Unexpected expenses after retirement (everything breaks!)

Generational difference...
When we moved to Florida, bought a 20' runabout and slip for $5K...2nd happiest day of my life. Used it daily, with no expense except gas and oil for 8 years, 'til destroying the outdrive by hitting a gator. $3000 estimate for repair. Gave it away for $5. Happiest day. :dance:

Did you get to eat the gator? May have made it better yet!

Go to Amazon Trade in store. Put in what you have. For a first generation iPad in good condition one with WiFi only and 16GB nets you $119 while one with 3G and 64 GB in good condition nets you $148.50.

When I got my current iPad (a year ago) I traded in my first generation.

I've traded in a number of things on Amazon. I sold some iPhones on eBay (we had moved to a house where we couldn't get ATT service so we sold our phones and got Verizon phones). It was fine, but I found that I could get almost as much trading in the phones on Amazon so I did that with the other 2.

Worked out great. You are paid through an Amazon gift card.

Thanks for the tip, Kat. I did not know this. I figured it would just be tossed away. I plan on getting a new 10 in. tablet soon. I just recently bought a 7 in HP slate. I like it but not as my everyday workhorse, as I prefer the bigger screen.
Thanks for the tip, Kat. I did not know this. I figured it would just be tossed away. I plan on getting a new 10 in. tablet soon. I just recently bought a 7 in HP slate. I like it but not as my everyday workhorse, as I prefer the bigger screen.
I don't mind being on the other side of the latest and greatest. Find the biggest sellers of 12 or 18 months ago, find it on eBay, and you're way ahead. Not only didn't you pay the big bucks for being first on the block, you have the opportunity to avoid the 'lemons' and if you buy the big sellers, you also have a huge 'support team' that figured out the products 'gotchas' and helpful hacks.
I don't know why either, but I use this phenomenon to my advantage by staying one or two generations behind in technology. I save an absolute fortune in acquisition costs by being close enough to, but not right up with, the Jones-es. :D

We stay on the trailing edge of leading technology....saves us a bunch of money...:LOL:

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