We Need Universal Health Care Now!

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Dryer sheet wannabe
Jul 17, 2007
The last time our government even tried to do any thing about the health care problem in this country was 14 years ago, Hillary put forth a health care program, Not to many people liked it but that is no excuse to do nothing.
The Republican/Limbaugh theory that if you let a drowning man flounder it will make him a stronger swimmer, is bull carp at its best.
Every country in the world that is in the top industrialized nations, has universal health care.
We are at the bottom of the list when it comes to our health care system. Now lets not do the Limbaugh "we have the best health care system in the world" It is not the quality of health care that they use to confuse people, it is access to that great health care system.
Those who say that they are against social anything most of them are raging religious nuts who see Armageddon in every thing the government does, These idiots should not be allowed to vote.
The rich do not want to be taxed because they are selfish, and every one who hits it big becomes selfish.
We have 46 million people who do not have health care in the richest country in the world. I would think this alone would give the GOP a bit of shame, but I being a former GOP member, see there is no shame for these people.
Then you have the Insurance companies that regularly take premiums and then try to deny coverage to the insured.
I have lived next to Canada for many years and every one I know, would not trade their system for ours on a dime bet.
I know several people from England and they think our system is a throw back to the stone age.
These religious idiots who spout that we should let people fend for themselves,I would think see that they are treating people like a Darwin theory, survival of the richest.
Let the market and free enterprise decide how people will be taken care of. And for hating social anything? We already have half our health care system socialized, If it is so bad than lets get rid of SSI,Medicaid,Medicare,the veterans health care system.
And as far as Limbaugh's stock answer "why should I pay for your health car?" My answer is why should I pay for your kid to go to school? I do not own a car, why should I pay for your roads? I do not believe in the war in Iraq why should I pay for your war?
Because countries can only function as a social community. Even natures biggest colony's are social, Most of the insect world have social communities.
But the people who are reading the bible as a way of life instead of a book of principals, and the rich who want nothing more than a return to the days of the robber barons want to keep things the way they are.

Here ya go WC...


  • shitcreekpaddlestore.jpg
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This topic has been discussed ad nauseum...

Now tell us what you really think !
problems of the day

I guess if I wanted to talk about one of the celbs, and how big their butts are, or if britney was going in to rehab, every one would want to get in on the discussion?
We have problems in this country, We have a president that is in the pocket of big oil, we have no energy polocy, we have a slipping economy, We have a growing problem with home forclosures and they will get bad in the next year when all the 3 year fixed interest rates turn to ARMs. We have no demostic polocy a war that is draggin on and no end in sight.
We have an auto industry that is falling apart, jobs that are flooding out of this country. I guess spears is a top toppic.
yeah, Brit was pretty hot at one time. Definitely more interesting to talk about than this stuff. ;)


  • trashcat is not amused.jpg
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Be careful of what you ask Rugar cause you just might get it.

It is good though that we have you cause you have it all figured out.

Here's another look at Trashcat to ease your mind though

I guess if I wanted to talk about one of the celbs, and how big their butts are, or if britney was going in to rehab, every one would want to get in on the discussion?
We have problems in this country, We have a president that is in the pocket of big oil, we have no energy polocy, we have a slipping economy, We have a growing problem with home forclosures and they will get bad in the next year when all the 3 year fixed interest rates turn to ARMs. We have no demostic polocy a war that is draggin on and no end in sight.
We have an auto industry that is falling apart, jobs that are flooding out of this country. I guess spears is a top toppic.

You are not looking for a discussion, but a fight........ If you are willing to offer constructive meaningful dialogue on an issue, that's one thing. Jumping up and down and screaming "I Hate Bush".......isn't meaningful dialogue..........;)
I absolutely agree, but why stop at health care. I need food to eat, electricity to see by, gasoline to go to work (do my work actually), clean water to drink and bathe in, dishes to eat off of, shelter to live in, during the winter I need to heat my shelter. I think the government should provide all of life's necessities, that way I can spend what money I have left on things I want not things I need.

