what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Dropped off daughter at High School for 'band camp'. Told her I didn't want any stories when she got back that started with, "This one time, at band camp....."

Got to work at 8am, started filling/dispensing rx's.
Talked with co-workers about mens relay -gold medal- swim last night, one word *bitchin* (hope that doesn't date me too much).
Had lunch from Rumbi Island grill at 1:30.
Left 2 hours early at 4pm because we were slow (only 250 rx's).
Read some "Wheel of time" while on the throne.
12 y.o. son just had to have some mike/headphone combo for WOW game, so went to Gamestop.
Checking board getting ready for grilled ham and cheese for dinner and some more Olympics tonight
  • Work at 7:30.
  • Checked email and here briefly.
  • Meeting with new recruit physician. Fun.
  • Worked on some new clinical protocols.
  • Half a clinic session today (meetings conflicted) where I saw a colleague physician with a DVT of his leg, 2 new consults for high risk surgery assessment, and a patient with newly discovered cancer and diabetes - the latter is mine to manage while his oncologists do their thing.
  • Lunch and the paper.
  • Afternoon meetings. Lectured students based on an unfortunately interesting case of hemochromatosis leading to liver cancer.
  • Took a call from a young colleague working in the ER stuck on a patient matter (patient sinking fast, no ICU beds available, family nearly berserk with worry and frustration); went down and added my gravitas to calm everyone down; eased out a less sick patient from the ICU and got our patient admitted; reassured family of displaced patient that his safety was not impacted by this move.
  • Home, ran 5 miles in 86 degrees, 50% humidity. Very purging and enjoyable.
  • Here on the board again after dinner (wild salmon, salad, great french bread, ginger snaps.
  • Good night.
Slept in -- til 7 AM, but the construction work next door took care of any further dalliance. Had to get up to close the windows against the dust.

Ate breakfast, read the paper, checked email and this board.

Vacuumed the upstairs. Planned on vacuuming downstairs -- decided to delay that plan. Made an appointment with the vet for the dog.

Had lunch. Ran to the bank to deposit the condominium association dues for the month. Checked out the local CD rates for the association.

Read the snail mail. ran a scan on the hard drive. Took the dog for a long walk.


Pretty much a nothing day.

-- Rita
Here's a partial list of my exhausting day up to now, 6:30p.m. Did the usual morning routine, took a bath, had coffee and breakfast, put my jammies back on. Wrote checks for the bills, paid one on-line. Called in sick around noon; told my boss I'd try to come in a couple of days this week (for 2 - 3 hrs. each). He said that would be ok. I wasn't negotiating, that was all I had to offer. Had leisurely lunch.

Read for a while, after the codeine kicked in, posted some cr*p on the net; tried to get into my health ins. website, failed, realized I was on the wrong site twice, found the right one, bookmarked it, ordered more codeine.

Started a hobby project (see photo), put fancy box on top of radio to prevent "Fluffy" from walking all over the buttons and changing the station to what, kitty rock? SO came in early to take care of neighbor's cats, said why don't you put feet on the box to hold it away from the buttons, I put a paperback on either side of the buttons as a temporary solution because a five minute project is enuf for today. Briefly contemplated the fact that Bose has re-engineered their radios with no buttons at all, neither innies nor outies.

Finished SO's crossword puzzle. Hmm, equivalent to 10 sawbucks is a Cnote, it'll bring a tear to your eye is not dust but duct; still contemplating the smallness of the circled letters: iota, hint, atom, trace, bit. May go onto a cheat website later to see what others say about the puzzle.

Conned SO into making tasty dinner.

I'm so close to ER I can taste it.


  • IMG_2057.jpg
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Is this bunny cute and fuzzy? :2funny:
We're in the heat of August, so his little bunny thermostat kicked in and he's molting like a giant mangy furball. Not so cute. Definitely fuzzy.

Wasn't it GREAT? My balance was once again higher than it has ever been, and is already approaching what I had planned for it to be by ER-day. :D:D:D
I'm just glad that value investors have once again re-discovered Berkshire Hathaway...

... and added my gravitas to calm everyone down...
Great description!
Spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon on a ladder installing new window trim around two second story bedroom windows.

During lunch the DHL guy delivered an overnight letter with a patent application I had to sign and have notarized and return TODAY in a FEDEX envelope. This was a strange patent application, all in Chinese with a rough English translation. Funny to see my name in Chinese characters. A quick trip to the credit union got the notary's signature and then buzzed past the post office where FEDEX, DHL and UPS have drop boxes out front. :D

Got the windows finished about 3:30 and then watered DW's giant elephant ear plants and cooled it after that.
Here's a partial list of my exhausting day up to now, 6:30p.m. Did the usual morning routine, took a bath, had coffee and breakfast, put my jammies back on. Wrote checks for the bills, paid one on-line. Called in sick around noon; told my boss I'd try to come in a couple of days this week (for 2 - 3 hrs. each). He said that would be ok. I wasn't negotiating, that was all I had to offer. Had leisurely lunch.

