The Wit and Wisdom of JG


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men
Posts at 7:15, 7:36, 7:42, 7:52 & 7:54 - on five separate subjects. JG, you remind me of my ex mother-in-law, who dominated every conversation regardless of the subject and without regard to her knowledge of the point being discussed. But unlike her, you at least have a sense of humor. :D
Thanks REWanabe (I guess) :)

I have opinions on everything and no shyness whatsoever about sharing them.

I do have to wonder, if JG is retired and has such a great life, why does he seem to spend so much time/energy posting here?

If sitting around and posting on internet message boards is all I have to look forward to in ER, I might as well not bother.
I do have to wonder, if JG is retired and has such a great life, why does he seem to spend so much time/energy posting here?

If sitting around and posting on internet message boards is all I have to look forward to in ER, I might as well not bother.

I enjoy reading John Galt's postings and find some of his "on the edge" anecdotes thought provoking.

soupcxan, you wrote in November that you were only 6 months out of school. You can learn from those who retired early if you keep an open mind and read between the lines.
You are the only person I've heard describe themselves as 'pro-life' who considers abortion murder, but is against any government intervention.

Are there other acts of murder that should be legal? Murdering liberals, gun control advocates for example? :)

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