The worst retirement article I've ever read

Seems most of the articles are regurgitating the same information. I doubt the writers even understand the subject. Most of the time I do a quick scan and go to the comments. They are more interesting until they start getting political.

i haven't fine tuned my skills on this site yet ( each site is very different ) ,
i am still trying to remember to use American spelling , i usually post in Australia and New Zealand

( where most of my stocks are listed )

i'll do what i can , but after me learning to ride a bike .. i would advise against holding your breath


It's pretty EZ, just press the quote button. Edit out the parts of the quote that are not relevant.

Non native English speakers should say so. Most peole here will understand. And, we also understand non-American spelling. In fact it can add some colour to the writing and a lustre to your thoughts. :)

FWIW, it is best to put them in a form that is easy to read and understand. This is not directed at you personally, lots of people (even me!) often write things that are problematic and hard to understand.

There is a reason why good writers use techniques such as:

  • paragraphs
  • capitalization
  • punctuation
  • underlining
  • bolding
  • bullet points.
The easier one makes it for people to read and comprehend what one writes the better the comments and suggestions will be. My 2¢.
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There is a reason why good writers use techniques such as:

  • paragraphs
  • capitalization
  • punctuation
  • underlining
  • bolding
  • bullet points.

The easier one makes it for people to read and comprehend what one writes the better the comments and suggestions will be. My 2¢.


I would add to the above list:

  • Paragraphs that generally contain more than just one sentence
  • Ensuring that each sentence begins with a capitalized letter. :)
Looking at the comments above, I think that the main elements by which an article is rated is "does it make me feel more or less comfortable?"If it makes us more comfortable, it's a good article. If not, it is the worst.

At least we are consistent.


+1 :LOL:
Oz, welcome to the forum.

Since you've already become a prolific poster less than 24 hours after registering, how about learning to use that little "quote" button at the bottom of each post to make your responses easier to read?

A person who posts a lot could make do with a little capitalization and punctuation, as well, presuming one wants one's posts read by others.

Mike D.
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