Read for a while, after the codeine kicked in, posted some cr*p on the net; tried to get into my health ins. website, failed, realized I was on the wrong site twice, found the right one, bookmarked it, ordered more codeine.

Started a hobby project (see photo), put fancy box on top of radio to prevent "Fluffy" from walking all over the buttons and changing the station to what, kitty rock? SO came in early to take care of neighbor's cats, said why don't you put feet on the box to hold it away from the buttons, I put a paperback on either side of the buttons as a temporary solution because a five minute project is enuf for today. Briefly contemplated the fact that Bose has re-engineered their radios with no buttons at all, neither innies nor outies.

Finished SO's crossword puzzle. Hmm, equivalent to 10 sawbucks is a Cnote, it'll bring a tear to your eye is not dust but duct; still contemplating the smallness of the circled letters: iota, hint, atom, trace, bit. May go onto a cheat website later to see what others say about the puzzle.

Conned SO into making tasty dinner.

I'm so close to ER I can taste it.

Next life, be a poet.
Next life, be a poet.

On my way to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wifes...

Maybe I should write my own. I bound a small book as a kid, "Six poems by Cuppa." Maybe it will turn up in the obligatory clean out and re-arrange ER project.
Don't dis the cavewoman.:cool:

Far from it. In either direction.

I don't think I have ever seen anything quite so obvious before.

Are we supposed to be insufficient or obscure in our efforts?

I regularly cheat on you guys

Useless without pictures.

Played with the bunny


On my way to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wifes...

Sadist or masochist?
damn, y'all are some productive people to be retired!
I went to work, listened to music, answered the phone a few times, talked to the boss, bought some short term mutual funds for a client.
Came home and changed the dressing on my sheep's 4" laceration (having the vet sew it up was yesterday's fun time), gave her a shot of antibiotics, fed the rest of the mammals.
Drove to pole dancing class where I climbed to the ceiling for the first time (yay!) and came home with lots of bruises and tired arms.
Today was hit or miss. Friday, though, Friday was good.

A log washed up by shore so we rolled it across the beach and planted it vertically. The townspeople rejoiced at our mighty feat.
1. Walked the dog.
2. Took DW to train station for her trip to work.
3. Ate breakfast.
4. Took a shower.
5. Watched some news.
6. Deposited a check in the bank.
7. Ate lunch and had great conversation with a number friends.
8. Chaired a Board meeting for an organization I belong to.
9. Went home and took dog for a walk.
10. Sat with dog in back yard and listened to breeze in trees.
11. Watched late afternoon news.
12. Picked up DW from train station.
13. Ate supper.
14. Took dog out again.
15. Watched U.S. win three consecutive swimming Gold medals while reading this forum and writing this summary.
16. :confused::confused:
Yesterday (fun outdoors day!) - drove up to the Waldo Lake Wilderness in the western Cascade foothills. Ate breakfast out on the way. Hiked 5 miles around the south end of Waldo Lake. DH chased a bunch of dragonflies and butterflies with his camera. Relaxed at the RV park on the Williamette river. Got a big load of laundry done. Cooked a nice Italian dinner with a good bottle of red wine.

Today (RV maintenance day) - packed up and moved the motorhome to Junction City in preparation for scheduled service tomorrow. DH washed the motorhome. I got a bunch of the inside put away, cleaned and vacuumed - we have an appointment to get the carpet professionally cleaned tomorrow too. Also did some diagnostic tests on our engine preheat which has stopped working. Called tech support and got info about more things to check before ordering a replacement pump. Still got in my 2 mile walk in spite of the heavy chore day.

I got out of work at 5am after a long weekend looking forward to my 11 days off. By 5:05am I was across the steet with about 15-20 co-workers having a couple beers. Got home about 5:45 and had instant oatmeal for breakfast. Watched tv and checked email until going to sleep around 7:30. Woke up at 3pm. Watched tv and "surfed" all evening. Decided I was too worn out to get dressed and get the mail. I have to get up early tomorrow (9:30am) to start my vacation so i'll continue watching tv until about 1am before going to bed. Hopefully that's enough rest.
my day started before my body woke up. i was practicing dream yoga, meditating in my sleep. the lucid dream scene was inside an oddly comfortable yet austere room with no furniture or windows. it had smooth stone walls, ceiling and flooring. in the center of the room was stone set in stone in a large square and there i sat my dream body upon the stone mosaic square of floor to practice meditation. as to the dream elements, the mosaic floor represents happiness, in front of me was a wide but darkened doorway representing future fortune unknown. guarding either side of the doorway stood an oar (either frivolity or just a remnent of the beijing sculling event i enjoyed yesterday) and a old broom, representing false friends (a problem i've had to deal with since retirement).

