What extras do you pay monthly for?

Housekeeper every 2 weeks - $2600
Digital Movie package - $300
DVD rentals - $100
Webshots membership - $50
2 cell phones - $400
Premium credit cards - $100
Smart ring phone # - $50
Memberships - $200
Total - $3800 or $330/mo

There are some others such as a second car and dining out/entertainment/travel that are big and could be cut back when needed but we have no intention of doing that anytime soon.
Outtahere said:
I don't have a gym membership but spent that money buying equipment for my home. I'm very good about working out on my own, maybe once I'm retired I'll think about joining again but right now being there when it's crowded irritates me.
Our kid is fascinated by working out-- reading the books, learning different exercises, and all the cool gear. Mostly the cool gear.

When she started lusting after the machines we parentally dismissed that consumerism almost by reflex. Then we realized that going to the gym is at least 20 minutes each way-- plus bringing towels & water bottles, changing clothes, the crowds, and dealing with staff who don't think kids should use machines or weights no matter their size. She's also not too good about planning ahead & following through. I'm not impressed with some of the behavior we see at the gym nor with the blaring TVs.

So we patiently shopped Craigslist for a year and fully equipped a storage room with a small Weider version of a universal gym, a weight bench, an elliptical machine, a treadmill, a pullup bar, and a heavy bag. $285. We carpeted it with a neighbor's leftovers, put up radiant foil insulation (to keep the heat out), and we're even bringing in electricity from the main house. (That requires all sorts of teen-friendly skills-- a trench, waterproof conduit, remodel boxes, wiring, and a bigger circuit breaker.) That was another $200 of home-improvement entertainment supplies that needed to be done anyway when this place reverts from a home gym to Dad's workshop.

She added all her workout books, her MP3 electronics, her speakers, inspirational posters, and a lot of sweat equity. I'm sure that once we hook up the receptacles she'll start shopping for a beer icy beverage fridge.

She now uses that "home gym" at least four times a week and frankly she's gettin' pretty buff. The best part about it is being able to work out on the spur of the moment, getting her away from us after a temper tantrum or too much homework, or having the neighborhood kids hang out there instead of in front of the TV. I enjoy the convenience too, and spouse enjoys being left alone in the house. When we're working out we can actually have a conversation about techniques & programs or about all those other things teens really want to discuss with their parents without actually being seen together in public, let alone making eye contact.

It's amazing what a desperate seller will put on Craigslist.

Rich_in_Tampa said:
The little things make for a nicer life. Sunday paper, movie channel, gym, whatever. I hope I can retire with enough cushion that I don't have to give them up.
Don't need a BMW or a country club, but sure do enjoy sitting on the porch with a good cup of (high end) coffee and the Sunday paper.
We're drowning in paper, and getting rid of the newspaper was surprisingly easy.

I don't miss hearing the package thunk into the garage door at 4 AM, having it blow around the house, ink on my fingers/walls/doorframes, and the relentless upselling pressure to go daily.

I did miss the comics, but then I found them online. So we've kept all the things I like while getting rid of (admittedly minor) hassles.

But it's always a good time to sit on the lanai with a warm cup and a good book on a cool morning.

BTW a subscription to "Family Handyman" is not an extra, it's a tax-deductible rental-property expense!
I really miss the gym membership. When I lived in s.ca I had a Ballys membership and went 3- 5 days a week.....loved it and gor to know several people there that I would work out w/. Now that I live in the n.ca "boonies w/ no close by gyms (yet) I have to get outside and make my own workout.

Cell phones(3) and landlines $86. mo.
Dish network 58. mo
magazine subscr. 90. yr
newspaper 85. yr
DSL 34. mo
Eating out and meeting friends for drinks - $200-400 mo
We plan to spend about $6000 on travel this year

Don't plan on adding more expenses....or lowering them - I want to enjoy my freedom not just sit home.....there will be time for that when thats all my body will allow :p in about 40 years ;)
Two extras: one is NETFLIX (which we love). And, we're talking six movies ($38.96 per month) out at a time. It helps me do the treadmill if I can watch some action movie. We don't get HBO or any other premium channels. We don't have TIVO.

