what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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More about my last week at work - -

My farewell/retirement party at work is this afternoon. We will just have snacks in a conference room, and people can come by, say their farewells, and take snacks to their desks on their way out. I chose this instead of the traditional retirement luncheon, because the luncheons cost each attendee $30 and take so long that people have to work late to compensate. Anyway, I am looking forward to it. My supervisor says that at least some of the snacks will be healthy. :LOL:

Yesterday I had a talk with a Chinese-American meteorologist (first generation immigrant), about 5 years older than me, a brilliant researcher and friend/colleague who was hired the same month I was hired and with whom I have worked on several modeling efforts and a few other things. He wanted to know what I would do when I retired - - would I consult? Wouldn't I get bored? Maybe I would take another government job? Perhaps if nothing else I would teach a class or two at a college?

When I started prattling on about taking up piano again, growing roses, and moving to a quiet community in the heart of America (not a hotbed of oceanographic research), maybe taking a class in economics instead of teaching one in oceanography, and all the walking trails in Springfield, he finally got the idea. I think it took over an hour, though.

I am moving on and oddly, I really could care less about work. I am getting out at just the right time, because it appears that the, er, "stuff" is about to hit the fan there with more assignments and much political turmoil. I have complete confidence in the person that I trained to do the modeling and I know I have left things in good hands. She passed the "acid test" while I was away attending my daughter's wedding - - something came up that was over her head (politically, required a management decision), and she recognized that and went straight to management as I had told her to do rather than trying to shoot from the hip and handle it herself. Bravo!

I just e-mailed my financial/retirement spreadsheet home, after updating this morning as I always do. I did the same yesterday, so today I deleted it for once and for all off of my work computer. That was the last file on it so my computer is completely pristine and ready to be reformatted or standardized for the next user.

It is a beautiful day in New Orleans. After today, I only have my last day at work, which is Monday. On Monday I will return my badge and parking pass, turn in my exit clearance, and not much else.
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Yeah...don't know what she got at this point. Without giving out too much info or being too graphic, according to her she had one drink at a club, then the next thing she knew she was waking up in an apartment of a stranger.

Those type of crimes infuriate me..........I'd like the see the guy hanging from his hands like a pinata while the victim gets to hit him with a Louisville slugger...........:mad:
More about my last week at work - -

My farewell/retirement party at work is this afternoon. We will just have snacks in a conference room, and people can come by, say their farewells, and take snacks to their desks on their way out. I chose this instead of the traditional retirement luncheon, because the luncheons cost each attendee $30 and take so long that people have to work late to compensate. Anyway, I am looking forward to it. My supervisor says that at least some of the snacks will be healthy. :LOL:

Yesterday I had a talk with a Chinese-American meteorologist (first generation immigrant), about 5 years older than me, a brilliant researcher and friend/colleague who was hired the same month I was hired and with whom I have worked on several modeling efforts and a few other things. He wanted to know what I would do when I retired - - would I consult? Wouldn't I get bored? Maybe I would take another government job? Perhaps if nothing else I would teach a class or two at a college?

When I started prattling on about taking up piano again, growing roses, and moving to a quiet community in the heart of America (not a hotbed of oceanographic research), maybe taking a class in economics instead of teaching one in oceanography, and all the walking trails in Springfield, he finally got the idea. I think it took over an hour, though.

I am moving on and oddly, I really could care less about work. I am getting out at just the right time, because it appears that the, er, "stuff" is about to hit the fan there with more assignments and much political turmoil. I have complete confidence in the person that I trained to do the modeling and I know I have left things in good hands. She passed the "acid test" while I was away attending my daughter's wedding - - something came up that was over her head (politically, required a management decision), and she recognized that and went straight to management as I had told her to do rather than trying to shoot from the hip and handle it herself. Bravo!

I just e-mailed my financial/retirement spreadsheet home, after updating this morning as I always do. I did the same yesterday, so today I deleted it for once and for all off of my work computer. That was the last file on it so my computer is completely pristine and ready to be reformatted or standardized for the next user.

It is a beautiful day in New Orleans. After today, I only have my last day at work, which is Monday. On Monday I will return my badge and parking pass, turn in my exit clearance, and not much else.

