what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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dont use soap as it leaves horrible streaks use glass cleaner or water with some vinegar.
Did a little work, walked to the gym and worked out, walked from gym to Subway for lunch, walked home. Now I'm going to read my book by the pool, and walk to the store for pizza later on. Kind of a green day. It'll be tough getting back to wintery Il after some time in Az
Speaking of which, does anybody know the best way to wash windows? >:D I've got a bunch of them, and am going to do it myself this spring instead of hiring it out. I've seen people use newspaper, but I don't understand how that can work? I suspect I'll go the squeegee route, but I'd be interested in opinions. Then in 5 months I'll make an entry into this thread about how it went. ;)

Buy special window stuff designed for squeegees. Then google how to wash windows squeegee.
I learned to juggle.

For Christmas, I'm giving a How To Juggle book and homemade juggling balls to about six kids and adults. I figure I should know how to do it, and I'm finally to the point that I can juggle three balls for a while.

I've often tried during my life, but with the help of the books (Juggling for the complete klutz, for example), it's finally working. Quite fun, actually.
A Swedish friend invited me over to dance tango and have a Holiday Dinner with her. It was one of those dinners where you eat some herring, toast with Akvavit, then eat some ham, then toast with Akvavit, then eat some gravlax, then toast with Akvavit, and continue eating and toasting until you are pretty hopelessly smashed. And all the while you sing a little Swedish ditty, which mainly seems to specify how much of your glass you have to empty with each drink.

Puts the old ha-ster in a holiday mood for sure. :)

I learned to juggle.

For Christmas, I'm giving a How To Juggle book and homemade juggling balls to about six kids and adults. I figure I should know how to do it, and I'm finally to the point that I can juggle three balls for a while.

I've often tried during my life, but with the help of the books (Juggling for the complete klutz, for example), it's finally working. Quite fun, actually.

Years age we learned to juggle at Club Med . It was a lot of fun . That is a great gift .
Went to the gym to get an orientation....walked out with a personal trainer for 2 months! It is very much needed!
Dropped off a test at Quest for my physical.
Stopped by the spa to talk for a bit.
Got the car serviced.
Went to Target and got some nice flannel sheets :)
Studying for my Anatomy and Physiology exam.
got up at 3 am
brewed cawfee, fought with cat who demanded several snacks.
Turned on telly
Ate a buttered roll and drank 2 cups of cawfee
Fought with cat, she wanted more snacks.
Took a huge BM
Woke up wife
Went to club to chat with the guys.
Went to lunch
Watched movie
still watching movie
stayed off the internet :eek:
drove for the DAV before the bad weather hit, had a great 1 hour talk with a vet who grew up in a family of 7 and still lives in the house he grew up in
came home and made stuffed peppers
i be surfing!!!! :cool:
Stuffed peppers sounds good freebird, how about a plate?

I returned to the great frozen north of IL from the warmth and sunshine of San Antonio, TX tonight. Brrrrrrr!

Back to MY bed & pillows! YES! I love to travel....but it is SOOOO nice to get back to the comforts of home!

It may be cold here.....but it's only 9 weeks 'til I head for Florida!!! :D
Welcome back, travelin' man!
... fought with cat who demanded several snacks.
Fought with cat, she wanted more snacks.
My cat is young and doesn't care about food or snacks. Usually paws at the door and wants to go out which I interpret as out into the hallway of the apt. building to stare at the doors where other cats live. In the evening a couple of the cats come out into the hall and cat demands to go out to stare directly at them. Sometimes I try to substitute hugs for the outings; sometimes that is what cat wants. That can be a full day here in ER-land.;)
Went to a large church in Tampa tonight for their Christmas celebration. Over 400 people in choir, 80 plus in the orchastra, 60 plus dancers. I have never seen such a talanted group. And drove part way home with the windows down at 9pm. what a place to live.


  • Looking north toward Main St Pier from my 4th floor balcony in Daytona Beach.jpg
    Looking north toward Main St Pier from my 4th floor balcony in Daytona Beach.jpg
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For Christmas, I'm giving a How To Juggle book and homemade juggling balls to about six kids and adults.

P.S. I also put a slip of paper in each juggling book that said the first person to send me a video of him/her juggling three balls for more than 30 seconds gets $25.
Al, what did you make the juggling balls out of?

I used rice and balloons. The video below shows the technique (check out others at youtube). I used 100 grams of rice for each ball. An improvement over the technique in the video is to use a funnel to put the 100 grams of rice in an empty water bottle, then blow up the balloon and put it over the top, then invert it. The rice flows quickly in to the balloon.

Except for the first balloon, trim the balloon before stretching it over the ball. I use all the same color balloons for each ball.

I used four balloons per ball. I ended up making 21. Here's the master at work:


YouTube - How to make your own juggling balls
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