what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Thanks y'all....:flowers: I've felt like one big, twisted knot for quite a while now.

Heh...I'll show him. I'll get a good 'sick on' and let him take care of me for a while. :D

....or maybe not. :angel:

That's very good news indeed. Scares like this are coming too often for you. Relax away....:)
Thank you. :flowers:

Sure is nice to be able to talk about it..
Recently, DH started developing problems that made us believe he might have cancer of the esophagus. His doctor was concerned as well, so DH had an endoscopy done this afternoon.

I am overjoyed to say NO CANCER was found. The doc did take some samples to be tested to see if there might be an infection. An infection, though not pleasant can certainly be handled easier than cancer.

None of us ever want to hear 'you have cancer'. I can say I'm relieved that I didn't have to hear it again..at least for today.

It's time for a little relaxin' .....:)

Mix a giant Margarita & breathe a big sigh of relief !
Had unexpected surgery this morning. Went In yesterday for an EGD. I was unable to keep food down and had intense acid reflux that started about two weeks ago.

I've never had acid reflux before so knew something was different.

Five hours after laprascopic surgery I'm feeling so much better...I can actually drink water again and keep it down! I expect day two and three to be more painful, but it will be so worth it.
Checked in on the forums on the phone app while at the hospital myself, but in the maternity waiting room, as DIL and DS had their first little one and our second granddaughter. A little cutie
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That's way more exciting than what I've been doing. Congratulations and best wishes to the newest member of the feever family.
Checked in on the forums on the phone app while at the hospital myself, but in the maternity waiting room, as DIL and DS had their first little one and our second granddaughter. A little cutie
The Bestwayever to start a weekend. Congratulations! :flowers:
I remembered to log on...;)

I planted all my "cool weather" crops in containers outdoors today...lettuce, spinach, radishes, green onions, peas. Crocus are blooming like crazy out in the front yard. I love Spring. :D

I did some dancing in my living room in between plantings to get some exercise. My mini stepper sessions are boring me again. :LOL:

All I need is 3 good rainstorms to wash the salt off the roads and it's Mustang convertible cruising time! :dance:

AND...I changed my avatar to a waterfall (Chittenango Falls) in honor of the melting snow. This is prime time to go waterfall hunting in upstate NY.
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Last night I went to a "job fair" to apply for my job. A different company is taking over the contract, the pay scales are being reduced by almost 50% (that comes from the feds, not from the company) and qualifications are being raised. The qualifications are not an issue for me but the pay cut is.

So next July I will do my part to alleviate the unemployment problem and create a position vacancy by quitting.
Walt, I can't believe you'd let a little thing like a 50% cut in pay stand in the way of earning a paycheck. What ever happened to the old-fashioned work ethic, the 'get-er-done' mentality this nation was built on?

What's this country coming to?
I replanted my peas today. The squirrels dug up most of the ones I planted three weeks ago. I stapled chicken wire over the raised bed to keep them from digging these ones up too. We'll see how that works. I also replaced the handle on my axe and sharpened it.
Last night I went to a "job fair" to apply for my job. A different company is taking over the contract, the pay scales are being reduced by almost 50% (that comes from the feds, not from the company) and qualifications are being raised. The qualifications are not an issue for me but the pay cut is.

So next July I will do my part to alleviate the unemployment problem and create a position vacancy by quitting.

I replanted my peas today. The squirrels dug up most of the ones I planted three weeks ago. I stapled chicken wire over the raised bed to keep them from digging these ones up too. We'll see how that works. I also replaced the handle on my axe and sharpened it.


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Spent two hours in the emergency room at the hospital in screaming agony. Turns out I had an ear infection, just like a little kid. It started in the morning, and just got worse and worse all day. I did everthing I could think of, but nothing helped. Had a little blood coming out too, so they told me I had probably ruptured my eardrum slightly. Man, I'll never see a kid holding it's ear and screaming without wincing in empathy. I've broken bones that didn't hurt this bad. So, antibiotics, ibuprofin, and ear drops, and we'll see how it goes. Got a little ringing going on too.

Interestingly, there's a billboard out on the main highway into town that lists the wait time in the emergency room at the hospital. When we passed it on the way in it said 7 minutes. And that's about how long it took me to be seen by the triage nurse. The other hour and 53 minutes of waiting in intense pain obviously didn't happen.
Yikes Harley! Hope you feel better soon! We have one of those Doc-in-a-box places where you can preregister and cut wait time. It works pretty well.
Yeah, those work great when you're smart and don't wait until everything is closed. But I'm feeling better already. Hopefully will be back up to snuff before the music festival season starts next month.
Well, but how often does one go to the emergency room? Not often, I'd guess. I dunno; it's been probably 20 years since I have needed to go to the ER, but then maybe I am unusually healthy/lucky.

Glad they were able to treat your ear, and that apparently the pain is lessened now, Harley. That sounds awful!
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