The eyes of Texas are on retirees

Tarantulas-- don't forget the tarantulas.

And postmasters too...

Speaking of which, I saw both yesterday...a tarantula and the postmaster. No, they weren't one in the same since the postmaster (who was delivering our mail!) had three earrings in his pierced left ear, and the tarantula in the driveway didn't.

I'm thinkin' mebbe that postal boy's an import from waaay out west somewhere... :cool:

One question: I'm having trouble locating "postmaster" on the critter list you linked. You think maybe it could be #23?

Maybe in Texas that's the postmaster. But in Minnesota this is the postmaster:


And he only rings once.
Man, I'd be signing up for some junk mail lists and having large USPS packages delivered to my door...

If of course I wasnt married to my lovely bride...of course.

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