what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Uh oh, that sounds dangerously close to w*rking for pay. Careful or you'll lose your amateur status.
I swear I'm giving it all away!

If you break down book sales by billing address for book-signing events then I'm probably still my own best customer...
Can she have money taken out of her pay and put directly into some sort of savings (401k, savings account at an inconvenient bank, etc) so when she "has money" it is AFTER the savings have been made? In other words, pay herself first.
She's had a savings account before and she just plunders it whenever the going gets a bit tough. Even if I could get her to open an IRA, I doubt whether I could get her to truly understand the advantages of tax-deferred growth. She would almost certainly take money out of it whenever she ran a bit low on funds. She is very math challenged, and has little in the way of a long-term perspective. For a fiscally conservative and frugal person such as myself, it's frustrating to stand by and watch her make a pig's ear out of her personal finances.

As much as I like her, I'm very glad I'm not living with her or married to her.

One of these days I might actually find a partner that I'm personally as well as financially compatible with, but I'm not holding my breath.
Staggered through a day of work feeling progressively worse and starting to wonder if I am becoming a victim of seasonal affective disorder once again. By the time I got home I was seriously downhill and DW just clocked my temp at about 100F.

Update: and I just puked for the first time in years. Merry MFing Christmas.
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Staggered through a day of work feeling progressively worse and starting to wonder if I am becoming a victim of seasonal affective disorder once again. By the time I got home I was seriously downhill and DW just clocked my temp at about 100F.

Pour up a stiff one. That should do the job.

Played golf today. Temps in the mid 60's and mostly sunny. Not bad for a pre-winter day. :) Rain tomorrow though.
Sounds like you had a pleasant day Nords. :)

As for my day....I spilled tomato soup on my tee shirt.

If it was white, you could always film a home horror movie before you dug out the Resolve..........;)
Oohhh! Your wife will be so happy!

I admit that I [-]never[/-] rarely knew how to surprise my wife like that, but when we bought the new car for her, when we went to the dealer, my wife said perhaps she could be happy with a "new" used car, a lease return just 2-3 year old. I said, no we wanted a new car because we would keep it a long time and wanted to be sure it would be a good car. For a few days afterwards, my wife had buyer's remorse, but I said, heck we had money, and she deserved it.

See, I am not always the grinch I often portray myself to be.
She has no clue. This morning she told me that she would like to get her car (the rustbucket) painted. I told her I'd check into it.

Good to see someone helping the economy, but on the other hand, your making the rest of us look like Christmas slackers:D
W*rked in the morning (tomorrow is technically my last day!!! :dance: but I already know that wrap up work on some projects will slop over into my January "vacation").

Took a walk with DW and DS in the afternoon, sanded and painted a metal railing I have been working on, filled the wood bin in preparation for a snowstorm tomorrow and surfed on early-retirement.org.
The car saga continues. Yesterday I hid the car at work and came home. I had SIL bring me to work this morning after DW left for work. I intended to drive the car home and put it my detached workshop before DW came home. But DW left work early and called me at work when she was about 5 minutes from home. I had to think of an excuse why she would find my truck at home but not me. I explained that my truck would not start (false), that her sister gave me a ride to work (true), and that Eric from work was driving me home (false).

I started driving the new car home, and I called her mother and asked that she call and distract DW when I was driving up the driveway. That worked fine until I saw DW looking out the front door talking on the phone as I pulled up the drive.

We have a side load garage, so I pulled the car to the side of the house where she couldn't see me. Her mom asked her to search something on the internet, so DW went to the basement to the computer, and I sneaked the car into my workshop.

I came in as DW was finishing talking with her mom. I told her I needed to jump start my truck, so I faked jump-starting my truck and came back inside. Then DW said that she saw Eric drop me off and wondered if he knew his way home.

All is well. The surprise lives on.
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The car saga continues. Yesterday I hid the car at work and came home. I had SIL bring me to work this morning after DW left for work. I intended to drive the car home and put it my detached workshop before DW came home. But DW left work early and called me at work when she was about 5 minutes from home. I had to think of an excuse why she would find my truck at home but not me. I explained that my truck would not start (false), that her sister gave me a ride to work (true), and that Eric from work was driving me home (false).