during meditation, i was trying to work with the vibration of my voice but could not get my dream body to utter a sound. losing composure in my frustration, i lost the ability to maintain balancing just the right amount of consciousness to stay lucid with just the right lack of consciousness to continue generating the dream and so lost both, waking my body up for a moment and then falling back into unconsciousness and non lucid dreaming for the rest of the evening.

i finally awoke at about 10 this morning in the middle of a non-lucid dream about how to handle div & cap gains tax ramifications on after-tax investments, got out of bed, went to the computer and started studying finance to a tall glass of iced coffee.

this afternoon i wondered more about moving for a few years to new jersey to get to know my recently found (after about 15 years missing in action) father. i called human resources of my old fortune5 to get the name of the manager in charge of a job opening in an office about 30-40 minutes from where my dad lives, thinking maybe i'd settle back into a "normal" life for a few years and get to know the guy on weekends. human resources didn't trust that i was who i said i was and wouldn't give me the info (lovely, after 18 years of service, huh?).

so i contacted my prior colleagues who were all delighted to hear from me and i them. it wasn't until i was discussing with a national sales rep old buddy of mine my options, vagabonding around the world or settling into working life in jersey that i started wondering, as he seemed certain, that i hadn't fallen off my rocker. it was actually a very funny moment and we both got a good laugh of it.

at that, i decided i should think about this for another day before contacting the manager in charge so i spent the rest of the afternoon working in the garden and doing some laundry. before i knew it i was missing the evening news, made myself a light dinner of some cheese, olives, apples and bread, watched my boyfriend win easily another gold in the 200-meter freestyle, poured myself a white russian, did a little writing and a lot of reading and, well, here i am, summing up my day.
Woke up at 5:00AM to let our 18 year old blind & deaf Schnoodle out.
Collected the dog, showed her where her food and water were (every day is an adventure)
Talked with a client from Saudi Arabia regarding a project.
Made a breakfast burrito.
Checked email and visited the forum.
Did paperwork for a couple of hours.
Checked the chlorine in the pool floater and extracted a dead lizard from the pool. Ran the net around the edges.
Checked email, and voicemail and returned phone calls.
Tried to find replacement gas shocks online for my pickup bed cover.
Checked email and visited the forum.
Ate a slice of leftover pizza and an oatmeal raisin cookie for lunch, read the Sunday paper.
DW's parents stopped by to pick up the dog- they watch her when we are out of town. Talked with them for a few minutes.
Talked with a friend, learned I was elected on Saturday to the BoD for the HOA where we have our summer cabin in the mountains.
Chaired a conference call.
Checked email and visited the forum.
Confirmed itineraries and details for an upcoming trade show.
Lounged around in the pool for an hour after the home office closed.
Talked with my sister in KS.
Went to the mall and bought two pairs of dress slacks- one size larger.
Ate a low-carb dinner. Skipped dessert.
Stopped at a friends house on the way home. Admired his kids new go-kart. Talked about politics and work BS.
Stopped at the grocery store for Diet Coke and low-carb tortillas on the way home.
Threw away the rest of the oatmeal cookies when I got home.
Packed for a 3-day business trip tomorrow AM.
Reviewed architectural plans, utility bills, taxes, etc. for a house we are considering buying in Washington State. Reviewed estimated values online.
Talked with the DW, who is out of town on business.
Checked personal email and visited the forum. Forwarded the better jokes and responded to this thread.
Yesterday went to the gym for Group Power weight class
took teenage son to his friends house
walked treadmill 30mins
watched lifetime, watched lifetime
fed the bunnies
read a few pages
went on internet
went to sleep

ITS BEEN RAINING ALL SUMMER is that cos this is my first summer off in about 30 years?!
See? This is why where you live matters.

Its rained here once in 8 months, and it was barely enough to qualify for the term 'rain'.
I guess it depends what you like. 100 at 3 in the afternoon or some rain...
See? This is why where you live matters.

Its rained here once in 8 months, and it was barely enough to qualify for the term 'rain'.

Give me rain, any day, over a dry, parched, brown countryside, dust, relentless sun, and chapped lips.

I really prefer the climate in New Orleans to many because we get over 60" of rain a year. That is something I'll miss when we move to Missouri, though I think they still get 30-35" of rain a year there. Lots more than in some irrigated desert locations that are now cities and suburbs in drier regions.
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