What destinations or experiences exceeded your expectations?


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 26, 2012
Since there's a thread devoted to "bucket list" disappointments, I thought it would be useful to read about places & experiences which surpassed expectations.

Here are a few of mine:

Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Mexico - We traveled from Mexico City north (100km) to a reserve near the border of Michoacan state & Mexico state. This was over 10 years ago when the butterflies were plentiful. There were millions of butterflies flitting around us in a mountaintop meadow around 10,000 ft (3,000m). It was an astounding and enchanting sight. The butterflies are there during the North American winter period.

Las Pozas - this is a collection of bizarre surrealistic concrete structures built and scattered throughout a lush tropical forest near the village of Xilitla in the state of San Luis Potosi in eastern Mexico. The structures were designed by Edward James who worked with a Mexican carpenter. It has to be seen to be believed.

I've been to most of the US National Parks at least once, and they are all worthwhile. Places like Yellowstone, Yosemite, & Bryce Canyon are universally loved and among my favorites. Redwood NP is another personal favorite. But one national park which I found much more impressive than I expected was Canyonlands in southern Utah. It's vast with amazing landforms and vistas.

Penang, Malaysia - Penang is an island off the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. The main city, technically called Georgetown (but usually simply called Penang) looks the way that Hong Kong & Singapore supposedly looked before most of the colonial buildings were torn down and replaced with skyscrapers. Penang is full of wonderful colonial architecture. Ethnically, Penang is majority Chinese and also has a substantial Indian population. The Chinese & Indian food on the island is superb. Other sites on the island outside of Georgetown are quite interesting to visit, as well.

Venice, Italy - I expected to hate it, knowing that it's overrun with tourists like myself. But I found it so magnificent and unique that I couldn't help but love it. Fortunately, both of my visits were in the off-season and it wasn't totally mobbed, nor was I there during a period of flooding.

Finally, one experience/sight which lived up to and exceeded the hype, was seeing a total solar eclipse. Some friends & I went to eastern Oregon to see the eclipse on August 21, 2017. It was unforgettable. There will be another in North America on April 8, 2024.
The Taj Mahal. We have seen the pyramids, the Eiffel tower, the Parthenon, etc. We have also seen the big falls: Niagra, Iguazu, Victoria, ... and the big five African animals. But for me nothing comes close to the Taj. The size of the thing is impossible to comprehend from pictures and the detailed craftsmanship of the marble carving and inlays astounds. They told us it took something like 23,000 craftsman 25 years to build it.
South Africa. All of it including Cape Town, Kruger, Garden Route.

Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia. We keep going back for more!!
India in general. I first went there on business and my boss said that you either love it or you hate it. I loved it- the people, the food, the amazing hotels (really spectacular accommodations for a fraction of NY prices), the jewelry, the history. I even returned as a tourist with Overseas Adventure Travel- not a good place to bop around on your own. Yes, there's poverty, bad smells, overhead electric lines that are a fire waiting to happen (people tapping in illegally), but I hoped that at least my contributions as a mentor to my coworkers and the zillions of rupees I dropped on jewelry helped everyone.

Albania. Who knew? Same tour company last September. I expected it to be all grim and Communist-y. Yes, there were bunkers from the Communist era all over (many turned into bars and man caves) and a lot of brutalist architecture but we had some superb farm-to-table meals (I like wild board sausage!), there was a lot of natural beauty and some interesting old cities (Shkoder and Berat). The guide told me a lot of the money for the new development (including a 6-story shopping mall across from our hotel in Tirana) came from people who fled during the Communist era, did well elsewhere and now came back home to Albania.

Budapest. My late husband and I stayed a couple of nights on a side trip from Vienna in late 2001 and loved it so much we came back for a longer stay a few years later.
Seeing the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. We had to drive from Michigan to Kentucky to see it in totality. It’s a bit of an adventure because you need to check the weather and can’t really pick your location until a couple days prior to leaving. I mapped out a couple different options and waited until I could confirm the best location given the weather forecast. Then, the day before, we set out. We got close the night before and then woke in the morning to execute the plan. I had picked out a park that had some bathroom facilities and that was close to the expressway. In short, it worked out perfectly and the “show” was awesome.