Congrats!!! Enjoy ER, ya earned it!! :D
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Enjoy your long weekend off and enjoy your last Monday at w**k next week....

another one bites the dust...
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I watched it snow all morning. My favorite time of the year is here! :dance:
OMG, I just got home after my retirement party and it was more wonderful than I could ever have imagined! :D

First of all, there was a lot of great snacks and my supervisor (a geeky PhD scientist like me, and my best friend there) actually BAKED two loaves of PUMPKIN BREAD for part of the snacks for the party! Now this is not such an amazing feat if she was Little Suzy Homemaker, but she's not and I was really touched. She probably hasn't baked in 20 years. Besides, it was delicious.

Not only that, but she remembered that I had been griping about never having been presented with a "Time in Service" award in front of my co-workers for various unavoidable reasons. NOBODY cares about these things except me, and it is a big deal to me. I don't know why, but it is. I was due yet another one after Saturday but wasn't going to get it presented either since they are never presented early and I am retiring Monday. SO - - she somehow managed to get it early, and got our Head Dude to come to my party and present it to me there!!! With a photographer and everything. I can't express how wonderful that was for me, because it is an honor that I deserved and never got and because she cared enough to go to all that trouble so that I would.

Then I got to give an impromptu speech and rambled on for a while about what an honor it has been to work with some of the best Gulf of Mexico scientists in the world, and how proud I am of what a upright and ethical bunch we are as well (and the Head Dude made a point of saying that made him feel especially great, since we make huge efforts to keep our standards high). All my very best friends and closest co-workers were there and they were all congratulating me and hugging me.

It just couldn't have been better. :D What a great group of people!
And here is what W2R will be performing as she walks out to her car on Monday:

You got THAT right!! As jobs go, it was great but that isn't saying much. I am done with working for other people and organizations!
And then leave with a better attitude than shown in this Johnny Cash song, I hope.
Only somewhat! :2funny:
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Those type of crimes infuriate me..........I'd like the see the guy hanging from his hands like a pinata while the victim gets to hit him with a Louisville slugger...........:mad:

Yeah or that sicko with 11 bodies buried around his house. Or those cretins who went on a shooting rampage at Hood.
W2R - I read all your posts and am very pleased at how you were honored and treated so well at your exit party. :D This is really important that you were comfy and it didn't sound like it was faked. Nice nice nice.

In comparison...and I'm writing this to enhance how well done your event was...
I've been to a lot of govt retirement events and have seen the retiree squirm because they clearly did not want to be there but were coerced by their group or boss or family members. Then the supervisor who hassled the retiree the most would give some phony speech and do the shake-hands-for-the-photo thing. Then the worst predator peers would give some short spouting off about what a great team member the retiree was. Gag!!! :LOL:
I myself gently turned down the traditional branch party format. I did my own event by invitation only to a Chinese buffet so folks could show up when they were able. There was a huge inspection the following week and I knew if I set a rigid time, a lot would have to skip it. We laughed and told jokes. No speeches were allowed.

So you are down to JUST 1 DAY. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I'm saving my "10" claps for you for Monday. :flowers:
Freebird, the neat thing about my party is that my supervisor is really my best friend there (we worked pretty closely together before she became my supervisor).

So, we figured out a way to invite the people I really like the most and knew the best (all the people in my section, plus a very few exceptions cherry-picked from the other section). It worked out beautifully! None of the jerks were invited as they are in the other section, and the worst one of all was meeting with upper upper management at that very time! Just a coincidence but I couldn't have arranged it better. I was so glad that Joe (Top Dude) could give me my award because he is one of the Good Guys.

And yes, the cool thing was that it wasn't faked at all! I got a half dozen or dozen real, heartfelt hugs that weren't "Hollywood hugs" at all. Everyone wished me the best, though a few were concerned that the adjustment would be tough for me, so we talked about that too. Believe me, it won't be! :2funny:

Yes, just ONE MORE WORKING DAY!!:clap::clap::clap: And all I have to do is go in, write my farewell e-mail, put my day's hours into the electronic timekeeping program and verify it, clean off my whiteboard, and turn in my badge, parking permit, and exit clearance form. My supervisor says (shhhh!) she won't notice if I don't show up again after lunch.
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Oh...Nords and REWahoo...doesn't everyone have a toilet in their tub? :whistle:
We're just jealous of the greater time-saving efficiency with which you must be completing your morning, er, ablutions...

