what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Lazed around all morning, lots of fog so didn't want to go for a bike ride. Ordered a slave flash for the camera for an upcoming wedding and a small camera tripod for an upcoming air show. The air show is free but I'll pay the $20 donation to a charity for the "up front" seats under a tent.

The weather cleared and went for a bike ride but it got warm quickly, I was thirsty (all that salt in the sausage I ate) and was just feeling that I wasn't "in the groove" today on the bike so went home. I love riding the motorcycle, but pushing the envelope is unwise - I want to ride it again!

So played with color balancing with the camera and Photoshop with a color checking chart and got pretty close with it. To do much better I'd have to invest in some serious color calibration gear.


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We love our guests, but after 34 consecutive days of them it's a huge relief to be alone in this house again.

Now spouse and I will have to figure out what we're going to do all day together.

Tomorrow will probably involve still even yet more surfing.

OMG.....I would be afraid to stay a second night in case I had overstayed my welcome!
After 12 weeks of my own ER, and spending a few hours here and there, day-by-day, I completed a detailed cleaning and de-cluttering of my home today. (That was one of two main goals I envisioned for early-on in ER, along with exercising more and losing weight.) I went room-by-room, clockwise--starting from the bathroom, then to the linen closet, bedroom, hallway closet, extra hallway closet, kitchen, washer-dryer nook, large living room area, then my back bedroom/storage area--and cleaned, scrubbed, rubbed, dusted and disinfected every nook and cranny of every room and closet, collected boxes of stuff that I donated to Goodwill, and rearranged furniture, wall hangings, and nick-nacks. I shredded about two file boxes of old documents and obsolete PC floppies. I labeled, indexed, and organized my audio cassette and video tapes. All-in-all, I created a brand-new feng shui for myself.

But these 12 weeks have not been all about cleaning and de-cluttering. I have also been swimming a lot in the local outdoor public pool, read about four books so far, visiting family and friends, and even went through an entire 8-DVD collection of some old classic comedies I have been wanting to see for some time now. "I wish Cotton was a monkey."
OMG.....I would be afraid to stay a second night in case I had overstayed my welcome!
Nah, they rolled through here in waves and everyone gets along fine. Some of them we haven't seen in years, others we just finished vacationing with in other places. What made it challenging is that we apparently managed to cram a year's worth of house guests into a month. We also had a tantalizing taste of the empty-nester lifestyle in June so we're eager to get back into it.

Our first "house guest" was our kid returning home from travel in early July for the final pre-college countdown. She spent most of her time buzzing around town doing "last" things, in & out at all hours of the day/night, and trying to cram all her worldly essentials into [-]two no three[/-] just four suitcases. We put her on the plane on 9 Aug.

One of our friends was rehabbing her condo (with our help) and getting in new tenants. That lasted from 16 July to a week ago. Some of it was nasty plumbing repairs, other parts were a new kitchen sink and cleaning/painting. We spent a lot of time researching home-improvement projects ("new carpet or not?") and waiting for the phone to ring. During her final week we were all able to squeeze in some quality liberty time.

One of the friends our kid stayed with during her travels came out here for a reciprocal visit. That was from 4-11 Aug. She's hands-down one of the best teen house guests we could ever hope to have. I was even impressed by her boyfriend, an accomplishment to which my own kid can not yet lay claim.

My nephew the Army Ranger and his girlfriend stayed from the 7th to the 18th, during her pre-deployment block leave. That was strictly recreation and career [-]bitching[/-] consultations. We'll see him again next month when we visit our kid at Rice's Families Weekend.

Feel free to visit anytime. It's probably better to stay at least three days because you'll need a recovery day in between surf sessions...
Got up at 6 a.m. to fix breakfast for DH and his buddy. They were going to leave at 7 on their cross-country motorcycle adventure. It looked like rain, so they waited a while...I could tell they were getting antsy, so I told 'em to put on their big girl panties and get on the road. They did. :D

Now I've got to figure out what I'm gonna do for the next three weeks.


