trouble copying mpg file to external hard drive

simple girl

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
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Sep 10, 2006
We bought an external hard drive to back up our data. I copied my pictures, but I'm having trouble copying my movie clips (mpg files). It gives me the following error message:

"Property Loss"
"Are you sure you want to copy this file without it's properties? The file has properties that cannot be copied to the new location."

Any suggestions:confused:
The loss of some file properties won't hurt the copy. File properties are extra data attached to the file name. Things like copyright information, who created the file and a ton of other stuff may be buried in the file properties.

Make a copy to the new drive and then check to see if the file still works. You should not have a problem.
Thanks, they worked fine! You just never know when to ignore those silly little warnings! Microsoft Vista is full of them:p
I'm guessing that the source disk was formatted for NTFS and the target disk was formatted for FAT.

You might in fact be losing something useful...some of those extra properties may contain information regarding the file format, codecs used, bitrate, etc. The mpg will probably play, but software using it may have to spend some time evaluating the content before playing/editing it and may make invalid assumptions.
So the best solution may lie in reformatting the External Hard Dive (Back Up Disk) as NTFS. After doing the see if the mpg's copy without error.
Ayuh, thats what I'd do. Not much of a benefit in using fat unless you're going to be using the disk on other computers that dont support ntfs or dont support it very well.
Well, we went ahead and formatted the external drive and presto, everything copies and plays fine!

Thanks again!
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