Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
...try "Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse" instead.
Finally, something actionable!
...try "Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse" instead.
Finally, something actionable!
Victor Gischler recently announced the sale of the film rights to Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse to producer Brad Wyman.
Wyman was behind the phenominal Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.
Key is remember:
1. They are no longer your friends and family, it's just brains they're after
2. Get to someplace high, since it's unusual for them to climb
3. If someone in your party gets bitten don't wait and hope, shoot them in the head
4. Never assume a barricade is strong enough, have enough people for sentry duty
5. Stay away from places where you can be cornered
Hilarious rejoinder!Strike employee nearest door on head with gold brick, flee store with fan.
Hilarious rejoinder!
But seriously, under the circumstances for which you might consider hoarding gold, no "regular" stores would be open anyway, and there would be no electricity to operate a fan. There would be a barter & trade system rather than a cash society and any "markets" would be on a street corner selling pilfered goods. "Negotiating" for goods would take on a whole new meaning.
Eek that makes me want to inventory what usable skills I have to barter.
Will develop server software, translate Chinese, or cook really good ribs for what you've got? Sounds like I'd be hurting man.
Better add a port-o-potty to the list. Most urban/suburban homes would be susceptible to sewer outages, or worse, backups...
Better add a port-o-potty to the list. Most urban/suburban homes would be susceptible to sewer outages, or worse, backups...
Power generation for the home is indeed a tough one. I wouldn't bet the farm on natural gas in all circumstances, as it can also be interrupted (in an earthquake they'll likely shut it off, if the technicians are on strike or can't get to work (aka bird flu) the supplies might be sporadic, and in case of general societal collapse/rioting the natural gas won't be there). But, it is true that in anything short of this, (ice storm, etc) a natural gas electric generator is a lot safer and handier than a gasoline generator.I am presently researching a permanently installed natural gas powered home electrical generator system. I think I would buy one of these and stock up on food before I stashed some gold.
I had emergency cash in a safe deposit box.
It depends on the nature of the emergency. If it's just a personal emergency than funds in a bank are fine. If it's a regional emergency which shuts down bank access then yes, you need to keep cash on hand.Not to sound like a jerk, but doesn't storing the emergency cash in the bank defeat the purpose of having emergency cash?
Key is remember:
1. They are no longer your friends and family, it's just brains they're after
2. Get to someplace high, since it's unusual for them to climb
3. If someone in your party gets bitten don't wait and hope, shoot them in the head
4. Never assume a barricade is strong enough, have enough people for sentry duty
5. Stay away from places where you can be cornered
the questions on what to do with gold during a long downturn - most towns will have gold/etc dealers you can bring gold to and have it exchanged into whatever local currency is available. I've read of people in Argentina keeping a bunch of gold rings (simple wedding bands) they can then bring one at a time to a dealer to exchange for currency. Easy to carry - you wear it on your finger and act like you're selling your wedding band.
We jest about this at work. There are two mormon guys who each have a year of food stockpiled, even a big barrel of water. I always tell them my stockpile is stored in their garage, and when the shyte goes down if they give it up quietly nobody gets hurt.I'm stockpiling ammo. I'll just take the gold and food of those who stockpile it and don't have any guns.