The other extra is Classmates.com (which my sister talked me into) $30 a year, I think. Got to get rid of this one.
I have to have my morning newspaper and coffee! My daughter and I have cell phones that I would not need to have if my daughter wasn't still living with me. I can't use voice phones (hearing problems) but we text msg each other all the time using the cell phones. We have digital cable with DVR, part of my entertainment budget. I have thought about joining a gym, but it probably would be a waste of $$ if I wouldn't go regularly - I have a treadmill and I don't use that. Oh...yeah, my "hobby" of working in my flower garden....I am paying someone to clean it up and mow my lawn....that is a big budget buster.
redduck said:
The other extra is Classmates.com (which my sister talked me into) $30 a year, I think. Got to get rid of this one.
I've reconnected with quite a few people who I never would have rediscovered otherwise. My 30th reunion HS is going to be a lot more fun than my 10th, and despite all the military imitations I still keep in touch with shipmates over Classmates.

It seems worth it to me to spend the $15-$30 compared to what it would take to hire a search service or to track them down on my own. It's a surprisingly effective directory, especially with their new maps of people's locations. When the "full" membership expires I drop back down to the crippled "free" service until I see another reason to pay for the information.
Nords said:
I've reconnected with quite a few people who I never would have rediscovered otherwise. My 30th reunion HS is going to be a lot more fun than my 10th, and despite all the military imitations I still keep in touch with shipmates over Classmates.

We had an informal HS class gathering at our house a couple of weekends ago. Ten out of the approximately 60 who are still living and not incarcerated made the trip.

We had a great time, but I will admit to being a little disappointed that all that showed up were a bunch of old people. :)
First tier digital cable - $50
Cell phone (no contract, buy minutes) less than $10
Elite DSL - $53
Bird/squirrel food - $80
Yard work - $50

occasional splurges on electronics

no magazines or newspapers
no dining out
Nords said:
I don't miss hearing the package thunk into the garage door at 4 AM, having it blow around the house, ink on my fingers/walls/doorframes, and the relentless upselling pressure to go daily.

Our local paper is particularly mediocre. The ink on my fingers bothered me, too. If I get a paper I want to read it in it's entirety before I toss it out and give everyone else here a chance to read it. So it would sit around too long. And once I got tri-focals, well it's just too hard to deal with the size of the thing.

The newspaper company used to call all the time with their terrific offers, then they would stop by during dinner to tell us what a great service we were missing. Now they give us a free paper in the driveway a few times a week, probably trying to get us hooked on their need for news. Most of us on the block have started just leaving the free paper at the end of the driveway, hinting that we didn't need the last one you left, so don't bother leaving us another one.

I'm not anti-news at all. I'm just tuned into it from other sources, mostly TV and internet. Many people like to see all the ads in the paper. I admit I may be missing out on some great sales at the department stores, but I'm just not one to go and shop as an entertainment. If I need something I find it online or just go to the store and get it. Someone's always having a sale. I'll find it when I need it.

Also, I'm aware of the effort that goes into publishing a newspaper. Even if it's made from recycled paper, there are a lot of costs in getting it printed and delivered. Doesn't seem worth it if it's old news by the time I read it and toss it in the recycle bin.
I don't think anybody has mentioned this one yet....

We've been paying about $100/month for a couple of external storage rooms since our last move (about a year ago). Oh, the humanity! Paying monthly to store junk you don't use! I'm slowly selling the stuff off or moving it into the garage, but every molecule of my fugalness is simply outraged....
Sheryl said:
We all presumably pay for utilities and Internet. Many of us pay for TV of some sort. But how many more little extras do you pay for - and have you noticed how they add up? Have you been sucked into the automatic payments that you forget or procrastinate canceling?

Right now I only have TIVO, which I paid for 3 years in advance, but which would be $12.95 per month. Have not succumbed to Netflix yet...

In the past I have had health club dues ($25) which too me forever to face up to canceling (guilt), and I went through a phase of online gaming (World of Warcraft) which continued to suck about $12.95 out of my bank account for months after I quit playing...

I do pay for utilities.

I don't pay for internet. I get it for free via free wireless access points at the local movie store, my university, and sometimes my neighbors.

I don't pay for TV except the electricity to run my free hand-me-down TV to get network broadcast channels.

I pay for no extras, because I know how they add up and I'm a cheapskate. Of course, if I did pay for extras it would be because I thought they were necessary or highly desirable, so they wouldn't be extras then.

