What Does Being a Millionaire Really Mean?

Kinda off topic in a way, but I think being a millionaire to me, basically can be summed up in this.

Before when say a water heater exploded and made a mess, there was incredible stress, the stress of taking much needed money and cleaning up, and buying a new water heater, and then worrying about other bills. Or if something stopped working at my store it was just mass mass stress.

Now when something breaks, it is still super annoying, but that pit of fear in the stomach is gone. It is more of a "O well, just fix it". It still sucks spending the money, but I don't sit up all night worrying anymore.

Besides that it is all about the same to me. (except I have zero tolerance for rude customers when they start with me now hehe)

You have GOT to be kidding! When you had less than a million, say, $900,000, you sat up all night worrying about other bills when something like your hot water heater broke? :confused:

Who knew I was such a (comparatively) mellow person? :D
I expect that most C$ millionaires expect to be US$ millionaires within a year.

Well, there it is. Your post was correct, except that it should have ended "within two weeks".

How low will the dollar go?! Sometimes I think most Americans are entirely unaware that their financial futures are being mortgaged to the Iraqi invasion and their purchasing power /standard of living is steadily eroding ... but ignorance is not bliss.
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