Too old to drive

Check and see if there is a time limit for the eye doctor certification. You don’t want to pay for more visits
The issue with the black screen on the eye chart machine seems more common than I would have guessed. ..... I couldn’t see the letters due to a black screen and the clerk said it happens and had me move around a bit til I could see. Not sure if she did anything on her side though. I did pass without the glasses.


I think they have an on/off button under the counter just to screw with folks ;)
W2R I don't want to add to your stress. Not an expert on this subject just got curious reading these posts. That form I referenced has a P. O. Box in Baton Rouge to mail to electronically or by snail mail. So, maybe not supposed to take it to local DMV? Anyway, I would contact main office and also maybe contact your local state congress persons office. They should have staff to help in cases like this.
I wouldn't worry about the DMV's test a bit. Their gear is designed to be fast, with accuracy a secondary consideration. Witness the infamous driver's license photo that everyone hates. That's because (according to at least one photography book author) the DMV's photo gear is scientifically selected and set up to produce the worst possible portrait photo of anyone. They can make Miss America look ugly!

Your eye doc signed off on your vision so that's all you need to be concerned with.
W2R I don't want to add to your stress. Not an expert on this subject just got curious reading these posts. That form I referenced has a P. O. Box in Baton Rouge to mail to electronically or by snail mail. So, maybe not supposed to take it to local DMV? Anyway, I would contact main office and also maybe contact your local state congress persons office. They should have staff to help in cases like this.

This is actually a great idea...
On my last one, bored waiting for the 45 minutes or so before my appointment, I was scrolling on my phone for most of it. My eyes take a while to correct for distance when I do that for a while.

I have spent 6 years trying to convince my optometrist that this is an actual thing. He swears he's never heard anyone else say this. Every friend I have in the world says this. Probably time to find a new optometrist.
I don’t have any advice to offer. I just hope self driving cars will be capable before I’m denied a license, though it appears one can get almost anywhere using Uber, Lyft or similar and there are more delivery services than ever it seems (restaurants, groceries,M etc.).

Fortunately my parents weren’t driving more than 3,000 miles per year late in life. My Dad took my Moms car keys away from her at 92 yo after she got lost within a few miles of their home in an area she’d been hundreds of times. And TX took his license away at 95 yo due to vision. My sister moved in with them, and drove Dad everywhere until he passed away at 96 yo. Losing their (driving) independence was traumatic for both of them, I can understand.
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There was a Chevy ad decades ago - "It's not just a car. It's your freedom!"

For once, an ad-writer was paying attention to the real world.
It just depends on you when you should stop.
Met a guy a few years ago out riding my moto, and he was on his.
Said, in 14 years I'll be a hundred! Ride on dude. :cool:
It's been mentioned but wanted to say again that if you decide to retake the test go to a different DMV office. Could make all the difference since you clearly don't have a problem with your eyesight.
Last time I went to the DMV I had to do the eye test. I was aware that my first cataract doc had refused to comply with my demand that he give me 20:20 lens. He kept saying I'd be more happy with a "reading" eye. I kept saying - I'll get readers. We "agreed" finally but he did the reading lens instead. The second eye was indeed a 20:20 from the second doc years later.

So since I was 20:20 in one eye and 20:40 in the other eye, they required me to wear glasses. I asked the clerk "If I came in with only one eye and that eye was 20:20, would you make me wear glasses?" She thought for a moment and said "I guess not." I asked her "So since I'm 20:20 in one eye, why do I need glasses. She couldn't answer except to say "Well, that's just the way we do it here."

W2R, if eye were you, I'd keep the driver's license at all costs. You just might need it.

See what I did there?:cool:
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I have spent 6 years trying to convince my optometrist that this is an actual thing. He swears he's never heard anyone else say this. Every friend I have in the world says this. Probably time to find a new optometrist.

That is EXACTLY why I got glasses. After a day at work on the computer, my distance sight would be quite fuzzy on the way home.
W2R, I would NOT give up my drivers license. Sounds like to me the DMV office you went to discriminates against older people. Your eye doctor said your eyes are fine. Do as others say go to to a different DMV office. If that does not work, have your doctor fill out the form others have mentioned and mail it in. If that does not work, appeal the decision, there is info on this on the La DMV site. If necessary contact your state representative and the governors office. Contact AARP, they have people to help. Write a letter to the editor. To me this is age discrimination pure and simple. Stand up for us old folks W2R! Do not let them push you around!
W2R, I would NOT give up my drivers license. Sounds like to me the DMV office you went to discriminates against older people. Your eye doctor said your eyes are fine. Do as others say go to to a different DMV office. If that does not work, have your doctor fill out the form others have mentioned and mail it in. If that does not work, appeal the decision, there is info on this on the La DMV site. If necessary contact your state representative and the governors office. Contact AARP, they have people to help. Write a letter to the editor. To me this is age discrimination pure and simple. Stand up for us old folks W2R! Do not let them push you around!

