Today I experienced...something


Gone but not forgotten
Aug 23, 2006
I was putting clothes on the line about 11AM on a cool (for August) dry morning and I experienced something.
Fugue state?
Oneness with the Universe?
A temporary losing of the boundaries between self and not-self?

This has happened before: On the point of a St Croix beach at 2AM on a moonless night standing in the Trade Winds watching the surf.

Minor and insignificant in the universe at large, but a bit interesting and disconcerting.
I dont know if I have ever felt that exactly.

Is it the same as you are so content that nothing else matters? Ya Ive had that.
What did you experience?

Hard to describe.

A feeling that I was awakening into the moment; that everything in my life had configured to this moment of standing in the sun, under the blue sky, hearing the birds.

Of course, my rational mind knows that the universe does not rearrange itself to give me moments and insights and visions.

Our brains are curious things, and we often fall for the 'transcendental temptations'.

Still, an interesting experience.
For me, it was like I didn't exist...however I was acutely aware of everything around me.
Hard to describe.

A feeling that I was awakening into the moment; that everything in my life had configured to this moment of standing in the sun, under the blue sky, hearing the birds.

Of course, my rational mind knows that the universe does not rearrange itself to give me moments and insights and visions.

Our brains are curious things, and we often fall for the 'transcendental temptations'.

Still, an interesting experience.


At least that's what I named this big ass Blue Heron used to land on this piling around lunch time(pre Katrina summers) lift one leg, stick his head under a wing and take a nap. My brain told me he couldn't do that - even though his center of gravity 'had' to be right.

The universe was speaking to me - ER not en ga neer. Work is a no no.

ooooooommmm. Right? :D.

heh heh heh - over the decades I've experienced those moments - on rare occasions both at work or play. I just smile and savior the occasion. :cool:

At least that's what I named this big ass Blue Heron used to land on this piling around lunch time(pre Katrina summers) lift one leg, stick his head under a wing and take a nap. My brain told me he couldn't do that - even though his center of gravity 'had' to be right.

The universe was speaking to me - ER not en ga neer. Work is a no no.

ooooooommmm. Right? :D.

heh heh heh - over the decades I've experienced those moments - on rare occasions both at work or play. I just smile and savior the occasion. :cool:

My parents lived many years in Gulf Shores, AL and Mother often remarked on the heron that would nap on the neighbor's dock.
This reminds me of the experiences Carlos Casteneda went through with Don Juan. Don't know if you read any of the books, but they attracted lots of interest many years ago. Here's a quote that your message brought to mind:

"For me there is only the traveling on the paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length. And there I travel—looking, looking, breathlessly."


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I was putting clothes on the line about 11AM on a cool (for August) dry morning and I experienced something.
I look out at our view every morning with a cup of coffee and have a similar "Dang, life is good!" moment.
For me, it was like I didn't exist...however I was acutely aware of everything around me.


I didn't exist, but was somehow part of everything that did exist.
I look out at our view every morning with a cup of coffee and have a similar "Dang, life is good!" moment.

In my case it's tea.

Ever experienced that momentary shift of consciousness?
Well, you guys are getting a little to deep for me to fathom >:D

...but I've had those moments. When there is nothing more important in the world than being there and just...being. And if the moment lasted forever, that would be okay.

Edit to ad: I've been wracking my brains trying to remember exactly where I was and who I was with when this last happened. The answers didn't come, but in the last few months I had a very strong experience like this. All I can remember was laying in the grass watching the clouds overhead and, for lack of better words, that was all there was. I had no conscious thought other than just enjoying the clouds floating overhead. I wasn't thinking about anything else, not even trying to imagine pictures formed by the clouds, I was just experiencing them. Afterward I thought that I had not enjoyed a moment of such peaceful nothingness since I was in my teens or early twenties.

I didn't exist, but was somehow part of everything that did exist.

Whenever I tryed to describe it to someone else - usually said - one moment the universe shifted. Everything stayed exactly the same, but it wasn't.

That was the best I could muster - you experience but you can't put into words.

heh heh heh - :cool:
It is gratifying to see that others have some idea of what I am trying to describe.
Well, you guys are getting a little to deep for me to fathom >:D

...but I've had those moments. When there is nothing more important in the world than being there and just...being. And if the moment lasted forever, that would be okay.

Edit to ad: I've been wracking my brains trying to remember exactly where I was and who I was with when this last happened. The answers didn't come, but in the last few months I had a very strong experience like this. All I can remember was laying in the grass watching the clouds overhead and, for lack of better words, that was all there was. I had no conscious thought other than just enjoying the clouds floating overhead. I wasn't thinking about anything else, not even trying to imagine pictures formed by the clouds, I was just experiencing them. Afterward I thought that I had not enjoyed a moment of such peaceful nothingness since I was in my teens or early twenties.

A form of meditation: letting the thoughts and such just drift and leave. I have also watched the clouds.
i lived on st. croix as a teen.

it is a nice place to visit, khan, but do not linger there.
Now that I think about it, I've always been outside when this occurs.
He'll fly his astral plane
Take you trips around the bay
Brings you back the same day...
It is gratifying to see that others have some idea of what I am trying to describe.
In my case it's "flow". I'll get into something and I won't lose track of minutes, I'll lose track of hours.
It's like riding a bike. Now that you know it's possible, with a little effort you can learn to will it.
Perhaps it was similar to what Abraham experienced in the desert. If you heard a voice speaking to you... This could be the start of something big.
The moment for me was flying an airplane at about 5,000 feet over Chesapeake Bay. Over land in a light airplane there are generally thermals that bounce it around a little bit, requiring constant minor corrections, much like driving a car.

Over water, the air is often perfectly smooth, no ripples, no thermals. The airplane was perfectly trimmed, and it felt like sitting in a living room chair. I didn't touch the controls for about 15 minutes. No autopilot either.

And there I was, knowing that the nearest person was at least a mile below, enjoying the day and the view, and it just ..... was.
The moment for me was flying an airplane at about 5,000 feet over Chesapeake Bay. Over land in a light airplane there are generally thermals that bounce it around a little bit, requiring constant minor corrections, much like driving a car.

Over water, the air is often perfectly smooth, no ripples, no thermals. The airplane was perfectly trimmed, and it felt like sitting in a living room chair. I didn't touch the controls for about 15 minutes. No autopilot either.

And there I was, knowing that the nearest person was at least a mile below, enjoying the day and the view, and it just ..... was.

Meanwhile, below on a cruise-liner, several hundred innocent souls seeing a light-aircraft plummeting down into thier summer vacation bliss, seemingly with nobody in control (or the pilot under the influence of mild-altering drugs) were frantically running for cover, sheltering thier children or down on thier knees praying for deliverance. But hey, just as long as you were in the zone! :D
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