Here’s a picture of the eclipse.


This picture shows how close it was to being a bust. Very close to totality, the clouds rolled in. Thankfully they cleared in time.


And, the best part was that at the last minute, my younger daughter decided to go. I had no idea it would be of interest to her. I’m so glad she joined us.


Literally, one of the best days of my life.
Where to begin? Spent 30 years of international travel 200 days a year. Here's a sampling:

Having dinner at the old Carnelian Room in San Francisco and being above the clouds just below our window
Skiing above the clouds in Switzerland…seeing the Matterhorn as an island above the clouds
Walking along the Bundt in Shanghai…the lights of the skyscrapers; old buildings lit up
Temples in Kyoto and Kamakura
Seeing Mt. Fuji from the bullet train in Japan
Christmas Island (Kiribati) for an entire week
Church on Christmas Island. Incredible acapella singing, just incredible
Italy. Anywhere in Italy. Period. IMHO
The Mare’s Tail in the Borders Scotland
Spending a very long night in Austria with a bunch of crazy, drunk Germans in a small slopeside ski shack halfway up the mountain.
Aurora Borealis from the plane over Siberia
The Concorde flying right below us one day
Flying into the old Hong Kong airport between the buildings
Dinners at the Eiffel Tower
Buena Vista Cafe SFO! ( if you know, you know)
Burford England; the Cotswolds
Three whales breaching just below our rented condo in Kauai
La Sagrada Basilica, Barcelona. Speechless.
Yehliu Geopark, Taiwan.
"The Cabbage" sculpture at the National Museum Taipei
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While I have enjoyed nearly all the places I have been, I ask myself what places that I will most want to revisit. For example, climbing to the cupola of the Brunelleschi Dome of the Duomo of Florence was a unique experience to appreciate this 15th century engineering marvel, but do I need to repeat it?

I think I most want to revisit the Dolomites. I barely scratched the surface of this wonderful area.
While I have never been disappointed in a destination I have enjoyed some more than others. I have been on 3 Caribbean cruises and the islands were not as enjoyable as going to Europe or the national parks. The first time I went to Italy we spent a week in Rome and also went to Venice and the island of capri. The next time we spent 2 weeks in the Tuscany region. The architecture, scenery and history were amazing.

I have been to Poland twice because my Dil is from there and my favorite city is krakow. The city center and countryside are beautiful. Ireland was everything I imagined it to be with the natural beauty, castles and churches. Looking forward to my next 2 trips to Europe.

In 1998 I went to Thailand and the Presidential Palace, temples, reclining golden Buddha, etc were gorgeous. The downside was the horrible air and water pollution. We went in November and even though it was winter it was extremely hot and humid. My son lives in Vietnam but between the heat and humidity plus the bad air I don’t want to visit.
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South Africa. All of it including Cape Town, Kruger, Garden Route.
This was my vote. Worked in Soweto in 1990 and got to partake of this beautiful country and its people. Capetown is an amazingly beautiful city. So many attractions and gorgeous weather.

Seeing the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. We had to drive from Michigan to Kentucky to see it in totality.
I drove from Toronto to Gallatin, TN to see this and it was truly breath-taking. We are close to centerline for 2024 total solar eclipse so won't have to drive so far. Although eye on the weather as you say. Definitely worth the drive.
The first time I went snorkeling I thought it might be like fishing where I'd see a fish every hour, if I was lucky. Instead the first time we went into the water we were surrounded by hundreds of colorful fish. Snorkeling has always been one of my favorite things to do. Seeing whales up close from our whale watching boat was also pretty memorable.

Whitewater rafting was a blast.
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Seeing the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. We had to drive from Michigan to Kentucky to see it in totality. It’s a bit of an adventure because you need to check the weather and can’t really pick your location until a couple days prior to leaving. I mapped out a couple different options and waited until I could confirm the best location given the weather forecast. Then, the day before, we set out. We got close the night before and then woke in the morning to execute the plan. I had picked out a park that had some bathroom facilities and that was close to the expressway. In short, it worked out perfectly and the “show” was awesome.

