This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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We are still waiting for a plow to clear our driveway. Had to take my vacation time, as the main roads are clear and work isn't closed. In the picture, I'm standing inside one of the drifts. Have not had snow come up this high on me since I was 9 years old.


Thats a lot of snow - I'd ride over with my atv/plow, but your situation looks like it may be too tough for my atv to handle

Just spent several hours jury rigging my water purifier drain line that froze and cleaned up the water that had backed up into the basement. I'll have to wait until spring for the line to thaw and fix it correctly.
Thats a lot of snow - I'd ride over with my atv/plow, but your situation looks like it may be too tough for my atv to handle

Ron, I'm really impressed that you're willing to come all the way from Illinois to clear my driveway! :greetings10: You're right, though, it was more than a regular plow could handle, since there already were 4-foot snow walls from where we tried to dig ourselves out last Monday.

Finally got a fellow with a Bobcat to do the job today. Took him quite a while, too. Hope it's not all for naught, with more snow predicted for Monday.:mad:

Just spent several hours jury rigging my water purifier drain line that froze and cleaned up the water that had backed up into the basement..
Bleagh. Sorry for the mess! I have such a dread of water getting in the house--it is one of my commonest nightmares, far outranking the "lost, late, and naked in public" ones.

Did a run on the creek trail today.

I ran shirtless for a few miles to make sure I got a good dose of vitamin D.

All of the trees are in bloom. It was nice.

Californians are generous people. We decided that we didn't really need all four seasons so we donated our portion of winter to those of you in New England and the upper Midwest. Now we only have three. It's tough but I think we can handle it :D
That's exactly what the weatherman said on the news last night - that we in the DC area have had more snow this year than Buffalo, NY.
There are 2 little towns a ways north of me that can outdo Buffalo for snow any time - Redfield NY and Barnes Corners NY on the Tug Hill Plateau. Those towns have been Weather Channel favorites in past years for record storm episode and annual snowfalls. :nonono:
Just when I thought we'd seen all the different types of bad winter weather we can have down here, we had a new one when I woke up this morning: freezing fog.

Such is a common occurrence here in Ohio.
We had a lot of freezing fog this year too. It really is pretty when it forms on the trees and grasses but not too great if you must drive in it.

Khan, have you seen any robins in your area lately? I noticed one today in my neighborhood while driving. Just now got back inside from letting the dog out and goodness, I bet there were 50-75 robins sitting in trees. What happened to robins being the first sign of spring? It's Feb. folks...this is really weird. Is the cold in the south sending the robins up north:confused:?

Looks like we got some snow damage. Called our insurance company today. An adjuster should call us tomorrow. No water coming in the house, but this is very worrisome. Any advise or suggestions most welcome as long as they don't involve DH getting on the roof. This part of our home is about 25 feet from the ground - well make that about 20 feet considering the snow drifts....


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I don't have a clue about what to do (knowing nothing about snow).

But I was thinking - - you mentioned that the major roads are clear, for now. Maybe now would be a good time to put a concerted effort into getting someone over there to shovel the roof. It may cost you money, given the demand right now, but it would be worth it if you can get someone.

Make sure he is bonded and insured, of course.
I don't have a clue about what to do (knowing nothing about snow).

But I was thinking - - you mentioned that the major roads are clear, for now. Maybe now would be a good time to put a concerted effort into getting someone over there to shovel the roof. It may cost you money, given the demand right now, but it would be worth it if you can get someone.

Make sure he is bonded and insured, of course.

I'm thinking, and please correct me anyone if I'm wrong, that we should see what the adjuster recommends first. When I reported this I expressed my concern this could evolve into further damage inside our home. The rep I talked to wanted to know if we had taken any action and when we noticed the problem. Answer: we noticed it today and haven't done anything yet because we wanted to do what ever will minimize the damage and expense.

If this ends up resulting in major damage, I'd hate to mess up future claims by doing the wrong thing. BTW, our insurance company is Nationwide. We've had a good experience with them during the past 20 years, including when a major hail storm in our area resulted in having our siding and roof replaced about 10 years ago.
Good idea - - might be best to ask your agent before you try to hire someone. Don't know if he would want you to do that, or not.

Sometimes they want you to wait, but sometimes they want you to take reasonable measures to prevent further damage (or else they won't pay for the further damage).
I'm thinking, and please correct me anyone if I'm wrong, that we should see what the adjuster recommends first. When I reported this I expressed my concern this could evolve into further damage inside our home. The rep I talked to wanted to know if we had taken any action and when we noticed the problem. Answer: we noticed it today and haven't done anything yet because we wanted to do what ever will minimize the damage and expense.

If this ends up resulting in major damage, I'd hate to mess up future claims by doing the wrong thing. BTW, our insurance company is Nationwide. We've had a good experience with them during the past 20 years, including when a major hail storm in our area resulted in having our siding and roof replaced about 10 years ago.

Purron, I'm sorry you have this problem. Clearly, snow has melted and entered your soffit through your roof. If there is moisture in the soffit, there's probably moisture in the attic too. Any insulation up there will probably have to be replaced. I agree with getting the adjuster, but I do think that since snow on the roof is the root cause here, the snow needs to come off the roof! In my neck of the woods, failure to have the snow shovelled off the roof would be grounds for the insurance company to decline payment.
In my neck of the woods, failure to have the snow shovelled off the roof would be grounds for the insurance company to decline payment.

I'm not aware of a single house in my area that has had their roof shovelled. I live in a suburb of Washington DC and, as we all know, this area has been hard hit. I've heard of some commercial buildings having roofs shovelled but these were flat roofs. This has already been declared the most snow since records have been kept. How could this be grounds to decline payment?
Yeah, here in Columbus,oh we have a good two feet of snow on the ground and,yet I have seen numerous confused robins around. I guess it could be GPS failure !!
We had a lot of freezing fog this year too. It really is pretty when it forms on the trees and grasses but not too great if you must drive in it.

