what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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And the results are in! Negative! No cancer, just a prostate the size of a grapefruit. OK, more like a big walnut. This, I can deal with. Funny sounding drugs, a little roto-rooter... :)

Really great news.
Back on-line after the crash of my cable modem and wireless router on Thursday. Independently, I had ordered a new computer, so I have spent the day getting a new modem and router and then wrestling with all the set up issues. Still can't get the new printer to work.
Today was a big day for the duck. I set up two carbon monoxide detectors and my water pik. So, thanks to you folks who suggested I do both. Actually, my neighbor (whom I thought didn't like me very much) also encouraged me to set up the carbon monoxide detectors. He said that it would be a real shame if I died peacefully in my sleep. Guess I had him wrong.
redduck said:
He said that it would be a real shame if I died peacefully in my sleep.

Why do I hear a New York mafia accent when I read this?
Today was a big day for the duck...
And a red one at that!

As I personally have not seen any red duck, except for Peking ducks, I wondered if there were any red duck that could still walk or swim, instead of lying still on a platter and smelling really yummy.

So, I educated myself with a search on the Web, and wow, what did I learn? There are red ducks after all!


Well, this following one looks less devilish.

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Today DW and I drove over the hill to pick up wine from two of our wine clubs. Another beautiful day here in NorCal with temperatures approaching 70!

My new hobby is cleaning up stuff around the house and posting on Craig's List. Have sold almost everything I have posted so far, and aide from the few flakes who give CL a bad name, most people have been a joy to deal with. Now that I am officially released from the bone doc, took the Harley out for a little ride. Need to get the idle speed looked at and one of the new speakers is very distorted. I will take it back in on Monday.

Also enjoying the new flat screen I acquired for the bedroom.

No that's the kind of toys us boys need!

Woke up and went to the gym for a good jog, followed by lunch with DH. Then went to the hair salon to dye my hair - after 3 DIY touch ups, need to get it done in hair salon. Will be cooking dinner. Very restful day indeed.
edit to add....He bought the tool chest...actually there were two, so now he has five tool chests. He is one happy camper. :)

You know a guy can never have too many tool chests, but now I feel deprived. I only have three, with 12 feet of workbench space.

That's not counting the four 5-foot cabinets in the basement or the two little ones in the shed or the two shelves in the garage.

But only three tool chests...:( I tell ya, life is hard sometimes.
And a red one at that!

As I personally have not seen any red duck, except for Peking ducks, I wondered if there were any red duck that could still walk or swim, instead of lying still on a platter and smelling really yummy.

So, I educated myself with a search on the Web, and wow, what did I learn? There are red ducks after all!


In your research, did you also find a black swan? Initially they were considered mythical (I'm just guessing at this). But, now they seem to show up every where and all the time--and in bunches (ok, everybody google this and let me know that "bunches" is not the correct word re: a bevy or herd or wedge (if the swans are flying). "Bunches" just sounds better to me (but, I'm sure not to Greg Lee).:)
You boyz and yer tools...I swear. :angel:
Now he'll be organized and will find things he no longer needs...
Eh, you want we should stop entertaining ourselves and get involved in your projects?

By the time he gets the tools arranged just the way he wants them, he might be able to sell the excess toolboxes on Craigslist for a profit.
You know a guy can never have too many tool chests, but now I feel deprived. I only have three, with 12 feet of workbench space.

That's not counting the four 5-foot cabinets in the basement or the two little ones in the shed or the two shelves in the garage.

But only three tool chests...:( I tell ya, life is hard sometimes.
Bless yer heart....:'(

Eh, you want we should stop entertaining ourselves and get involved in your projects?

By the time he gets the tools arranged just the way he wants them, he might be able to sell the excess toolboxes on Craigslist for a profit.
hmmmmm.......heh. :-X

During the frenzy of tool chest play time, he suggested I could store my make-up in a fishing tackle box. Kind of a good idea...but still...:blink:


What I did today......actually put on make-up. The past year or so I haven't been paying much attention to my 'girly' self and it's time for a change. Perhaps I'll buy fresh cosmetics and give that tackle box more consideration....
During the frenzy of tool chest play time, he suggested I could store my make-up in a fishing tackle box. Kind of a good idea...but still...:blink:
Yeah, what every hot chick in motorcycle leather boots needs: bait-scented makeup.
Filed my tax returns; and locked in my price for electricity through March 2013.
I paid a visit to the local gigabank branch where I had closed an account last week.

Closing the account was pretty easy. I talked to a customer service person, who looked up my account, tried to up sell me, then tried to get me to keep the account. I insisted on closing it, so the nice person fiddled with the computer some more, then told me to withdraw the balance at the ATM, and the account would be closed. I joked with her that I really wanted the account to close, and didn't want to see a penny of interest deposited, followed by some service charge for low balance overdrawing the account. She assured me that wouldn't happen and that she would monitor the account.

Today, I logged into online banking for the gigabank. The checking account was open, and overdrawn by $24.98.

