OK....granted, there are those who will
need to work past their normal retirement age due to their individual circumstances. That I understand and accept with no problem. There are also those who
want to keep working for whatever reason....they like what they do, they do it to keep from getting bored, whatever. Again, I understand and accept that with no problem.
However....the author states:
Surveys show that a majority of baby boomers say they want to work during their golden years. They're going to get their wish. The key question is no longer "How early can I retire?" It's "Why retire?" (emphasis added)
......Ummmm, a
majority wants to keep working??
I'd really like to read the wording of the questions on those surveys! I wonder if they were like,
"When you reach retirement age would you want to eat out of dumpsters and live in a cardboard box, or would you want to continue working instead?" Because, and I may be totally wrong, I find it very difficult to believe that a
majority want to keep working. In fact, in my own little realm of friends and acquaintances, I've found
no one that
wants to keep working...zilch...nada...zero!!!
Or maybe it's just that the author of the article doesn't grasp the difference between "want to" and "need to". Or perhaps I'm from another planet in another solar system and I just don't "get it"...or else maybe my thinking is warped and twisted
beyond the acceptable limits when it comes to things related to retirement. (it's a 'given' that I'm warped & twisted in regards to most things anyway!