I suppose my "eating out" habit is something of an extra. I could certainly cut back, and it's probably the biggest discretionary expense in my budget right now at perhaps $100 per month. I usually have a good reason rationalization excuse.

Someone pointed out that high speed internet is no longer a luxury. I find that comment interesting, because it says to me that there is still some slight "keeping up with the Joneses" thinking at this board. Of course, if we go back 50 years as a comparison, many of us today are paying for such extras as air conditioning, color TV, gym memberships, two cars, etc. Go back 100 years and many of us are paying for such extras as indoor plumbing and electricity and cars.

I find it interesting to compare needs and wants across cultures and backgrounds too. The only things we need -- logically -- are those things that are invariant across time, culture, location, etc. I have a stringent definition which includes air, water, food, shelter from the elements, and medical care. But it is interesting what some cultures (including the "FIRE culture" here) consider needs as well: a college education (my family's culture), a mission trip (the LDS/Mormon culture), high speed internet (American culture), etc.

One of the tricks I use that I'll pass along.

If you subscribe to magazines and newspapers, look on ebay. Many mag subs can be had for like 3-5$ a year. I got vegetarian times for $9 for 3 years and a year of Financial times for something like $30.


Also, I thought this was a great pic in regards to SecondCor's post, in how much the world is changing as well as our needs and wants:

Hi speed DSL.

Cell phone.

A private mailbox (i.e. Mailboxes Etc) for delivery of all mail and packages - mail at the apartment can be unreliable and less secure. It's also peace of mind that anyone questionable who finds my address doesn't automatically know where I live.
Cable Internet service ($42)
Cable TV ($35)
Netflix ($10)
Gym ($37)
Book buying habit ($60)
cell phone ($340
Since we can't get cable TV in our "neighborhood", or DSL for that matter, I thought maybe I didn't have any extras. But there are a few magazine subscriptions like National Wildlife and Persimmon Hill. Thinking of adding the gym membership. Cell phone paid for by work. Sunday paper only.

I would really like DSL though.

I think getting a dish for any kind of TV and/or wireless would be at least $65 per month.
albundyz said:
ScaredtoQuit said:
Wouldn't that be considered a necessity??
Well, that seemed like a lot of comments on an innocuous subject so I finally looked it up.

Oh, that. I thought we were subtly alluding to French beverages.

Never mind-- I'm not going to go there either.

I guess I'm a few commercials & advertisements behind the curve. I probably could've read about it in the newspaper...
We are frugal on things that are not important to us.

Other things......... 8)

(1) whatever the cat needs
(2) whatever I need, or want, for grooming (wax, manicure, blonde highlights, etc.)
(3) HGTV
(4) When we go to the pool in the summer (one day a weekend for the entire summer) I will buy about $15.00 worth of magazines for that day. I probably spend about $45.00/month on magazines in the summer. I gobble up magazines and am a speed reader. I'ts fun and relaxes me. Don't tell me to read a book, I do that too. I like taking the magazines in the pool w/ me and I don't care if they get wet.
(5) New York Times (Sunday only)
(6) Local paper (Sunday only)
(7) Good restaurants, no fast food or chains.
(8) Holiday cards and postage. (I send out cards for Easter, Halloween, you name it I will send it)
(9) Movies. I see a lot of independent films. I am not going to wait for the movie to come out in DVD. I like the big screen.

I do these things because they make life worth living. I save money too.....you have to find a balance that works for you.
Nords said:
Well, that seemed like a lot of comments on an innocuous subject so I finally looked it up.

Oh, that. I thought we were subtly alluding to French beverages.

Never mind-- I'm not going to go there either.

I guess I'm a few commercials & advertisements behind the curve. I probably could've read about it in the newspaper...

ok, ok, I guess I was the only one who thought it was funny.
Monthly extras:
~ $35 for DSL Internet connection
~ $26 for mobile phone
~ $45 for gym membership
~ $5 for library fines (I am often late returning DVDs, books, CDs)

No magazine subscriptions, no newspaper subscriptions, no Netflix--just library fines.

No manicures, no pedicures, no dance lessons...but I go for these when I visit Manila.
Entertainment expenses mainly.....

1) DirecTv w/baseball and basketball packages
2) Sirius satellite radio
3) Cable internet service
4) As many rounds of golf as I can fit in :D

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