What did you do today? - 2020 version

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I think it's time for another glass of wine...

I think that one calls for at least a twofer...

Today I kept all the water outside and pressure washed half the house. I'll do the other half either later today or tomorrow. Or something like that.

Edit to add:

Finished pressure washing the house after the sunlight moved so there wasn't direct sun on those sides. Did not do under the deck where the Mamma Robin has laid four more eggs so it seems I'll get a second chance to get some chick photos.

Also washed some windows. DW is pleased.
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I have been absent from the forum for a while. My friend aja888 wondered about me and sent a message asking if I was RV'ing. That would be nice, but I am still hunkering down at home. It's too early to think of RV'ing, but I will not rule out a trip later in the year, perhaps in fall.

I was wondering if you were still alive myself a few times. Lol Glad all is going well, Sir.

Today I went to ranch and fished for awhile then went to mow a small tree nursery I started. The handle broke off from the deck of the mower so had to stop that project. Spent some time there till it started to rain and came back home.
Realities dictate a virtual 'ground-hog' day abounds in many of our lives. Thats life!

I know it does in mine. I did the same thing today I've done the last couple decade's on Saturdays.
Seems I'm always busy/working, to heck with ER!

Good luck & Best wishes....
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Wife and I went Blueberry picking and brought back 12 pounds. Probably ate about 2 pounds while picking. Brought them home and froze about 8 pounds. If you don't wash them (no pesticides used in the farm) and let the dew dry before freezing they will stay separate like a bag of marbles. They don't freeze hard like water either. Really great snack on a hot summer day to pop a few in your mouth and cool off. Might go back next weekend before the season is over. We did wear masks but the blueberry farm is so large and we were the first ones there that the social distance was about 25+ feet.

My Mom is moving to a townhome, so we have started the job of cleaning, selling stuff, and getting ready to pack. 51 years worth of stuff. After working on that, I came home and swam and relaxed. I cooked hot. dogs on the grill for dinner, we have not had that in months. We have had the strangest spring weather here in Iowa, but is is nice out right now, so off for a walk we go.
Retail therapy. 3 kids could do with clothes, 2 need sheets. Also put together 2 boxes of food as they're unemployed. Got out cheap. Nascar on soon so I'm done


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Up at the Farm. Planted a few Sunflowers, Gourds, and two types of Pumpkins in small patches. Also a dozen American Chestnut seedlings. Fingers crossed - West of the Mississippi as to Blight.

One of the neighbors 'teenage cows' came over to visit we 'visited' after neighbor and his son got him (the cow) back in the right pasture.

heh heh heh - :cool:
We ate out again today at our favorite restaurant.

There was one table with three young men, but we saw no other customers in the restaurant. We sat two tables away.

I ordered a spicy crawfish chowder, and F ordered a muffaletta. We had such a nice lunch, and afterwards we went to the boat launch to watch the birds, as we often like to do.... but it was absolutely jammed! There were at least 6-8 boats on trailers lined up to get launched, and we couldn't even get into the parking lot.

So, instead of bird-watching we went for a pleasure drive throughout the nearby neighborhoods. From the number of parked cars that we saw, apparently quite a few in that neighborhood had a dozen or more visitors for a holiday party.
While on a bike ride I stopped and watched/listened to a HS Graduation outdoor on football field. A very nice orchestrated ceremony on a drizzle wet afternoon. Only could have 4 people for each graduate to attend and looked like they were spread out nicely on bleachers and chairs spread safe distant for each student. I sat on my bike and watched from side walk fenced area and there was no one closer then a couple hundred feet from me.
Up at the Farm. Planted a few Sunflowers, Gourds, and two types of Pumpkins in small patches. Also a dozen American Chestnut seedlings. Fingers crossed - West of the Mississippi as to Blight.

One of the neighbors 'teenage cows' came over to visit we 'visited' after neighbor and his son got him (the cow) back in the right pasture.

heh heh heh - :cool:

Thanks for doing that. I was a hardwood lumber inspector in the 1970s and wrongly taught it was extinct. Our instructor said there was some left he knew of, but the inspection rules changed for American Chestnut. Many things that were previously considered defects no longer were, to allow harvest and manufacture of the blight ridden trees.

I went to Durango, where masks are required in public, to get some cannibis. The dispensaries are still in remote mode, order on the net and pickup. There was more traffic than last week but nothing like a normal holiday weekend.

I weedeated around the house and had the pleasure of replacing the line. I managed to use an entire spool up trying to get it started. I managed to whack 15' of line into multiple 6" chunks(I did it really fast - puff gone).

Need to get some water started on the small area of new grass and go for a walk in the forest. It's middle 60s and the sky is clear.
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Mowed the "front forty", ate lunch, took a nap, sharpened the mower blade. Thought about cleaning windows, then lay down until I felt better. Maybe tomorrow.
Last night the central A/C died.
We have several mini window A/Cs cooling the place (~850 sf).
Prepping for disaster (hurricane) can come in handy, no matter the event.Image.jpeg
I'm sitting here with a nice drink watching a heavy snow outside. DD and her hubby and new grandson are up for this weekend. SIL just started a fire in the woodstove. It is the first fire for a month or so. DS is doing steaks for dinner. Looking forward to a nice evening.
Washed some windows until my back started paining me, had lunch, nap. Then got out the hedge trimmer and trimmed bushes in the front, then cleaned up the trimmings with the Echo Shred 'N Vac that we bought 19 years ago. I had thought they'd stopped making those, for some reason I was looking for it several years ago and couldn't find one for sale anywhere but I guess they resumed production at least for a while. Interestingly, it's $5 cheaper now than it was in 2001 when I bought it.