Movies taped...check....chilled wine...check.

I think I'm good. :)

Can your man stay 3 weeks away from those boots?:D
I guess I joined the old fa*t, retirees club tonight. For the first time in years, I got my sons old mountain bicycle out, aired up the tires (which were completely flat) and went for a 1.5 mile ride at around 11PM. I'm out of breath and my legs feel like noodles. I suppose that's a good thing. It means I actually exercised for the first time in a while.
Got to get into it and keep it up though,

Get yourself an E-bike. I did that and now I go further and still do some exercise:).
We love our guests, but after 34 consecutive days of them it's a huge relief to be alone in this house again.

Now spouse and I will have to figure out what we're going to do all day together.

Tomorrow will probably involve still even yet more surfing.
You are real sociable. For me a week of being a host -or guest, for that matter- is more than enough. Much more.:cool:
Our first "house guest" was our kid returning home from travel in early July for the final pre-college countdown.

House guest? You are adjusting to the "empty nest" very quickly. :D

Nords said:
One of the friends our kid stayed with during her travels came out here for a reciprocal visit. That was from 4-11 Aug. She's hands-down one of the best teen house guests we could ever hope to have. I was even impressed by her boyfriend, an accomplishment to which my own kid can not yet lay claim.

Sometimes it is especially hard for fathers to see the good points of anyone who is dating their beloved daughter.
Can your man stay 3 weeks away from those boots?:D
Mmm, not sure...only time will tell. But he does wear motorcycle boots so he should be satisfied...;)

I was thinking the same thing, and if not the boots, I'm talking the whole package. Betcha he'll be cold at night, oh I forgot, they're in Texas.
Well, at this point I'm not sure where he is, but I do know he's in a cooler climate. ....and yes, I'm in TX where the nights are hot.

Not much on my agenda today...well actually I haven't had an agenda for quite some time now. Talked to a friend last night, went to bed late and got up late this morning.

The rest of the day awaits...
Oh happy day! (not!) I am dealing with a dead battery in my Venza. I should have remembered from my Solara, whose original battery only survived a year or two in the oppressive heat down here. Maybe they last longer elsewhere but here they just don't when the cars are parked outside in the direct sunlight, which unfortunately is my only option at present. (Good quality batteries do last a long time here but not the original batteries in Toyotas IME.)

So, with the smartkey system I not only couldn't get into my car (until Frank managed to get the rudimentary manual key to work, which I couldn't do), but once I got in I couldn't start the car. Even the lights wouldn't work - - the battery was flat. With no juice I couldn't figure out how to release the steering wheel to push the car out of my driveway either, so we could jump the battery. And the battery is held in by a bracket that is bolted to the front grill frame in a position that is impossible to reach.

My Toyota dealer said "have it towed". Isn't that ridiculous? (sigh) Oh well. So, I did and it is now in their service department. The tow truck was a huge flatbed arrangement but they knew what they were doing, at least. While it is at the dealer, they will do the recall work as well. The warranty will pay for the tow as well as for the battery replacement, and the recall work is free. But what a PITA!!!! :mad: If this sort of thing keeps happening I might trade it in on something simpler in a couple of years after we have moved.
If this sort of thing keeps happening I might trade it in on something simpler in a few years after we have moved.
Here's what you need: classic good looks, simple, economical, sporty and guaranteed to have no battery problems...


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Here's what you need: classic good looks, simple, economical, sporty and guaranteed to have no battery problems...
1955 Chevy BelAire (drove a 2-door HT); never owned a convertible.

Didn't have the "pedal power", but the 255cid V8 :whistle: ...
Here's what you need: classic good looks, simple, economical, sporty and guaranteed to have no battery problems...

I have NO idea what that is! Is that one of those boat-cars, or aquacars? Or maybe a toy car? It looks old enough that at least I wouldn't have to be battling the electronics that new cars seem to have these days.
It's where the term "Put the pedal to the metal" originated...