(not a hotbed of oceanographic research)
Oh, please. Just how close to the Maury Library IS your division?!? I've heard (literally) what goes on there...

Well, after Monday I guess you won't be anywhere near it-- congratulations again!
Oh, please. Just how close to the Maury Library IS your division?!? I've heard (literally) what goes on there...
:2funny: so true. And, I am impressed that you know about the Maury Library. I know you are Navy retired, but I am still impressed! :) About 40 miles I think. I suspect that in Springfield there will be conversations like this:

Springfield person: "What do you do for a living?"
Me: "I am a retired oceanographer."
Springfield person: "You are a retired WHUT? HUH?"

It won't matter to me, and physical oceanographic modeling really is more of a library/computer based occupation than sea-based anyway, and besides I am retiring so who cares.
Nords said:
Well, after Monday I guess you won't be anywhere near it-- congratulations again!

Thank you!!! :flowers:

I can hardly believe it but I am essentially done. :D
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Thank you, Walt! :flowers:

My last day of work isn't until Monday, though. Today is my usual every-other-Friday-off. All I really have to do on Monday is sign in and enter+verify my time on the electronic timekeeping system, write my broadcast "farewell e-mail" to everyone, wash off my whiteboard, and turn in my badge, parking permit, and exit clearance. Then I will just read until lunchtime.

My supervisor said (shhh!) that she won't notice if I disappear at lunchtime on Monday. She says my timekeeper might not like it if she knew, but that she will cover for me and just say that I forgot to sign out. I really don't think the timekeeper cares either, but I will just slip out anyway.
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Congratulations W2R...your worklife is almost behind you. After that nice goodbye, you might want to stay.:rolleyes: I'm looking forward to your new/next life as a retiree.
:2funny: so true. And, I am impressed that you know about the Maury Library. I know you are Navy retired, but I am still impressed! :) About 40 miles I think.
Its reputation is so legendary among METOC officers that even their spouses have heard about it... my spouse's two career goals were (1) no Pentagon duty and (2) no Camp Swampy duty, not necessarily in that priority order.

As for sneaking away early on Monday: what are they going to do, make you drag that short-timer's bad attitude back to the office on Tuesday so that they can yell at you?

Nah. If they were really mad at you they'd dock you a half-day's pay and submit the paperwork so late in December that you'd get six corrected W-2s the following year... after you'd filed your tax returns.

Not that they're likely to do any of that in your case!
Its reputation is so legendary among METOC officers that even their spouses have heard about it... my spouse's two career goals were (1) no Pentagon duty and (2) no Camp Swampy duty, not necessarily in that priority order.

As for sneaking away early on Monday: what are they going to do, make you drag that short-timer's bad attitude back to the office on Tuesday so that they can yell at you?

Nah. If they were really mad at you they'd dock you a half-day's pay and submit the paperwork so late in December that you'd get six corrected W-2s the following year... after you'd filed your tax returns.

Not that they're likely to do any of that in your case!

I hope not! My HR contact told me that she always submits the paperwork the day after someone retires. I suppose that believing HR is sort of like believing in the tooth fairy, but one can hope. :D
Write down all your feelings, sensations, details...of your last day at the job. You´ll want to flash back to that date in the future and reminisce about Liberation Day.
I ddn´t do it and I regret not having done it. I barely remember what happened that day. A real pity.
Write down all your feelings, sensations, details...of your last day at the job. You´ll want to flash back to that date in the future and reminisce about Liberation Day.
I ddn´t do it and I regret not having done it. I barely remember what happened that day. A real pity.

That's the nice thing about participating on a message board. I have an excuse to write everything down, in my posts here (where they will doubtless be recorded until the entire earth crumbles into dust). :D
Congratulations W2R! You must be psyched. Do you already know what you are going to do next week with all that new-found freedom?
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