Walmart is In China


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 25, 2005
ABC is running a piece about Walmart. Seems they're trying to capture the market, which would be a billion more customers. If they can get 3% of the market, it would be worth 20 billion. They have plans to increase their stores in China by 90 in the next few years.

Way to go, Wally World. Let some of the large U.S. cities keep 'em out. They don't need 'em. Not if they have China as a market.
Kind of a reverse outsource plan. 
You take our jobs- - -OK well, we'll create jobs here so we can make stuff to sell you with the money you make from the job you took from us.
The trick is to be able to make the stuff here that they want there.
We need about a brazilion Chinamen and Chinawomen  running around saying - "look, made in USA" :eek: :eek:
My brother was in China for the previous 3 months, and he actually visited a WalMart there.... I asked him to take a photo on the inside, but they prohibit photographs of the inside. :( He said it was very much like a normal walmart, although there didn't seem to be much logical order to how stuff was arranged in the store, and on the shelves.
Marshac said:
He said it was very much like a normal walmart, although there didn't seem to be much logical order to how stuff was arranged in the store, and on the shelves.

Sounds exactly the same to me.
moghopper said:
Sounds exactly the same to me.

Jeez, yes, what awful stores. Bad merchandising, bad display, and really awful ethics. How on earth are they so big?

And they just bought a share of the biggest chain in Central America so when I go back to my winter haunt in Costa Rica I'll have someplace else to avoid.
Patrick said:
Now they can sell all their products right where they're made to the people who made them! :LOL:

I read an article a while back, may have been posted here, where they interviewed workers in china who made stuff for the US. The upshot was that they were as a group amazed at the crap people here are willing to buy and wouldnt take home any of the stuff they made even if it was for free.
() said:
I read an article a while back, may have been posted here, where they interviewed workers in china who made stuff for the US. The upshot was that they were as a group amazed at the crap people here are willing to buy and wouldnt take home any of the stuff they made even if it was for free.

I think that article was from the Onion. Parody. :)
The salad shooter article. That was funny. This was a real interview. I'll see if I can find it later on when i'm not holding a jumpy baby.
() said:
Ok, i'm dang confused now.  How can they be Brazilion and Chinese at the same time?  :duh:

OK, let me get the dictionary out for yah.

Bra-zil-e-in- - - -def.  A really big-ass number used when counting a bunch of Chinese swarming over a fresh fish counter at a Chinese Wal*Mart. :D
The upshot was that they were as a group amazed at the crap people here are willing to buy and wouldnt take home any of the stuff they made even if it was for free.

Their homes are so tiny most think seriously before they buy 'stuff' they don't absolutely need.

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