Khan, have you seen any robins in your area lately? I noticed one today in my neighborhood while driving. Just now got back inside from letting the dog out and goodness, I bet there were 50-75 robins sitting in trees. What happened to robins being the first sign of spring? It's Feb. folks...this is really weird. Is the cold in the south sending the robins up north:confused:?

No robins yet.

2 years ago, kept a robin alive with cat food and heated water dish.
I'm not aware of a single house in my area that has had their roof shovelled. I live in a suburb of Washington DC and, as we all know, this area has been hard hit. I've heard of some commercial buildings having roofs shovelled but these were flat roofs. This has already been declared the most snow since records have been kept. How could this be grounds to decline payment?

Purron, I live in the DC area as well. I've only seen one house have their snow shovelled off, and that one is across the street from me. I saw yestereday they had a couple of contractors shovelling their roof. Otherwise, I've probably seen hundreds of home who have not done anything with their snow.

If I were certain that I could get a competent and knowledgeable contractor, I'd consider it. But just watching the activity across the street yesterday made me nervous. They were digging at the roof (asphalt shingles) with their shovels, and I couldn't help but wonder if they might be doing as much harm as good. Plus, I noticed today that there is still ice a-plenty in their gutters.

I find myself walking around the inside and outside of my house daily looking for signs of trouble. :nonono:
Purron, I live in the DC area as well. I've only seen one house have their snow shovelled off, and that one is across the street from me. I saw yestereday they had a couple of contractors shovelling their roof. Otherwise, I've probably seen hundreds of home who have not done anything with their snow.

If I were certain that I could get a competent and knowledgeable contractor, I'd consider it. But just watching the activity across the street yesterday made me nervous. They were digging at the roof (asphalt shingles) with their shovels, and I couldn't help but wonder if they might be doing as much harm as good. Plus, I noticed today that there is still ice a-plenty in their gutters.

I find myself walking around the inside and outside of my house daily looking for signs of trouble. :nonono:

Thanks. Meadbh's comment made me think we could be declined coverage for failure to shovel the roof. Perhaps this is true, but I still think it's a big risk for either the homeowner or a contractor to do this. Plus, as you pointed out, it could actually make matters worse. This is a serious situation and I'd rather deal with uncovered losses than someone slipping off a roof and dying.

My DH wanted to go up there to shovel the roof or try to fix the gutter problem. You can't imagine how much this scared me. I talked him out of it. Hope this was the right thing to do.
Thanks. Meadbh's comment made me think we could be declined coverage for failure to shovel the roof. Perhaps this is true, but I still think it's a big risk for either the homeowner or a contractor to do this. Plus, as you pointed out, it could actually make matters worse. This is a serious situation and I'd rather deal with uncovered losses than someone slipping off a roof and dying.

My DH wanted to go up there to shovel the roof or try to fix the gutter problem. You can't imagine how much this scared me. I talked him out of it. Hope this was the right thing to do.

That was DEFINITELY the right thing to do. You don't want him up there risking life and limb doing that (and neither do I! and I don't even know him). Even if you and he decide someone needs to get up there, it doesn't have to be him (if you decide this then just pay someone who does this for a living). I saw the photos and that roof is really high and I think that is just too dangerous for your husband.
When our garage roof collapsed due to snow the insurance company didn't ask if the snow had or had not been shoveled off the roof. We had a snow "rake" to remove snow from a roof but we quit doing it years ago. Too hard, too dangerous.

Our old home got serious ice dams, there was no way to improve ventilation so it would not occur. When we re-roofed the place we put an ice shield membrane up 8 feet to protect the roof from the ice. Worked great. And some years we had ice dams that looked to be 8 inches thick.
I had the same problem years ago in New Jersey . We did not shovel the roof because it was so high but we did put hot water in the gutters to melt them and get things moving . It helped a little but we still had damage to the walls and floors of the kitchen and living room . I had to leave piles of towels on the sills and the floors to absorb the water then dry them and start again each day for about ten days . This is what pushed the move to Florida .
Here's what State Farm Insurance says about this. The diagram is helpful.

Ice Dams and Attic Condensation - State Farm

Yes, very helpful. Thanks.

I'll mention one other thing that seems to have helped at least our front gutter. That gutter is right up against the house, rather than a foot or so out from it, and we had ice damming problems in the past. We installed a gutter heater - essentially a cable that stays in the gutter year-round. Whenever we get snow or ice, we plug it in and it keeps from getting too much ice built up in there. It seems to have helped as we've not had a problem with that gutter since. Of course we don't have one installed in the back gutter, and things looks really ugly back there at the moment. Just hoping for a slow melt.
The robins were still in the neighborhood this morning. It was like Grand Central Station in our backyards. It's quite a sight...kinda like the movie THE BIRDS. There were quite a few bare spots where the snow had melted and I'm sure they were foraging for food's snowing today so maybe they will need to move on.:(
The robins were still in the neighborhood this morning. It was like Grand Central Station in our backyards. It's quite a sight...kinda like the movie THE BIRDS. There were quite a few bare spots where the snow had melted and I'm sure they were foraging for food's snowing today so maybe they will need to move on.:(

We have had a hummingbird back for the 3rd straight year. Making a nest on our wind chime. They have basically used the same set up. Pretty neat other than spraying the cats off with squirt bottles it has been a enjoyable experience. I have video of the momma feeding her babies. Though this year. I think we got some dead ones. Momma was in the nest for a few days but then she took off and has been gone for over 2 days. I have not the heart to look. :confused:
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