The most unhappy occupation


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 10, 2016
What do you think is the most unhappy occupation? The one people are most anxious to escape from...

I have read that dentists are pretty miserable. (Not sure why). I have also read that lawyers in big law firms are pretty miserable, despite the high pay. But surely there much be worse jobs than these.
Child Protective Services caseworker.


My wife works as an adult PSC and has terrible stories she has told me as well as her co-workers in the child division. There are no words that can aptly describe some of the animals they have to deal with.
I was going to say something along the lines of different strokes for different folks. My personal nightmare would be a career as a sinecure that required long hours for some forsaken reason. But yeah, child care service worker takes the cake. Now I'm depressed just almost thinking about it.
I don't know, but I have known of some pretty unhappy lawyers. It probably depends on the working environment, I would imagine.

My dentist is really happy with his work. He is enthused about dentistry and being able to help people to be pain free, to be able to chew their food, and to look reasonable in public. Also he is thrilled with all the new technology and advances in dentistry and gets a kick out of learning to use the cool new procedures. I don't think he wants to retire.
Telephone solicitor. Imagine being badly paid, plus knowing everyone hates you.

At least CPS helps people.
Most any entry level position that a person would take only for the money, with low pay and more applicants than positions to fill, requiring having to work another PT job to make ends meet, and having bosses hold the job over your head ("you know, we have hundreds of others interested in this job!")

In short, having to make a career out of most any job we worked while in HS or college....
Toll booth attendant always looked awfully boring to me, for the few left.

I could never work at an animal shelter, it would break my heart, and we'd have 40 dogs before I quit...
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The Swisher Guy..

You know the little pads and cakes in the urinals. I ran into one performing his duties in the restroom one time when I was feeling kind of bummed about my lot in life.

We were about the same age so it certainly helped to correct my perspective.;)
I don't know the most unhappy job one could have. It seems any job where there is a boss riding your behind all the time, one could make a case for being most unhappy. I think I just described 95% of working America.
I'd say any job that is repetitive and boring, something where you simply sit all day and do the same thing endlessly. That would be just awful to me. I'd far prefer being a janitor, say, and walking from different task to different task, even if it meant cleaning toilets.
My dentist is one of the happiest people I know. She came to the U.S. as a refugee and is kind of amazed at how far she, a woman, has come. She's a lovely person.
I had a job skinning kangaroos, (for pet food), once......lasted half a day, then quit.
I had a job skinning kangaroos, (for pet food), once......lasted half a day, then quit.
What did they do with the pouches - make purses?
I would vote lawyer but maybe that's personal. :)

Seriously though I know a lot of lawyers that love it. I make more money than I could doing anything else I am qualified for so that's good. Plus I feel good when I help people who are nice. On the downside it took a while but I got over the lawyer jokes long ago. However, the expectation of perfection in all facets of my work, by clients, gets old.
The infantry private on point in Viet Nam
When I was given food poisoning I spent several days in the gastrointestinal unit.

There were people who collected all the waste from the restroom and measured it. Yeah that would be a bad job.
All this talk about miserable jobs makes me happy that I am retired.

But I am also old. One day, I may wish to be young again, even if it means I would be back in working age.
I was very unhappy in my chosen occupation many years ago.

I made a career change. Who wants to be unhappy for 8 hours a day and then bring it home? Not me.
What do you think is the most unhappy occupation? The one people are most anxious to escape from...

I have read that dentists are pretty miserable. (Not sure why).

Why are dentists unhappy? They're always looking down in the mouth (rimshot).
I spent two years working in an Endoscopy clinic assisting with colonscopy. That job was full of **** .

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