Vaccine Trials

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I don't agree with the people who think CV is a big hoax. But, I do take such stories with a big grain of salt unless I know the person, or I know a trusted person who knows the person. We get enough garbage from the modern news media that is based upon unsubstantiated stories, anonymous sources, hysterical exaggeration, and people who literally don't know what they are talking about.

Social media is a poor choice for facts. (Yes, even this illustrious group - Trust but Verify). I cringe every time a local TV station tells us about their latest Twitter Poll on some controversial subject. Really? A Twitter poll?

Back to the topic of this thread:

FWIW, I have a trusted relative who works in a hospital. She reports that CV cases have been rising for two weeks, but so far they can handle it.

The local medical center in my area released it's latest CV report yesterday. Two weeks ago they had 5 CV cases in the hospital. As of yesterday they had 24.

Earlier I posted Petter Attia's interview with a doctor who knows a lot about vaccines and how they are tested. If you can tolerate all the medical jargon, I think it's worth a listen. #264
Interesting part at the end of that interview where he warns us not to take tylenol for fevers unless absolutely necessary, especially in response to vaccine side effects. The Tylenol will lessen the fever and thus lessen the immune response.
Interesting part at the end of that interview where he warns us not to take tylenol for fevers unless absolutely necessary, especially in response to vaccine side effects. The Tylenol will lessen the fever and thus lessen the immune response.

Fever is not always your enemy ..give your body a chance to do it's thing.
Fever is not always your enemy ..give your body a chance to do it's thing.
I'll go one further. Low fever is usually your friend. Even inducing a "fever", such as by taking a sauna, can help your body's immune system become more effective.
My very good friend's mom aged 88 was diagnosed with Covid last Sunday (resides in a CA based nursing home). She got Tylenol as a treatment and currently has no fever or symptoms.

This Tylenol discussion kind of ruined my day since she was doing so well.
Too high a fever can produce seizures, as I discovered when I had meningitis in my 40’s. Fever in children can produce febrile convulsions, our son had multiple febrile convulsions up to age 6.

As always, seek medical advice if you have a high fever.
I'll go one further. Low fever is usually your friend. Even inducing a "fever", such as by taking a sauna, can help your body's immune system become more effective.
Yes. He did say that your immune system works better at higher temperatures.
The nurse did not mention any name.

I certainly assumed no names were mentioned, but I still feel publicly shaming your patients in the ICU isn't ethical behavior. JMO..and I stand by my feeling this was embellished to some degree. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone sick enough to go on a vent, who's last words would be talking S^&t about some political issue.
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Dolly Parton--I just read that Dolly Parton contributed $1,000,000 of her own money to fund research at Vanderbilt University that helped develop the Moderna vaccine. I have always liked this lady, now I like her even more.
I get confused about when to use acetaminopen vs. ibuprofen. Both are supposed to reduce fever, but only ibuprofen is "anti-inflammatory." That confuses me...if a fever isn't inflammation, what is?

When I was going through Invisalign orthodontia, I was cautioned to avoid ibuprofen and only take Tylenol for aches and pains, since mild inflammation of the jawbone is part of the teeth-straightening process. I tried to avoid them both!

Interesting part at the end of that interview where he warns us not to take tylenol for fevers unless absolutely necessary, especially in response to vaccine side effects. The Tylenol will lessen the fever and thus lessen the immune response.
Dolly Parton--I just read that Dolly Parton contributed $1,000,000 of her own money to fund research at Vanderbilt University that helped develop the Moderna vaccine. I have always liked this lady, now I like her even more.

Nobody messes with Dolly. Not even Covid 19 :D.

I remember a mention of her $1M donation earlier in the year.

She's got an kind heart. Not only this but her Dolly bedtime reading program.
I get confused about when to use acetaminopen vs. ibuprofen. Both are supposed to reduce fever, but only ibuprofen is "anti-inflammatory." That confuses me...if a fever isn't inflammation, what is?

When I was going through Invisalign orthodontia, I was cautioned to avoid ibuprofen and only take Tylenol for aches and pains, since mild inflammation of the jawbone is part of the teeth-straightening process. I tried to avoid them both!

Tylenol is not classified as an's mostly an analgesic.. just a different class of drug.
I get confused about when to use acetaminopen vs. ibuprofen. Both are supposed to reduce fever, but only ibuprofen is "anti-inflammatory." That confuses me...if a fever isn't inflammation, what is?

Fever just means an elevated body temperature. It may or may not be caused by inflammation.

Aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil is an example), and naproxen (Aleve is an example) are all NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) that can all reduce fever.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol is an example) is not an NSAID, but can also reduce fever, and works differently from NSAIDs. It's generally called paracetamol in Europe and other countries.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol is an example) is not an NSAID, but can also reduce fever, and works differently from NSAIDs. It's generally called paracetamol in Europe and other countries.

Why are there no aspirins in the jungle? - Because the "parrots 'et 'em all"
Pfizer vaccine, more news:

They are starting to get into real number territory to back up the 95% effective claim.

- 170 infections
- 162 in placebo
- 8 in vaccine group, only 1 case severe

These are really, really good numbers.

The study says they saw efficacy among all demographic groups.
How long will the bureaucrats take to approve? Of course it’s a fine line between expediting and seeming like undo pressure to cut corners as they say.
How long will the bureaucrats take to approve? Of course it’s a fine line between expediting and seeming like undo pressure to cut corners as they say.

Both Pfizer and Moderna are planning to apply for emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA. An EUA can apparently be done once they have two months worth of Phase 3 data. For Pfizer this will be in the next few days, for Moderna it will be in the next couple of weeks.

I believe they both already have doses manufactured and ready to be distributed pending EUA, so from my understanding it could be available in a matter of weeks, certainly before the end of this year.

I don't know how prioritization is handled. There is discussion about who should get it first, such as medical personnel and more vulnerable populations.
Great news.
Now just gear up and get it out there!

Alas, in some states, fearful governors will want their experts to evaluate the vaccine first. Another delay.

IMHO, our elected leaders should be like captains of a sinking ship - last to get to safety.
Both Pfizer and Moderna are planning to apply for emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA. An EUA can apparently be done once they have two months worth of Phase 3 data. For Pfizer this will be in the next few days, for Moderna it will be in the next couple of weeks.

I believe they both already have doses manufactured and ready to be distributed pending EUA, so from my understanding it could be available in a matter of weeks, certainly before the end of this year.

I don't know how prioritization is handled. There is discussion about who should get it first, such as medical personnel and more vulnerable populations.

I'm seeing there will be a geographic component as well...Moderna is easier to store and transport so most likely will be designed to more rural areas of the country.
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