The debate: Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 26, 2004
LaLa Land
[MODERATOR SPLIT: These messages were split from another topic and moved here since we went askew a bit. -BMJ]

Yea, just what we need, MORE GUNS!
One can never have enough GUNS.

Maybe we can all get bullet proof vests too.
From the Wall Street Journal

The Battle of New Orleans
Even in America, civil order is more fragile than we think.

Friday, September 2, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

Of all the bad news from New Orleans, the most disturbing has been the reports of spreading disorder, with looting, marauding gangs and even sniper fire at helicopters and rescue workers. Americans sometimes expect their government to do far too much--such as ensure low gasoline prices--but they do have a right to expect that it will at least provide for the safety of its citizens, even or perhaps especially in a crisis.

One reason for the New Orleans breakdown is the size of the calamity, whose growing severity caught nearly everyone by surprise. Louisiana National Guard troops that were deployed initially for rescue and relief efforts weren't available for the more basic duties of public security. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is also geared to providing relief, not order, and only yesterday did the federal government begin to focus on the potential anarchy. Among our political leaders, only Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour seemed to appreciate the genuine risk of disorder, with his early warnings that looters would not be given the benefit of the doubt.

By the way, the allegation that enough National Guard troops aren't available because many are deployed in Iraq doesn't hold up under scrutiny. The Louisiana Guard has something like 3,500 men and wome
n deployed in Iraq, but that leaves another 8,000 or so troops available for post-Katrina duty, and neighboring states undamaged by the hurricane have still others who could be called upon. All told, the Pentagon now estimates that 30,000 National Guard troops will be deployed along the Gulf coast, and another 3,000 regular Army soldiers to pursue the armed gangs on the loose. Our advice is: Do whatever it takes.

One frequent reaction we heard yesterday is that the disorder in New Orleans is typical of Third World countries, something that was thought could never happen in America. This happens to overlook a fair chunk of U.S. history,some of it relatively recent, including riots and violence. But it is also a sign of complacency born of prosperity and the resilience of our legal and civic institutions.

This battle of New Orleans should remind us that civic order, even in America, is more fragile than we like to think. After this week and amid the continuing threat of terrorism, our political leaders at all levels are going to have to think harder about how to maintain order in the next crisis.
This has me thinking again about buying a gun or two. (Handgun and a shotgun or rifle.) I don't want a loaded or unlocked gun in my apartment and before now I wondered what the point would be to have one. Well, now I am reminded that sometimes you have to look out for yourself. (I was going to say "when you least expect it", but then NOLA had some warning of impending potential disaster.)

I don't imagine myself being Rambo in anarchy, but I believe just having a gun in that situation can make you safer as the criminals pick on the weak and defenseless a vast majority of the time. Kinda like the Club for a doesn't make the car very difficult to steal, just more difficult than the cars around it.
AltaRed said:
So typical... this country never seems to learn that guns are not the answer to anything.

If you were in New Orleans the past few days a gun might have been the only answer to roving rape gangs. Again, I don't mean vigilante justice I mean a reason for them to move on to greener pastures.

I'm not a gun fan, but I'm certainly not a fan of the military, government and outlaws being the only ones allowed to have guns.

Besides, other countries also have a high per-capita gun ownership rate. I think our (American) violence problems lie elsewhere.
It's always easy to say guns are not the answer, when you and your family are safe in your home, protected by local police armed with guns ...
73ss454 said:
Yea, just what we need,  MORE GUNS!
One can never have enough GUNS.

Maybe we can all get bullet proof vests too.

I know this is sarcasm, but I happen to agree with it, word for word.

AltaRed said:
So typical... this country never seems to learn that guns are not the answer to anything.

Sure is nice to own some while we are trying to figure out
"the answer".

The criminals (looters) have determined that the answer is GUNS.....

BigMoneyJim said:
This has me thinking again about buying a gun or two. (Handgun and a shotgun or rifle.) I don't want a loaded or unlocked gun in my apartment and before now I wondered what the point would be to have one. Well, now I am reminded that sometimes you have to look out for yourself. (I was going to say "when you least expect it", but then NOLA had some warning of impending potential disaster.)

I don't imagine myself being Rambo in anarchy, but I believe just having a gun in that situation can make you safer as the criminals pick on the weak and defenseless a vast majority of the time. Kinda like the Club for a doesn't make the car very difficult to steal, just more difficult than the cars around it.
Good post. We have a couple of handguns. DW and I have a rule. We will never take it out to threaten anyone or to win an argument. We will never say, "Stop or I'll shoot." Once, when DW was driving, some half-drunk woman was irritated at DW, and at the traffic lite, came over and started beating on the car. DW followed the rule. Could have blown the fool's head off, but the pistol stayed between the seats, where it always is. If DW or I point a gun at you, it will be firing. It will be pointed at you because you have frightened us and put us in fear of our life. That's the rule. Take it out when your are scared. The situation in New Orleans is good example of why they are necessary. Reliance on the government in a fight or flight situation is insane.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

Well. a weapon seems like a good part of an "emergency" kit, as does drinking water, bathing water, food, alternate cooking/heating, generator, first-aid kit...
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

As a side question, I wonder if after other major disasters in other countries (oh, lets say the recent tsunami) if the local residents looted, raped, mugged helpless tourists and shot at the relief workers in the days and weeks following the disaster.

We should be proud.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

Thanks TH,

That's exactly the point.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

Question for Galt -- why don't you back off just a little with the right-wing mouthings?  Hasn't there been enough trouble on this board with infantile political opinions altready? You seem to be one of the worst offenders.

