What is more important to you, taste or nutrition?

However, I find that most of the time you can have both:)
I eat for taste and leave the nutrition stuff for the experts, my wife.
I have diabetes and two heart stents. So I have to avoid sugar, starches (potatoes, bread, pasta, rice) and sodium. If it tastes good, I know it's bad for me.
Definitely nutrition, but I have found that it is possible to have both (for the most part).

Barring eating out, I'd rather whip up a shake of a bunch of 'junk' but it is (1) healthy and (2) contains everything which my body needs, and nothing which it doesn't (i.e., fats, etc.).
Taste is more important to me. If it's green I don't eat it. I'm in my late 20's and far from overweight so I can get away with that.
Definitely nutrition, but I have found that it is possible to have both (for the most part).

Barring eating out, I'd rather whip up a shake of a bunch of 'junk' but it is (1) healthy and (2) contains everything which my body needs, and nothing which it doesn't (i.e., fats, etc.).


Aren't there a few fats that are good for you and your body may need for nourishment, or are you on a special diet? I'm thinking about certain oils like canola and/or olive, a variety of nuts, and fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackeral) etc.
Nutrition on weekdays, and taste with at least an attempt at adequate nutrition on the weekends.

On the weekends, Frank and I eat out here in New Orleans >:D ...

... so during the weekdays I am "good". :angel:
Flavor, I don't care how good for me Liver with Onions are I won't eat them!

Hey, I had a good ol' soyburger with mixed vegetables and skim milk to drink for dinner last night. :duh: It's worth it. Last weekend I ordered shrimp creole at a local restaurant and it was truly wonderful. I ate the whole thing, too! That's the devil in me. >:D The only way I can eat like that on the weekends and get away with it is to straighten up on weekdays.

I must admit that I don't eat liver and onions much, and haven't in several years. I probably should! Maybe I'll pick some up at the grocery store this weekend. :eek:
Always both - why comprimise! Bad nutritious food is so 1990...>:D
normally taste though most of what i like is good for ya (minus the cookies). i did choose health over taste when switching from meat to tofu and fake-meat products. i threw out a lot of food trying to acquire the taste and relearn how to cook but eventually i learned to actually like the stuff. i've made fake burgers for friends and even they like it. if you put enough toppings and sauce on pretty much anything you find there was really no reason to kill that cow.
Taste, but nutrition is a close second and I actually like most healthy food and hate most junk food.
If I don't like the taste, I won't eat it. That being said, I generally try to pick nutritionally decent meals but I'm not so adamant about health food that I'll eat "healthy" if I don't like it.

So I guess it's a balancing act. Plus I follow the 80/20 rule: try to be good 80% of the time and you can be a little "bad" for the other 20%.
Taste! Of course I think broccoli and brussel sprouts taste good, too. Then again, I like almost any veggie or fruit, and eat lots of 'em because I like their flavor. But I also like just about anything that "they" (whoever "they" are) say is bad for me. Like fried chicken, burgers, BACON, sausage, eggs (fried in bacon grease), ice cream, buttered popcorn, chocolate, yada, yada, yada. >:D
I have diabetes and two heart stents. So I have to avoid sugar, starches (potatoes, bread, pasta, rice) and sodium. If it tastes good, I know it's bad for me.

That reminds me of a guy with a heart condition who worked in my office. His doc told him "If it tastes good, spit it out". Bummer.

I have to stay away from gluten, a protein found in wheat, oats and barley. It's generally not so bad, but the tragedy was giving up beer, pizza, and lasagna. That hurts.
Do people really eat stuff they just can't stand the taste of just because someone says it is good for them? Or, do the find a substitute that they like the taste.

Let's face it, on the surface this is somewhat of a ridiculous post. 'What is most important taste or nutrition' If I can't stand the taste I won't eat it. If I can't live on it, I may eat some, but I'll still eat stuff that is good for me. That being said, I never go to the pantry and say "Hmmmmmm..... I wonder what will really be good for me tonight" It is more like 'What do I want tonight' and that is more in tune to 'what am I hungry for'
That reminds me of a guy with a heart condition who worked in my office. His doc told him "If it tastes good, spit it out". Bummer.
Depending on how severe it was, it could potentially make me wonder if it was worth living those extra years. I've never been afraid of death itself, but rather of the process of dying; if something I enjoyed could take me out quickly with little chance of long-term suffering, so be it.

It reminds me of a quote sometimes attributed to Winston Churchill; whether it's apocryphal or not I don't know. Allegedly, a woman went up to him and asked him if he thought it was true that she could live to be 100 if she ate right, exercised, and didn't smoke or drink.

The response? "Yes, madam, it's true. But it will feel like 200."
Flavor, I don't care how good for me Liver with Onions are I won't eat them!
Liver and Onions, with a little bit of bacon thrown in tastes good to me.
However, it is bad nutrition. So I only eat it once a year.

For me, it's taste 1st, but at my age nutrition is starting to become even with taste.

Growing old sucks ... but it still beats the alternative. :rolleyes:
It's been my experience that junk food is an acquired taste.

After eating real food for a while, the crap makes you mildly ill.

I eat what I like: meat fruit dairy grains...; smaller amounts of calorie dense and larger amounts of whole/raw vegetables/fruits.
Taste for sure, but I like many healthy foods.

Remembered another Churchill quote (not at all apropos):

Lady comes up to Churchill at a cocktail party and says-"Sir, you are drunk. It's a disgrace seeing the leader of our country in this state".

Churchill reponds: "Yes, I am drunk. And you are fat and ugly. Tomorrow I'll be sober". :eek:
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