Aha! A pedal car. The neighbor's kids used to have one of those when I was a little girl. I don't recall it EVER breaking down or having to be towed to the dealer. :D

Edited to add: I had them do the recall work while it was in, and less than 3 hours later my car was ready. Total cost (including towing)? $0.00 :D:D:D So, I am happier now. Of course the new battery is the same piece of garbage as the old one so I will soon replace it with a decent battery.

AND - - I completed my Gantt chart tasks right on schedule. So, today is shaping up.
I have only had two batteries in my 11 year old Toyota so maybe something is wrong with the battery . My original battery lasted three years and the second battery was still going strong after eight years despite catching on fire when something in the ignition went . They just cleaned up the battery and it worked fine . Today Gary & I went on a car buying search . We looked at the Sonata again ( really nice car ) and the Nissan & finally all The Hondas . I have to agree with Meadh that the crossover is nice but the visibility is limited . I did purchase a CRV EX and I got what I think is a really good deal . After talking to a few Honda places I Knew what price to aim for . Plus I ordered the Invoice so I was armed with info . I am now the proud owner of a Honda CRV . I hope it will be as trouble free as my Solara was.
I am dealing with a dead battery in my Venza. I should have remembered from my Solara, whose original battery only survived a year or two in the oppressive heat down here. Maybe they last longer elsewhere but here they just don't when the cars are parked outside in the direct sunlight, which unfortunately is my only option at present. (Good quality batteries do last a long time here but not the original batteries in Toyotas IME.)

I have only had two batteries in my 11 year old Toyota so maybe something is wrong with the battery.

Well that's great! :) In our climate (very different from yours, of course), stock Toyota batteries are well known to be short-lived. It's just one of those things that people around here know.

Edited to add: I only had two batteries in my Solara, too. The first one lasted just a year or two, and the second one (Autozone's best) lasted until I sold it. I was amazed, and had it checked after it had been in my Solara for six years but it was fine and kept on going for several more years.

Moemg said:
We looked at the Sonata again ( really nice car ) and the Nissan & finally all The Hondas . I have to agree with Meadh that the crossover is nice but the visibility is limited . I did purchase a CRV EX
Hey congratulations on getting a new CRV EX today!!! WOW!! :clap: That is a great SUV and I hope you enjoy it.:D:D
Well that's great! :) In our climate (very different from yours, of course), stock Toyota batteries are well known to be short-lived. It's just one of those things that people around here know.

Hey congratulations on getting a new CRV EX today!!! WOW!! :clap: That is a great SUV and I hope you enjoy it.:D:D

Actually our climates are very similar and we also have the battery problems but I never did with my Solara .
Thanks ! I hope the CRV is as good as my Solara was !
Actually our climates are very similar

Wow!! Thanks for the compliment on our climate here in New Orleans. Often those (like me) who have spent much time in both Sarasota and New Orleans might say that summers here are just a tad more humid and oppressive than they are there. At any rate, feel free to disagree as you have. That's what people do on message boards, and after all, what would I know about it? :)

At any rate, they put the same kind of battery back in it, so in a few months I will probably go and get a top quality battery just to be safe.

Moemg said:
Thanks ! I hope the CRV is as good as my Solara was !

I hope so too! I am glad you were able to find the vehicle you wanted. I think it will be fine and that you will love it as much as your Solara before long. From all I can tell it is a great SUV.
I don't think the weather in NO is much different than that here in Texas and I have never had to replace a battery in my Toyotas early. They last a good four years. I don't think its the climate. You just got a bad battery or something else with your car. By the way, I thought it wasn't in the recall?
I don't think the weather in NO is much different than that here in Texas and I have never had to replace a battery in my Toyotas early. They last a good four years. I don't think its the climate. You just got a bad battery or something else with your car. By the way, I thought it wasn't in the recall?

Where I live it's really, really cold in winter. I had to replace my Honda battery after 12 years.

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