree with or that they do not like.

GOD BLESS:angel:

Wags please pm me with what you mean with this comment. Or, you can make your complaint to administrators by going to the "contact us" button at the bottom of the page.
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To anyone who wants to know how popular he is, why not just make a poll:

How many love what's my name?

How many hate what's my name?

How many really really miss high school?

To anyone who wants to know how popular he is, why not just make a poll:

How many love what's my name?

How many hate what's my name?

How many really really miss high school?


...I would like the feature that is available in vBulletin of being able to click a "thanks" or "good post" button on someone's post to give them positive feedback. Sometimes I just want to say someone's post is good but hate to take up the "space" saying good post....
I second Martha on this one.

I would like the feature that is available in vBulletin of being able to click a "thanks" or "good post" button on someone's post to give them positive feedback. Sometimes I just want to say someone's post is good but hate to take up the "space" saying good post.

An advantage of taking the time to actually comment is that it is not just cheerleading, and we actually have an opportuniy to find out why the commenter thinks it is a good post. It may be some substantive aspect we have never thought of. On the other hand, it coud just mean "I agree with you, that post allays my anxiety and makes me feel fuzzy or whatever."

On Yahoo stock boards or Motly Fool stock boards, huge numbers of recs are usually reserved for a post that is basically cheerleading, or one that no matter how shallow it might be is made by one of the board gurus. IMO, these are the least useful and often misleading aspects of discussion boards.

An advantage of taking the time to actually comment is that it is not just cheerleading, and we actually have an opportuniy to find out why the commenter thinks it is a good post. It may be some substantive aspect we have never thought of. On the other hand, it coud just mean "I agree with you, that post allays my anxiety and makes me feel fuzzy or whatever."

On Yahoo stock boards or Motly Fool stock boards, huge numbers of recs are usually reserved for a post that is basically cheerleading, or one that no matter how shallow it might be is made by one of the board gurus. IMO, these are the least useful and often misleading aspects of discussion boards.


'Good Post' , haha ;)

Reminds me of the ratings on products at Amazon. The '5 star' or '1 star' tells me nothing until I read the content. It might be a solid review of the product, or it might be 'the color is perfect for our kitchen - 5 stars!!!!!',

What problem are we trying to fix here?

I think we've had much less confrontation and more open discussion than in the recent past. I see much less "100% stock" type mindless cheerleading. Fewer "you have a nice life now" type passive aggressive insults. Fewer "troll" hunts. Fewer bans of respected authors (hi, sgeeee!). In general, this place seems nice and mellow.

In fact, maybe we need to mix it up a bit more. >:D
"TVs need an intelligence knob; they have a brightness control, but it doesn't work..."

I think the ingore list is so overrated...esp. with some alpha posters seeming to use it try to stomp out other alpha posters...I can only think of less than 5 posters in the past that were worthy of the honor and all but 1 doesnt post here anymore...I will let you figure which one I am talking about not wanting to get Twaddy's dander up in a troll hunt...;)
Hey, I've found it to be a lot more useful than when I was moderating and had to deal with those people whether I cared to or not... and the novelty still hasn't worn off.

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