I started driving the new car home, and I called her mother and asked that she call and distract DW when I was driving up the driveway. That worked fine until I saw DW looking out the front door talking on the phone as I pulled up the drive.

We have a side load garage, so I pulled the car to the side of the house where she couldn't see me. Her mom asked her to search something on the internet, so DW went to the basement to the computer, and I sneaked the car into my workshop.

I came in as DW was finishing talking with her mom. I told her I needed to jump start my truck, so I faked jump-starting my truck and came back inside. Then DW said that she saw Eric drop me off and wondered if he knew his way home.

All is well. The surprise lives on.

Well, you better tell Eric not to call you or visit you before the gift is presented.

If Eric decides to drop in unexpectedly, your DW could say:

DW: hey Eric, I saw you dropping off Ron the other day in your new Ferrari. Lovely car!"

Eric: er...er...what car? I don't own no Ferrari!

DW: It's gotta be his GF!! Eric, thanks, I'll take care of this from here on.....

:hide: :sick:
Well, you better tell Eric not to call you or visit you before the gift is presented.

If Eric decides to drop in unexpectedly, your DW could say:

DW: hey Eric, I saw you dropping off Ron the other day in your new Ferrari. Lovely car!"

Eric: er...er...what car? I don't own no Ferrari!

DW: It's gotta be his GF!! Eric, thanks, I'll take care of this from here on.....

:hide: :sick:

Yes - I will have to talk to Eric to get our stories straight. (Ferrari I wish) And as far as GF is concerned, some coworkers are wondering who the blonde was that dropped me off at work this morning.
Reminds me of the scene from Mystic Pizza where she fills his convertible with dead fish after seeing him out with his sister.
I filled out my retirment papers. All I need is a few signatures from a witness or two, and I can mail them in.

Other than that, not much worth talking about.

I'd say that's a pretty big thing to talk about! Congratulations, when will you retire?
We drove down to Fl and will remain 'til the cold weather moves on back north. A difficult drive, with very vivid memories of a close family member that passed this year. Also our first trip without our companion Shiba.
Yes - I will have to talk to Eric to get our stories straight. (Ferrari I wish) And as far as GF is concerned, some coworkers are wondering who the blonde was that dropped me off at work this morning.

We're all hoping you're successful in your stealthy endeavor; my DW thinks it's cute. But, I'm thinking that one (your DW?) could infer (after high-pitched squeal of joy and hug upon receiving car :clap:) that you could use these stealthy abilities for less noble, ummmmm, endeavors>:D. Women are, well, more intuitive than we are.

Well, we can't have that reaction! So, I'm thinking that maybe the prophylactic ;) for that is "gift with a 'happy ending' " :tongue::tongue: :smitten: :smitten::dance::dance::dance:Don't want to get too personal but....I'm jus' saying. That usually works [-]for[/-] on me. :cool:

Good luck and Merry Christmas.
Ronstar, I think I'm enjoying your wife's surprise maybe even more that your wife!!:LOL::LOL: Love your sneaky ways for her surprise!:D
Hiding a car is a good trick. I thought I was being clever hiding a new La-Z-Boy recliner in the small workshop at the old house.

Covered it with a drop cloth and piled some tools and misc. model airplane stuff around it and DW never suspected.

Ya got me beat hiding a car though.
Good to see someone helping the economy, but on the other hand, your making the rest of us look like Christmas slackers:D

Slacker?? I just finished with my elaborate Christmas light installation!


  • xmas lights.jpg
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Slacker?? I just finished with my elaborate Christmas light installation!

LOL, I'm the farthest one could get from Clark Griswald, this is more up to my standards. Good job:D
Ronstar, I think I'm enjoying your wife's surprise maybe even more that your wife!!:LOL::LOL: Love your sneaky ways for her surprise!:D

No kidding! A couple of years ago we hid a car in plain sight in our driveway for a friend who had bought it for his wife (of course she's so clueless he could have parked it in his own driveway and she wouldn't have noticed), and we had such fun anticipating how surprised she would be!
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