Just marked the April 8, 2024 on my calendar. I missed the 2017 (work) and sort of regret it. This post convinced me - my portfolio should last another 15 months so I hope to not be working this time!
Danube River Cruise. It was not my idea. DW likes to go on a cruise with her sisters every year and one sister usually picks where. I thought it would be OK, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the places that we visited. Also added 3 days in Prague at the end, and that was my favorite city.

Bryce Canyon and Glacier National Park - Outstanding natural beauty.


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Trinity College Library
Mt. Rushmore
US Capitol and White House
Royal Observatory Greenwich
Lake Louise, Moraine Lake and Lake O'hara
Bryce Canyon
Monument Valley
Antelope Canyon
Westminster Abbey/ Big Ben
Denali & romping with grizzly bears in Katmai NP, Alaska
Some experiences can't be repeated. Venice in 1984 in May was magical. Later brief visits when packed with tourists were OK but far from magical.

The Galapagos greatly exceeded my expectations. It looked like Ecuador was making solid efforts to protect the area and limit tourism to a non-destructive level. If that is an accurate perception, the Galapagos may still be a great destination.

Safaris in Kenya and Tanzania were unforgettable but I had a feeling the protected areas were under too much pressure to long survive.

I'm hoping our upcoming trip to Antarctica will also be memorable but who knows how long the ice sheets can survive.

NW-Bound is right about the Dolomites. I have taken two bike tours there and would go back in a heartbeat.
Seattle Center area. I had spent a week or so in the area and decided to do the last day in the city before catching a red eye.

First, I was bowled over by the Chihuly Garden and Glass. Then I had a great lunch at the top of the Space Needle on a clear day. Closed it out at the Museum of Pop Culture, which I loved.

I think so much depends on the weather and one's mood. It could have been a drizzly day with no views from the top of the needle, I could've had negative experiences with homeless people, and might not have been in the mood for museums, and my perception of the city might be completely opposite.
Loved so many places, driving the Dempster Highway started my retirement. Then there is Bali, Fiji, Anchor Wat, Bhutan,Portugal, India all over, Darjelling, Amiritsar, Varanasi (for the Kum Mela), loved living and traveling in the UK on my motorcycle whilst a student. For others I would recommend Peru, its cities, Machu Pichu, the amazon, the high lakes, just a wonderful varied country. And my favorite 'happy place', I worry about it becoming too well known but we have been back 6 times to the Cook Islands, Rarotonga and other islands, oh, and not for everyone but really just remarkable, we have been to Burning Man 6 times.
Our trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons a few years ago. I booked for the end of the season, and figured early fall, late summer weather, cold at night. About a week before we left, the weather showed to expect an early winter storm. Still, I had no real idea.

By day 2 we were in a winter wonderland. Everything coated with 6+ inches of snow, ice and cold but so beautiful in completely different ways than we'd expected when booking the trip. We took the gondola ride up the mountain in Tetons on the ground it was 40f, not really snowing but 12 minutes and 6000 feet later, we arrived at the top we were in a full blizzard. After we came back down we went up again lol.

It was amazing and completely unexpected when we'd planned the trip.
This is not as awe inspiring as some above, but an experience I did not really want to do was WAY better than expected.

We were in an all-inclusive in Cozumel, maybe 15 years ago. DW REALLY wanted to "swim with the dolphins". I was like OK, whatever, here's 200 bucks. Let's go pat a few dolphins.

WELL, we did get to play with them, and got to do the "Flipper" thing holding the fin as they pulled you thru the water.

But then, it was lay out on your belly while 2 dolphins came up from behind, each put their nose on a foot, and pushed you so fast that you're entire body came out of the water.

At this point, we were headed toward the dock area, but they knew when to stop and let you down.

WAY more than I expected.
For DW, it was our first trip to Tahiti. She said she had always wanted to go to Tahiti since she was 17,and I said. “Would you like to go to Tahiti?”
She said yes, and I said, “OK pick a date”. She looked at me in disbelief, and I told her I was serious.