Thanks a bunch . . .
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

I wonder how may anti-gun people are now looking to buy a gun for protection now that they have finally realized a real life danger is present.

Many of the people buying these guns never owned one because they never had the forethought of planning for a worst-case situation.

I wonder if the mentality of planning for FIRE using a worst case calculator like FIRECalc goes hand in hand with the mentality of planning for other worst case situations in life like disaster planning.  It is in my case.  I'm always thinking and planning about where I would go if my house burned down, if my computer crashes, if I and/or my wife dies, if the Canary Island tsunami happens.

You can't plan for everything, because there is always the unexpected, but history has tought us that those with a plan have a better chance of surviving than those without a plan.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

() said:
As a side question, I wonder if after other major disasters in other countries (oh, lets say the recent tsunami) if the local residents looted, raped, mugged helpless tourists and shot at the relief workers in the days and weeks following the disaster.

We should be proud.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

I wrote in another thread, the following,
MJ said:
This whole lawlessness in NOLA does make you wonder about dependability of some police departments around the country to help protect you and your property when a disaster of this magnitude occurs.
I hope NOLA is the exception although I doubt it. It make me both sad and concerned.
I am "currently" not a gun advocate nor do I play one on TV.

If I moved into an area of the country where the police appeared to be either too stretched out or less reliable than what I am used to, I would strongly consider buying some basic arms protection AND I still would NOT join the NRA.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

bogart said:
Question for Galt -- why don't you back off just a little with the right-wing mouthings?  Hasn't there been enough trouble on this board with infantile political opinions altready? You seem to be one of the worst offenders.

Thanks a bunch . . .
On this board the right-wingers are in the minority. If yah gotta have political blabbings you might as well have balance. :-\
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

bogart said:
Question for Galt -- why don't you back off just a little with the right-wing mouthings? Hasn't there been enough trouble on this board with infantile political opinions altready? You seem to be one of the worst offenders.

Thanks a bunch . . .

When JG asked if we (I) missed him, I kept quiet. :-X I chose to be silent rather than negative. He usually sounds like a decent guy (I think) but after being on this forum over 17 months, I pretty much ignore almost all his simplistic rantings unless he repeats his missleading FI history to naive new members. :-\
I'm sure any competent psych professional could easily identify his online personality type.

Sorry JG. :(
MO, of course.
MJ :(
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

virtue doesn't come from the extremes, according to Aristotle . . .  ;)
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

BigMoneyJim said:
Besides, other countries also have a high per-capita gun ownership rate. I think our (American) violence problems lie elsewhere.

Having lived in England for the first 32 years of my life, and still following events via weekly phone calls, weekly newspaper, regular visits and such, I am firmly of the opinion that guns have little to do with the level of violence.  They just make killing much easier to accomplish.  The British police authorities regularly publicise crime statistics and as measured per 1,000 people the crime rates in every category except murder are higher in England than in the USA.  (and even the murder rates are closing fast). 

A recent report on London talks about London and shows how much safer it is on the streets in New York than in London.

An extract from the article:

The two metropolitan areas (NY and London) have comparable populations of just over seven million. In 1991, while London's crime rate was, by the standards of big international cities, relatively low, New York had the reputation of being the crime capital of the world.

There were more than 2,300 murders a year in New York in 1991 and well over 100,000 street robberies. London, by comparison, had 181 murders and 22,000 street robberies in that year.

Last year, there were 538 homicides in New York. That means the murder rate has decreased by a factor of five over the past 13 years. London's murder rate has not reduced at all over the same period: there were 186 homicides in the capital last year.

More astonishing still is the comparison in the statistics for street robberies. In 2003, the last complete year for which records are available, there were just 24,334 street robberies in New York – while in London, 38,490 people were robbed in the street.

It takes some time for the significance of that statistic to sink in. New York, from having had a rate of street robbery five times that of London a decade ago, now has 14,000 fewer street robberies every year than our capital.
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

() said:
As a side question, I wonder if after other major disasters in other countries (oh, lets say the recent tsunami) if the local residents looted, raped, mugged helpless tourists and shot at the relief workers in the days and weeks following the disaster.

We should be proud.
Yeah . . . I'm beaming with pride. ::)
Re: Get Rich- Sell Gas? Nope, Guns

() said:
As a side question, I wonder if after other major disasters in other countries (oh, lets say the recent tsunami) if the local residents looted, raped, mugged helpless tourists and shot at the relief workers in the days and weeks following the disaster.

We should be proud.
An excellent point, TH. My New Orleans' refugees tell me that most of these people have been living off the system their entire lives. They don't work, have never worked, and they are the folks that would have robbed you Mr. Tourist, if you took the wrong turn in the French Quarter. And alas, they are here in Texas, some to never return. They will demand all kinds of government assistance, forever. Always have, always will. In fact, that's one of the reasons they didn't leave. Somebody had to do it for them.

There is absolutely no excuse for this criminal behavior and it should not be tolerated or excused. Heck, you can think about an Amish reaction to a disaster. Ever see a barn raising. And puhleeze, don't tell me this is bigger than that, I know it. But, they do pull together, don't wait around for government assistance, and whine about whose fault it is.

Put the looters and rapists in jail. Or kill them, whichever is appropriate. I heard that some people killed a guy raping a 13-year old. Grrrrreat! The world will be better off without them. Shooting at rescue helicopters?? No excuse. They are human flotsam, human debris. End of rant.
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