"The Number"

OK, time for a Lawyer Joke:

Why do they bury lawyers 12 feet deep instead of 6.

Answer: Deep down they are really good people! :D
MRGALT2U said:
you know
you are a "big deal" when you have a "local" attorney, a
"business" attorney, and an "out of state" attorney

Cute and fuzzy bunny thinks you just get in a lot of trouble...
Cute and fuzzy bunny is satisfied by getting lawyers with pancakes on their head to tell him to 'go screw'.

Its much cheaper.
(Cute Fuzzy Bunny) said:
Cute and fuzzy bunny is satisfied by getting lawyers with pancakes on their head to tell him to 'go screw'.

Its much cheaper.

Yep, I've spent a fortune (A FORTUNE!) on attorney's fees,
and that is in spite of doing a lot of routine stuff myself.
I suppose it was inevitable with me being naturally confrontational.

(Cute Fuzzy Bunny) said:
Cute and fuzzy bunny is satisfied...
Is this third-person writing style a temporary affectation, or have you been bitten by M*'s "Munchkin Man" and turned into a horrifying creature?
I suppose we'll find out...

If I had to guess, I'd say temporary.

Its helping me isolate hostile feelings.


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califdreamer said:
I glanced through the book at a Barnes & Noble recently and was disappointed. Most of it seemed aimed at the very well-off and how they could have a retirement with second homes and other luxuries. It struck me as a bit of yuppie indulgence.

It's the same with most retirement books I've read...
and retirement classes I've attended... they seem to
be geared for an elite class lifestyle.

I guess us peons aren't supposed to retire. ;)
Helena said:
It's the same with most retirement books I've read...
and retirement classes I've attended... they seem to
be geared for an elite class lifestyle.

I guess us peons aren't supposed to retire. ;)

This forum also tends to be elitist... 10 million indeed :p
Consider the background of the author:

New Yorker
TIME Magazine eidtor
Land's End marketing

I do think some of us from the south or midwest might find his tone to be a little 'snooty'. However, as this thread shows....

It made for some wild dialogue!
Helena said:
This forum also tends to be elitist... 10 million indeed :p

Would you care to explain that statement ?

If by elitist do you mean that people who really lived below their means and have sacrificed and really saved for decades post to this forum then you are right. There are many of those types here.

Or is this another "Oh poor me. I spent everything that went through my hands and now I wish I would have saved posts". Or is it another "You people that post here must must be lucky"
I confess, I confess

So I read Mother Earth News, Whole Earth Catalog, and Rodale Press in the 70's.

But I never gave up my cushy areospace engineering job.

I developed my own form of cheap bastardhood and went from there.

heh heh heh heh - 12k one years budget - my all time never to be repeated personal best 'cheap'.
Both the "number" and the "age" are still out there, somewhere...

Two many variables: What will the markets do? Will my job last? Will the profit sharing be good, bad, or non-existent?

I just keep squirreling away the spare change, and try to enjoy the ride...

SS is 10 years away...
MasterBlaster said:
Would you care to explain that statement ?

If by elitist do you mean that people who really lived below their means and have sacrificed and really saved for decades post to this forum then you are right. There are many of those types here.

Or is this another "Oh poor me. I spent everything that went through my hands and now I wish I would have saved posts". Or is it another "You people that post here must must be lucky"

As a single working mother of a handicapped son,
I have been very blessed to be able to save as much
as I have over past few decades... enough to retire
next year... not enough to live an elitist lifestyle...
but enough to live a simple contented life.

God provides :)

Without coming off as a real jerk cause of your situation...

I differ with you in that most of the people who post on this forum strive for something quite a bit less than an elitist lifestyle.

That is especially true when compared to the consumption driven lifestyles of most Americans.
Martha said:
Helena, a thread that may interest you is one from the top 10 list of topics--living on $3000 a month: http://early-retirement.org/forums/index.php?topic=1604.0

Thanks :)

I was fortunate to have Depression era parents
who taught me how to live simply... and save money
on a small income.

After decades of living on much much less than $3000
a month, I have a paid off home and more money saved
than many with incomes of six figures.

I am blessed :)
Thank you for reviving this thread. I had missed it during it's earlier active stage, and I so much enjoyed a referenced link.
unclemick2 said:
I developed my own form of cheap bastardhood and went from there.

heh heh heh heh - 12k one years budget - my all time never to be repeated personal best 'cheap'.

Dear Ol' Uncle M....in the interest of accurate records, about what year was your personal best bastardized hallmark of thriftiness? That way, we can index to inflation and see what the current year dollars would be to match your record. :)
Minimum to retire - if I had to = $1M

Maximum to retire - would jump immediately = $3M

Could work with anything in between.
.... we split the difference (2m)
It's always a moving target. Five years ago I thought 1.3M would do it. Currently at 2.8 and thinking maybe in the spring, maybe one more year to be sure.
MooreBonds said:
Dear Ol' Uncle M....in the interest of accurate records, about what year was your personal best bastardized hallmark of thriftiness? That way, we can index to inflation and see what the current year dollars would be to match your record. :)

My memory is foggy - but I'm guessing around 93, 94, 95 - immediately after I was 'unemployed'(can you say slight panic) AND that low number does not include any set asides for capital items(car replacement, house, appliances, etc.) Had a blue spiral notebook that went in Katrina - had a lot of my 90's numbers - a lot 0f 18k - 24k/yr ranges. This forum has had 'I'll show you frugal' threads in the past that were er ah over the top. I think more often I ran 20 - 35k with the 35k being a remodeling year - going on memory.

heh heh heh heh heh - part of me wants to go back and see how 'cheap' I can really get since I had a blast. Unfortunately you can't recapture time - so I will spend more in my sixties - before I get toooo old.

Yikes!! - I FORGOT THE BIGGIE - no health insurance for 12 yrs - DO NOT try this at home folks!
kumquat said:
It's always a moving target. Five years ago I thought 1.3M would do it. Currently at 2.8 and thinking maybe in the spring, maybe one more year to be sure.

Seems you are in the catbird seat - I suggest go now!
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