This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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After a couple of 90+ F days. 81 in SW PA. 74 at the camp/mancave.
Just got back from a 60 mile bike ride. Bright sunshine, brilliant blue sky and just cool enough that it was slightly chilly at times up in the mountains and on a 5 mile, 2000' descent back to the Bay. In other words just another typical day in coastal California.
Looks like we're in for another "broccoli year" here in Seattle. It's nearly July and I think may get down into the 40's tonight. We ain't gonna get no tomatoes this summer at that rate, nor sweet corn neither.
I think I have the Arizona version of cabin fever around 100 every day for 2 weeks, and we are 2 weeks away from the rainy season. Spending way to much time in the AC. Last year at this time I was out on the Horseshoe II fire for 45 days/nights, sleeping under the stars and eating well. I forgot about the heat of June.
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It's sunny and hot, hot, hot here. Did I mention it is hot? :LOL: The temperature may not be that high but the humidity makes up for it. This morning the local stations were full of Tropical Storm Debby, apparently a forecasters' nightmare. It might be pretty wet here in a couple of days, or not, and coastal communities (south of here) are sandbagging in case there is strong storm surge.
W2R, from what I see on The Weather Channel, you will be gettng wet soon. Sounds like Debby will take a turn west and head right at you. It's really nasty here as I am right on the eastern band of the storm. Down town areas of Tampa and St. Pete/Clearwater are really getting soaked. We got some nice rain (needed) and it's windy but really just brushing us as we are about 10 miles east of Tampa. Get the buckets ready.
I think I have Arizona version of cabin fever around 100 every day for 2 weeks, and we are 2 weeks away from the rainy season. Spending way to much time in the AC. Last year at this time I was out on the Horseshoe II fire for 45 days/nights, sleeping under the stars and eating well. I forgot about the heat of June.

This is our first summer in our new home in Arizona. Yes, it has been really hot recently. Over 100 every day for pretty well the whole month. Came down last week from Alberta where the highs were in the 40's or 50's. Talk about a shock!
This is our first summer in our new home in Arizona. Yes, it has been really hot recently. Over 100 every day for pretty well the whole month. Came down last week from Alberta where the highs were in the 40's or 50's. Talk about a shock!
Don't you have your schedule reversed? I thought you guys came south in the winter and spent the summers 'up nort'...
Just got back from a 60 mile bike ride. Bright sunshine, brilliant blue sky and just cool enough that it was slightly chilly at times up in the mountains and on a 5 mile, 2000' descent back to the Bay. In other words just another typical day in coastal California.

And today is another beautiful day in the Bay Area.:)
It is pouring in Southwest Florida . Debby is dumping huge amounts of water . We are also having thunderstorms and lots of wind .Hopefully she will move past us soon.
W2R, from what I see on The Weather Channel, you will be gettng wet soon. Sounds like Debby will take a turn west and head right at you. It's really nasty here as I am right on the eastern band of the storm. Down town areas of Tampa and St. Pete/Clearwater are really getting soaked. We got some nice rain (needed) and it's windy but really just brushing us as we are about 10 miles east of Tampa. Get the buckets ready.

Glad to hear you are just getting brushed by TS Debby but sorry to hear that it is so nasty closer to the coast. It's hard to know what to expect here, although we do have tropical storm warnings from the NHC. I sure hope that Debby gets a move on and gets out of your area.

Right now, still hot-hot-hot and sunny...
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W2R, from what I see on The Weather Channel, you will be gettng wet soon. Sounds like Debby will take a turn west and head right at you. It's really nasty here as I am right on the eastern band of the storm. Down town areas of Tampa and St. Pete/Clearwater are really getting soaked. We got some nice rain (needed) and it's windy but really just brushing us as we are about 10 miles east of Tampa. Get the buckets ready.

We are to the west of Tampa and we have been getting drenched since last night. Glad to be living on the second floor.
Things have really gotten bad in central Florida area. I spoke too soon when I told W2R we were just getting a needed rain and some wind. It's gotten worse since I posted that. The storm has intensified and numerous tornados have been reported with one death reported in Lake Placid which is more toward the center of the state.
St. Pete, Clearwater and points north are getting hammered by winds and rain.
Things have really gotten bad in central Florida area. I spoke too soon when I told W2R we were just getting a needed rain and some wind. It's gotten worse since I posted that. The storm has intensified and numerous tornados have been reported with one death reported in Lake Placid which is more toward the center of the state.
St. Pete, Clearwater and points north are getting hammered by winds and rain.

Take care, and stay safe, JOHNNIE36 and our other Floridians. I just hope the storm moves away from you before any more deaths or damage result.
Thanks W2R. Been watching the local station and haven't heard lately about the projected path Debby could take. It could still turn east and track over the top of the Florida pennisula. Just reported an official 6.3" of rain in Tampa. More so in some areas. All the locals can now stop bitching about how dry it's been. Zip it!
Debby has dumped a ton of water and flooding is a real problem .Here is a picture of my neighbors house .It is now an Island .Luckily our house is elevated so we are safe so far !


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Largo has received 9.5" in the past 24 hours. Flooded roads and stranded vehicles being reported not far from the apartment.
That's a lot of rain! :eek: Hope your apartment is not in danger of flooding.

We are on the second (top) floor so no chance of flooding. Haven't see any roof leaks so all is well for now. Still raining cats and dogs.

I shouldn't have said that. I miss my cat. :(

The lights keep blinking every once in awhile. Don't like that.
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And now a word from the Southwest. Looks like the monsoon may start a little early this year. I can hear some boomers in the back yard.
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Right now, at 4:30 PM, it's 101 F with blazing sun and 44% humidity here. I was amazed at how fast my energy drained away while just walking between the car and the gym.

Hot, hot, hot.... but at least we don't have a tropical storm like our Floridians.
The storm is stalled off the coast so it keeps dumping incredible amounts of water . Lots of local flooding and strong winds . I have stayed inside cleaning closets and thanks to powerplay I have the world's cleanest oven !
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