Hear, hear!
Trying to reason with a government person can be like trying to reason with a brick. It's above their pay grade. :angel:

I don't suggest doing like my old friend S who had lost his license.
He drove anyway and said, I'm the most careful driver I know.

Because I know if I get stopped, I'm going to jail. :LOL:
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Although I don't like the idea of trusting a machine to drive I agree with Midpack.

I don’t have any advice to offer. I just hope self driving cars will be capable before I’m denied a license, though it appears one can get almost anywhere using Uber, Lyft or similar and there are more delivery services than ever it seems (restaurants, groceries,M etc.).

W2R, sorry you are being frustrated by what may be bored or disgruntled DMV employees that don't consider the professional opinions of medical doctors.
I will need to renew my license in 14 months when I turn 76. A little over a year ago I had cataract surgery with one eye for distance and the other for midrange for computer work. I still need "cheaters" for reading. With both eyes open I can see just fine except for closer than 18 inches. Since the eye test at the DMV tests eye individually on a machine that you look into I don't know how my results will turn out. Something will most likely be fuzzy at least with one eye and if I was to wear glasses it will affect the other eye. A trained professional ophthalmologist should have the deciding opinion.

Ferguson - Dulcius Ex Asperis

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Thanks, everybody, for all the kind and encouraging posts. Right now I am too upset to deal with it so that is why I'm not answering most of them, but they are truly appreciated. My plan is to wait a few weeks, get Frank to read your posts and see what he thinks, and then (maybe?) try again. Or not.

Definitely wait a few weeks to calm down.

Not the same thing - but after chasing down all the documents for an enhanced license - and waiting in excess of four hours - they would not give me an enhanced license without dropping my middle name/ initial because there was no middle name on my NYC birth certificate. Now, it was on my not yet expired license, my ss card, wedding certificate, all other documents - so I ended up storming out with a regular license.
Definitely wait a few weeks to calm down.

Not the same thing - but after chasing down all the documents for an enhanced license - and waiting in excess of four hours - they would not give me an enhanced license without dropping my middle name/ initial because there was no middle name on my NYC birth certificate. Now, it was on my not yet expired license, my ss card, wedding certificate, all other documents - so I ended up storming out with a regular license.
FYI some posts have since mentioned the paperwork from the doctor has a 30 day lifespan so that's something to keep in mind...
Although I don't like the idea of trusting a machine to drive I agree with Midpack.

W2R, sorry you are being frustrated by what may be bored or disgruntled DMV employees that don't consider the professional opinions of medical doctors.
I will need to renew my license in 14 months when I turn 76. A little over a year ago I had cataract surgery with one eye for distance and the other for midrange for computer work. I still need "cheaters" for reading. With both eyes open I can see just fine except for closer than 18 inches. Since the eye test at the DMV tests eye individually on a machine that you look into I don't know how my results will turn out. Something will most likely be fuzzy at least with one eye and if I was to wear glasses it will affect the other eye. A trained professional ophthalmologist should have the deciding opinion.

Ferguson - Dulcius Ex Asperis


I'm no expert on the eye test machine, but when I used the one at our DMV, it correctly showed me as 20:20 and 20:40.

Even though it will be closer than 18 inches from your eyes, there are lenses that essentially turn your view into a much longer focal distance. (I have now told you more than I know so YMMV.)

Agree that the ophthalmologist opinion should be binding here.
Thanks for sharing your story. In your place I would be persistent to retain my license. They are not playing fair with you especially based on your Dr.'s reports.

Is there another DMV office you can go to for testing? We have a few options in our city.
Think what you will save on car insurance!

I've been doing exactly that! :LOL:

Also, driving isn't fun any more, has anybody noticed? So many nutty drivers on the road.

I've also been thinking about the fact that for my whole life, I've wanted to stop driving before I got to be one of those old, terrible drivers that run over children and other innocent people. I'd never forgive myself. Actually I had already been thinking that sometime between 70-80 might be the best time for most people to quit driving (just hadn't quite extrapolated that to ME :LOL: ). So anyway, I'm thinking of just quitting driving even though I still feel like I can drive adequately.

Still thinking about it. For now, Frank is driving me when I need to go somewhere. He's six years younger than me.
I used to live in NOLA, & remember that the DMV thinks it has godlike powers. :mad:
So true about nutty drivers, and people on their cellphones, just not paying enough attention. I don't drive much, but my insurance company does not take that into account.

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