Unreasonable To Refuse to Pay?

While it may sound disgusting, your making a big deal over a trifle, IMHO. Throw a bucket of water at it and go about your day.

Having had to deal with desperate young boys and walking my dog, I'm glad my neighborhood is somewhat understanding that things happen.

I used to take a commuter bus in a Paris suburb where it was more than likely each morning that the bus driver would pull over, walk over to the side of a house and unzip.

I just don't see this as a huge deal.
Take all the time you would have wasted on retribution and find something to enrich your life.

You know, I have read several remarks that pretty much say "get a life" but this one is especially offensive to me. I simply asked if I was being reasonable and soliciting ideas from the forum members on a course of action. I didn't ask for anyone's opinion on if I should "enrich my life". My life is enriched enough, thank you very much.

I understand in the grand scheme of things, this isn't a big deal at all. Not even really a little deal. What I didn't appreciate was that the company wasn't responding to my issue. I have been in contact with the company and it's now resolved to my satisfaction.

If you have absolutely NO ISSUE with a contractor urinating on the side of your house, then hey...I am super happy for you. I personally am not fan of said action.

It's taken care of. For those of you that offered some good advice, thank you. For the rest of you... :mad:
Actually not indecent exposure from what I was told by a lawyer.... that requires that the exposure is for sexual gratification.... since he was at the back of the house urinating, that part is not there....

There are laws in place against public urination which come into play.... but I wonder if he would be guilty of that also....

Your lawyer is probably not licenced to practice in all 50 states. Here in the state of Georgia, if you are urinating in public and a minor sees you doing it, that is reason enough to be labeled as a sex offender. I don't agree with that, but it is the law.
I would pay the bill and hose it off. It is funny though that you caught it on video and sent it to them.
There is a small woods between my neighbor's land and mine. He frequently has large landscape work crews working there and I've caught them pooping in my woods.:sick:

So, in the big picture, maybe this is a small annoyance. I'd let it go.
Here in the state of Georgia, if you are urinating in public and a minor sees you doing it, that is reason enough to be labeled as a sex offender.

In Mass, we used to burn people at the stake for less than that!
Some of you guys need to lighten up. Wanting to get a guy labeled as a sex offender for life because he had to take a piss? Tell them to come back and hose it off for you and be done with it. Its only urine, not toxic waste.
Considering telling hired workers that they are welcome to use your bathroom will test your perception of how much damage is done if they piss on your siding out of desperation. They have to get out of sight to avoid somebody calling the cops, against the building someplace often is the only choice.

As to liens, they can file, and you have to defend unless you want to hear from your bank. Their standing to lien is considered only after they cause trouble. All they have to do is find the right atty and pay the fee.
Some of you guys need to lighten up. Wanting to get a guy labeled as a sex offender for life because he had to take a piss? Tell them to come back and hose it off for you and be done with it. Its only urine, not toxic waste.

Nobody said that. You are taking a post or posts out of context.

For those that missed my post...the problem has been taken care of.

I am happy. Company is happy. Employee is still an employee and isn't being labeled as a sex offender.

I am moving on with my life now. :)
A few years ago my neighbor had a large tree cut down. A few days later another guy came with the machine to grind out the stump. I was watching because I like that kind of stuff. The stump guy shut off the machine and walked over to the side of the house (just outside my window) and with his back to me, unzipped, stood in that stance and peed on a bush. Then he zipped back up and went back to grinding the stump.

I was laughing so hard! Mostly because HE DIDN'T WASH HIS HANDS!!

I never told my neighbor. I expect this is common practice for this guy, which is troubling. I didn't think about telling his employer.

As for the OP, I think sending the video to his employer is reasonable.
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I wouldnt use their service again. If they have a yelp or google review page I would leave a negative comment and let the world know what happened. This may prevent others from using their service.

Did the urine ruin anything? You need to understand that people who do these kinds of jobs and or any manual labor for that matter are sometimes in a position where there is no bathroom. Would you have liked it better if they would have asked to come inside and use your bathroom? Probably not. Id rather them take a leak outside and let the rain/hose wash it away.