Our old house had lots of trees that shed leaves and we had a lot of azalea bushes next to the house. Leaves that gathered there were a royal pain to get to and that tool was a back-saver even then. It's one of those tools that I don't use very often, especially here, but I'm so glad I spent the money on it. It looks like a kludge but actually works very well as long as you don't expect it to shred logs.
Washed some windows until my back started paining me, had lunch, nap. Then got out the hedge trimmer and trimmed bushes in the front, then cleaned up the trimmings with the Echo Shred 'N Vac that we bought 19 years ago. ..........
I hope you realize that you are making a lot of us guys look bad with all this work. I keep saying, "I'll get to it when the pandemic passes". :cool:
DW and I went to the dentist today for our regular cleaning and checkups. Despite the fact that everyone was wearing a mask and there were some new protocols to follow in the office, it felt almost normal. I had been nervous, and the appointment was a few months later than originally scheduled, but it was fine and I felt good about it. I guess things are really beginning to return to some semblance of normal in many ways. :)
Got an appointment for a haircut later today. First one since the end of January. My hair is getting to the point I can't trim it very well myself so going to let a pro clean it up. May run in the grocery store for a few items on the way home. Exciting day. ;)
I drove the kid to the barn today to ride our horse. Then I sat outside and read an actual, real-life book for the first time in months. (Both sitting outside and reading a book, that is.) I haven't felt like I could sit and focus on a book for a while, so this has been a very good day so far.
Met with my ROMEO group for coffee at 7:00 am at Burger King (outdoor seating).

At 9:30 am, took DW to see her PDP, then pulmonologist. She had a CAT scan Friday afternoon to see if the pain in her lung was possibly a blood clot or some other issue. Since is has COPD and is on oxygen 24/7, we were concerned. Thankfully, no blood clot and no idea why she is having so much pain in that one lung area. :confused: Doc put her on prednisone again and another non-opioid pain med. This is the 4th year she has been on a steady diet of O2.

1:00 pm was dedicated to shampooing the carpets since the "cleaning team" will be here tomorrow. Hey, the carpets need to be lookin' good so they can vacuum them!

My next project today is to repair the armrests on DW's wheelchair as they are vinyl covered wood and the screws are sritpped out. I'll fill the old screw holes with a mixture of sawdust and wood glue then drill them out once they set up. We don't use this thing much (yet), but I need to get it in good shape.
Hung bedsheets on solar dryer in back yard.
Sold a 1.5 HP electric motor removed fom a defunct wood chipper, craiglist sale.
Worked on 7 yr. old Harbor freight 800 watt generator. Awaiting parts.
Tomorrow morning will give kayaking lesson to a lady friend.
Turned on AC about 3PM, temp is around 80F.
And received $75 from auto insurance company as Covid lockdown prize.
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My wife had a young couple come over that have a small home cleaning business that we used a few times before things shut down. They always did a great job and were half what other chain services charge. We were not comfortable having anyone in the home in so we cancelled back in Feb. They replied at that time they were suspending service to protect themselves as well as their customers. These past 3 months had to have been hard on them without an income. Now they wear masks, gloves, covers for their shoes, and sterilize all their equipment including their truck before going to another home. They are real careful about that.
So to help out we gave them a one time tip of $100. Not much in the scheme of things but I couldn't think of a better way to blow a little of that dough.

While I was staying away from the house while a cleaning service was there I picked up a couple of bicycle wheels I had respoked because they were old and breaking. A few days ago I removed the old spokes and cleaned up the rims and hubs before I took them to the small independent bike shop near our home.
Duane, the owner, did a great job and then gave me a discount from what I had agreed to and was satisfied with. Surprised!
Since the shop was empty of customers at the moment I had a nice visit discussing bicycles and guitars (a couple of my favorite topics) with Duane. Turns out they are favorite topics of his and he still plays in a band. Fun to talk with someone who knows his guitars and history.

Got the wheels home, installed new tubes and tires I had waiting for me, attached them on my recumbent trike, and attached the brakes on the Sturmey Archer brake hubs. It was raining so I will have to tweak the brake adjustments once the weather improves. I haven't ridden in a week. So ready to get back to my early dawn rides.

Was very happy to discover the existence of free online sheet goods calculators. They generate your cutlist and even account for the kerf of the blade you are using.

I had to cut 22 pieces out of a 36x76" sheet. Nearly all different sizes. This free calculator optimized the arrangement of cuts and I end up using 94% of the sheet.

Great stuff for someone of a [-]cheap[/-] frugal nature !
I have been following up on 23andMe and made contact with a couple DNA relatives, one I had never met, another I hadn't seen in 50 years. The one I had never met had lots of 'news' about several of our departed relatives. It is very entertaining.
Was very happy to discover the existence of free online sheet goods calculators. They generate your cutlist and even account for the kerf of the blade you are using.

I had to cut 22 pieces out of a 36x76" sheet. Nearly all different sizes. This free calculator optimized the arrangement of cuts and I end up using 94% of the sheet.

Great stuff for someone of a [-]cheap[/-] frugal nature !
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