Sorry couldn't resist taking the bait, but at least I spit out the hook.
I think we also need:
Universal Housing
Universal food
Universal Cable TV
Universal Gas (automobile)
Universal Clothing
Universal Vacations
Universal Elecricity
Universal Porno
...don't forget about universal car insurance, universal home-owner's insurance, universal disability insurance, universal life insurance, and universal long-term care coverage. Oh yes, and universal dental and vision coverage too! I, for one, am heavily in favor of Universal Vacations...thanks, Dex!

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Well, why not consider..
  • All-private toll roads; can't pay, can't go. I'm sure the prices will stay fair and affordable, though.
  • Private police for those who can afford. For the rest, just hire a guy with a gun or two.
  • Private schools only (those who can't afford it just get the Cliff's notes)
  • Private military, guarding only those who can pay.
  • Pay-for-use airports and air traffic control, pay by the safe landing (no charge if it crashes).
  • All drugs and foods checked by private labs if you pay for it. Eat melamine if you can't pay. Or maybe the big pharmas can regulate themselves.
  • Privatize national parks - we can have Disney take over Yellowstone.
Hmmm... maybe there's a happy medium somewhere ;)
Hell I'd rather have paid for universal health care for people than all the school taxes I have paid for everyone else's kids to go to school - I have no kids, why should I pay for someone else's family education.

Hell I'd rather have paid for universal health care for people than all the school taxes I have paid for everyone else's kids to go to school - I have no kids, why should I pay for someone else's family education.


So you won't be surrounded by dumb people?

Oh, wait, never mind... :-\
I think a president that can not say two words togeather that does not make him look like a second grader is worth bashing, I also think he is very fun to make fun of all you have to do is watch him, Like when he said "there is an old saying in tenn. it goes... fool me once.......... pause pause pause...fool me twice pause pause pause..... you cant get food twice.
Talk about meaningful dialogue. This guy is priceless for he comics, he supplys them with enough laughs to make jerry ford look like a strait guy.
I have no kids, why should I pay for someone else's family education.

Why should my kids help pay for your SS and medicare? Plus who paid
for your public school education. I guess each generation has a burden to
carry. My parents had the depression and WWII. I hope to have enough to
share with my kids if they need it.
I'd like to quit paying for this "army" thing, and all those senators salaries in states other than california.
Most conservitives do not want the uneducated to know that half the health care system is already socialized. As was stated by others, if the government has no business in health care, then what about your fire dept. let the free market work here if it is the end all way. what about the schools? We have already seen what happens to schools where the $ are, and why schools in bad areas can not get good teacher and enough $ to give any kind of programs, and then the conservitves point their finger and say see, the public school system does not work, why give the underclass any more $.
As our jobs head overseas, and china owns more and more of our a$$ the conservitives sit about and do nothing saying "Oh great and wonderful free market, supply and demand, supply side econ. What shall we do next?
Which corporate whore should we give tax breaks to?"
While we are at it lets get rid of welfare, medicare,medicaid, and the big one that limbaugh hates social security, it was just another liberal social tool that FDR put in place.
Lets run this country on free market principals, god knows it worked for the stock market in 29.
We dont need no stinking rules.
Look the country is sick of the scare tactics of the 90s, socialisim is a prelude to communisum, god knows that if it were not for Joe mcarthy we would all be black balled from working,,,, wait, no that was uncle joe. Well we would all be baned from directing movies that the government did not like, wait uncle joe did that also, If you go social anything the next thing will be illegal wire tapping our phones, no wait that was bush,
Well we alow socialized meds in to our country and we fall to the commies next thing our military will invade every country it did not like, wait thats bush also..... Seems to me that the dictator government you conservetives try to scare us with only comes close to happning when you are in power. I.E. can you say Nixon?
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