They credited the account with $0.02 in interest on February 3, and then charged the account a $25.00 low balance fee.

So, I'm off to the bank branch. I walked into the customer service area, and jotted down the name on the desk of the person who had "closed" the account for me last week. The assistant manager appeared at once. ("person in bank shows note-taking behavior..."). I pulled out a copy of the online statement, and explained the problem. To her credit, she agreed at once to have someone reverse the charge, close the account, and even pay me the two cents. So, I sat down with a different customer service person, and we went through the closing process again. She didn't try very hard to get me to keep the account this time. My constant scribbling in my notepad might have distracted her.

We'll see if it sticks next month...
Put up a shelf in the laundry room for DW. Changed the whole house water filter. atook the truck to the gargage to have the check engine light checked out - seems to be some obscure solenoid that is $150 so they cleared the code and we'll see if it recurs or not. Went for a 20 mile snowmobile ride with DW. Watched The Voice, Smash and Two and a Half Men.
Saw this post on MMM's website; a post by Nords...Mr Badassity himself! Congrats.

Today’s guest post is brought to you by Nords of The-Military-Guide.com. This is a great blog about leveraging *both the training in Badassity and the career perks offered by the US military to earn yourself *some very early financial independence
I slept in until 1 PM today. My sinuses are draining and irritating my throat, so lots of coughing and interrupted sleep last night. :( I will be very happy when this is all over.
Mr B is relaxing in the recliner until he gets back to the books.
I need to solve and then tutor him on a homew*rk problem (math) by tomorrow night. My motivation to do that is pretty low right now :blush:, but I will get going on it soon.
I just heard a news report that my former place of employment is once again being considered for relocation to Ohio in a cost cutting exercise. I went through several BRACCs in the 1990s, never knowing what would happen. I am so glad I am no longer affected directly by these things.
However...if it does happen, I can forget about getting a decent price for my house down the road when I do my own relocation in a few years.
One step at a time...no need to panic. :)
We had Chinese for lunch today.

The weather was spectacular, and so the loonie drivers were out in force. To get off the streets after lunch, shopping seemed to be in order. We stopped at a mattress store to check out the Tempurpedic mattresses. They are so comfortable! So, I guess I have begun the first baby steps in my "replace everything in the bedroom in 2012" campaign. I didn't buy the mattress yet, but I know which one I like.

I'll find and buy the new bedroom furniture first. That should take a few months since I am particular to a fault. I thought of beginning that search this afternoon, but decided instead to take refuge from the traffic.

Edited to add: our new library is finally open! It was completely destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, and has been rebuilt, tiny and crowded but all fresh and new and lovely. We also spent an hour or so there this afternoon, just checking things out.


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Today's been another writing day, along with a couple hours of working on Dad's finances. That's going well.

We're getting harsh winter weather: rain from the south, along with gusts up to at least 40 knots. It's the worst weather we've had since the renovation last year, and I'm really glad we upgraded to 7" gutters, but all the construction looks fine.

Unfortunately the weather is stripping the blossoms off the lychee tree before the bees can finish pollinating, so we might not get a lychee crop this year after all.

Saw this post on MMM's website; a post by Nords...Mr Badassity himself! Congrats.
Thanks! Blog hits doubled yesterday, and today's doing a substantial echo of that. I had a "Start here" page waiting for everyone that came trooping over from MMM's website. I also had a "military pay & benefits cuts" post ready to give them a reason to keep coming back for more...
Went to the dentist concerning that tooth pain spot.
Give it a week to recover, but probably looking at large amounts of money for replacement of front top incisors from gum level.
Getting old is crap.
E-filed my BIL's federal and state taxes. $553 federal tax due on an annual income of $15,004 (from which $1382 is deducted for health insurance). Taxes take a big bite when you live that close to the edge. He gets a small credit of $187 for being retired and disabled, but his tax is still $366.
Met the manager from our lawn maintenance company to scope out total destruction - removing all of the shrubs and bushes from the beds along the house. They probably were installed when the house was new - in 1976 :(.

Spent the rest of the morning helping an 81-year old neighbor pack her household goods. She's moving this week with her SO into a continuing-care retirement community apartment. She was widowed 12 years ago and we are all so happy for both of them. (I'll be back there tomorrow morning to help her with the kitchen.)

Drove downtown to take the nonprofit IT director that I mentor out for lunch and then we went back to the office to help her clean out 10 years of detritus from the board conference room. After 3 hours, we had removed two large bins of trash, fixed at least a dozen technical issues, and rearranged the room to make it look super professional.

Just barely beat rush hour home, and found total destruction complete :dance:. (They'll be back next week to build some new beds and get the soil prepped for new plants.) Grilled sausages and veggies for dinner, then off to church personnel committee meeting. After all that, vegged out with a glass of wine, a little TV, and FIRE boards. All in all, a perfect day! (Yes, I'm still a bit of a Type A.)
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