This is the world we live in now. Most people do not take their jobs serious. If they cleaned all the leaves and did a good job consider yourself lucky. But to have them come back out and do more work...no way! I wouldnt trust them anymore. Not to mention you're now labeled so if they see you request service again they will remind their workers what went down.
Eventually I think employees will start to realize that there are lots of folks that have cameras around their places. In an instance where I was EXTREMELY annoyed was when we had a dog sitter come in while we were out of town. Part of the service that was agreed to was the sitter would play with the dogs for 30 minutes twice a day. The first day of the vacation, we noticed that the amount of time the alarm was disarmed was less than 5 minutes. We queried the sitter about what we had paid for and reminded her that she was being paid to play with the dogs for an hour per day. Well, low and behold the camera told a new story. She would come in, disarm the alarm and then leave. About 45 minutes later, she'd come back in and re-arm the alarm without even looking at the animals. Needless to say, I didn't pay for the service and as far as I know, she was terminated. We now have a family friend that house sits for us. It's a great deal because she gets to stay here and the animals get someone to occupy them.

Oh yes, here's the BEST part of the 1st pet sitter. She KNEW that we had a camera in the house!!! SHE KNEW but yet still scammed!

So yes, it's damn hard to find good help these days.
It's good to hear that your issue is resolved.

I don't think I would want to use that company again. There are likely other choices hopefully.

A couple years ago my neighbor had a tree cut down and removed. I was outside and observed the crew working on it. While they took a lunch break they sat around talking and using foul language. It seemed unprofessional to me. Later when I had a tree removed I used a different company and am very happy with the work done and have recommended them to others. You never know when others are watching (filming) or listening.
Reminded me of one of my public sector gigs when in charge of garbage collection, among other things like water supply and sewage (the last which makes a piss on the property sort of a meh issue to me). This was in the eighties when guys openly rode on the back of garbage packer trucks, just holding on to the handhold, which I'm pretty sure is taboo from a safety standpoint. Anyway, we all knew these guys were quite adept at rolling down the road and discretely pissing in the back hopper; never did have a complaint on that so they must have been pretty skilled.
On a lighter note, we have a very nice restaurant locally (best in town) where there are full length windows overlooking a small park/alleyway. Many tables are right up against the windows.

A year ago a homeless guy needed to go and, perhaps the lighting/reflection prevented him from seeing inside (or he just didn't give a ****) and he just peed right on the window as the people were sitting there!

Hilarity ensued!

Sometimes you just gotta roll with it.
I'm glad to hear it was resolved. Yay!

When we were building our granny flat we had to have a porta-potty for the workers (multi-month project, pretty standard permit requirement.) The porta-potty was in our driveway (for easy access to the honeybucket truck that serviced it.) The jobsite was behind our house, down a hill a bit. We caught the workers using the job site several times. I guess the walk was too far. When we saw it we'd tell the GC and they'd hose down the area.
Maybe we could get Billy Carter and Boris Yeltsin to chime in on this.
Reminded me of one of my public sector gigs when in charge of garbage collection, among other things like water supply and sewage (the last which makes a piss on the property sort of a meh issue to me). This was in the eighties when guys openly rode on the back of garbage packer trucks, just holding on to the handhold, which I'm pretty sure is taboo from a safety standpoint. Anyway, we all knew these guys were quite adept at rolling down the road and discretely pissing in the back hopper; never did have a complaint on that so they must have been pretty skilled.

Reminds me of our garbage service. Not too long ago, the DW inadvertently put styrofoam into the recycle cart. The employee decided the best way to deal with it was to throw it in the street. He could have put it back in the bin or the trash container that was sitting next to it, but the street was much more convenient. Here's a video of that too.... it's kinda funny to watch now, but I was a little annoyed at the time.

What the worker did is called indecent exposure. If you are really upset, you have every right to report this to law enforcement. The guy could be labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life. I would tell the company that if you do not get a response, that is the path you will take. The solution for me would be for the crew to come back out and clean that portion of your house before you will pay the bill because they have not finished the job until that is done.

That does not fit the definition of indecent exposure. It wouldve had to have been in the view of the general public with someone witnessing it and making a compliant...at the very least.
Reminds me of our garbage service. Not too long ago, the DW inadvertently put styrofoam into the recycle cart. The employee decided the best way to deal with it was to throw it in the street. He could have put it back in the bin or the trash container that was sitting next to it, but the street was much more convenient. Here's a video of that too.... it's kinda funny to watch now, but I was a little annoyed at the time.

That kind of crap right there is what you should send the police, city, news station, etc etc. Littering is a pretty big crime/fine...not to mention rain wont wash that away. That dude should lose their job.
"Piddler on the Roof". A musical.

"yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum" :dance:
+1 Me too...(on urinating frequently and letting it go)

Sounds like the work got done.

Must be a manners issue and that may not be a strong point of mine. I have probably hit over half my yard over the years myself. As long as I wasn't getting showered I wouldn't have given it a thought. Even if I was doing yard work at the time.

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