Strange emails - Identity theft attempt?

I just noticed the same three emails. We don't have any accounts with them (but the way banks are set set up, who knows).

I'll sit tight, looking for any updates.
I got the same Synchrony Bank emails. If you look on you will see front and center on their website a message apologizing and saying no actions are needed. Apparently this affected a lot (all?) of their banking customers.
Yeah - if you click on the more about Email Alert at you get this popup:
Synchrony distributed a notification via email or text message in error to some consumers. The email did not include any customer data or personal information. We are currently investigating the root cause.

We apologize for any confusion; you do not need to take any action at this time.
I got the emails as well. I do have an Amazon cc, but not this creditbuilder thing. I'll buy their story that it's an internal issue, for now. But I'm keeping my eye on them even more closely than usual.
"An Apology for our Error" message from Synchrony

I received those emails as well.

And, about an hour ago, this email arrived:

Subject: An Apology for our Error

At Synchrony we take customer satisfaction very seriously. We are writing to inform you one or more emails or text messages you may have received from Synchrony regarding “a trial deposit has been successfully made” or “action required on your application” on Monday, November 25 was sent in error.

This was an internal error at Synchrony and did not involve a data breach or fraudulent activity. We have confirmed none of your personal data was compromised. We apologize for the error and regret any concerns this may have caused. We are taking action to ensure this cannot happen again.

Please disregard the e-mail or text message and no further action is required.

We sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding.
DW and I had a serious e-theft attempt against us when we were closing on our house. The emails were spoofed to look real, e.g., with a zero instead of an “o”. Just a reminder to watch carefully whenever money is involved.
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