A few days later, I called her with my famous phrase, “Pack your bags” - you are going to Tahiti.

We landed at Papaeete at about 10:30 PM and were taken to the hotel and settled in for the night. When we got up in the morning and opened the drapes DW just stood there in a trance! She looked out at the palm trees, the infinity pool, and the black sand beach.


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Danube River Cruise. It was not my idea. DW likes to go on a cruise with her sisters every year and one sister usually picks where. I thought it would be OK, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the places that we visited. Also added 3 days in Prague at the end, and that was my favorite city.

Bryce Canyon and Glacier National Park - Outstanding natural beauty.

Did you take these photos?
I am sure answers are in the eye of the beholder. [Thanks OP, always fun to remember these places/moments]
  • You can't appreciate the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls without seeing them in person.
  • The David in Florence blew me away.
  • The Cologne cathedral was stunning, and I've seen all the famous ones in the USA and Europe.
  • Standing within a few feet of the Mona Lisa (it wasn't nearly as well protected when I saw it in the late 60's as it is today).
  • Admiring Suerat's Sunday in the Park with George in person.
  • Whale watches, especially one in San Diego with a whale that swam perpendicular just under the bow of the boat, all but hitting us! Even the captain was dumbfounded.
  • Acadia and Yosemite National Parks, though there are at least a dozen great ones.
  • Nantucket is our favorite late summer vacation spot, Hilton Head is our favorite early winter vacation spot.
  • I lived in Germany for 4 years, Bavaria is the most picturesque place I've ever lived between Ludwig's castles, cathedrals, small cities and mountains. Stunning.
  • But probably the most beautiful travel experience I've ever had was twice seeing long and extensive displays of Northern Lights on northern Lake Michigan while competing in the Chicago (sail) Race to Mackinac (has to be pitch black, light pollution spoils the effect) - otherworldly!
I've seen sites all over the USA, almost all of Europe and about half of Southeast Asia.

Places I hope(d) to see that I haven't - The Great Wall, New Zealand, Machu Picchu, Hawaii, Bali.
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Loved so many places, driving the Dempster Highway started my retirement. Then there is Bali, Fiji, Anchor Wat, Bhutan,Portugal, India all over, Darjelling, Amiritsar, Varanasi (for the Kum Mela), loved living and traveling in the UK on my motorcycle whilst a student. For others I would recommend Peru, its cities, Machu Pichu, the amazon, the high lakes, just a wonderful varied country. And my favorite 'happy place', I worry about it becoming too well known but we have been back 6 times to the Cook Islands, Rarotonga and other islands, oh, and not for everyone but really just remarkable, we have been to Burning Man 6 times.

On Rarotonga currently. In some respects this place is like the game “Grand Theft Auto” in a good sense complete with a map. We love taking the busses which go clockwise and anticlockwise once around the island’s main road every hour. You get to learn the various landmarks fairly quickly…the Saturday market in town, the better snorkeling spots in the lagoon, the many small lodges along the road, the few grocery stores outside the one main town, .etc. You often run into the same locals too..on the bus and always at the Saturday market. As in the game, we just do the benign stuff like walking the deserted beaches, snorkeling, going to the markets. Maybe we’ll be more adventurous and walk that cross-island trek this time.
Unfortunately, it has been raining hard since we arrived but we snorkeled yesterday.
Grand Canyon
Yellowstone and Tetons
Solar eclipse 2017, Oregon coast
Watching dolphins jump and play while enjoying an evening fire on the coast of California and on the Island of Hawaii
Alaska cruise--seeing the various animals (eagle, bear, goats, dolphins) while sitting on our balcony (with a wool coat!)
So many places just here in the US often take my breath away.
The Ford Museum in Dearborn, Mich.
The Corning Glass museum in Corning, NY
An August Sunday morning whale watch off of Cape Cod that I did not want to do. We were slightly hung over from a wedding the night before. The water was like glass and we saw several beautiful breaching whales quite close to the boat. So glad we did that!
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