What is your Fountain of Youth routine ?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 12, 2013
Aside from regular weekly exercise and daily traditional multivitamin regimen, what other 'extra' stuff do you do to keep on healthy ?

Mine is :
1) Purple berries (Acai, Blueberry, super-anti-oxidants, etc) - to fight any cancer
2) Alkaline water (10+ ph) - to neutralize overall body acidity, which affects so many things.
3) Yogurt during breakfast - to keep the digestive track healthy
4) Chiropractor spinal stretch & massage (massage chair) - reduce any back pain, should & neck pain, and correct posture

I try to exercise at least 3x a week (run, weights). :dance:
I wash my hands frequently, and I almost never catch a cold. I think there is a correlation.
Exercise 5-6 days a week, mostly 2 hours daily of Pickleball. Yogurt everyday.
I am sore everyday, so would love to counter that without pills.
I eat lots of fruits and veggies. I rarely get sick, rebound very quickly. I haven’t taken any drugs, just an occasional vitamin D. I do get some exercise, but not a gym rat.
I drink Lemon water every day. Stay away or at least minimize the intake of salt, sugar, and alcohol.
I wash my hands frequently, and I almost never catch a cold. I think there is a correlation.
I have a cold right now, ugh. Haven't had one for a long time. This one seems to be rampant in New Orleans lately.

I can't think of any healthy habits to list. Maybe that's why I have a cold. :LOL:

I have been trying to eat more wisely in order to lose weight (38.8 pounds lost since March 23rd!). I avoid most processed food, added sugar, and artificial sweeteners. For decades I have avoided alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs other than those my doctor prescribes at my regular checkups. I only drink one cup of coffee each day, before noon so that it doesn't interfere with my sleep.

Most importantly, I lead a happy life that is as stress-free as possible, and I think peace of mind is good for my health. I play a peaceful, happy video game called Animal Crossing for example, and really enjoy it a lot. It puts me in a positive, happy, stress free frame of mind. Video games for better health? Well, maybe, sometimes, for some of us.... :D
I tend to overeat but have always eaten my vegies and fruits, whole grains, and dairy along with the bad stuff and take a multivitamin and calcium supplement. And I go to the doctor for an annual checkout and bloodwork. Have never smoked and no longer drink (it does not agree with me). I am not that healthy or healthy looking but have not been in a hospital since getting my tonsils out as a child.
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Gym three times a week for one hour of cardio .Other days I lift weights and do the stairs . A few vitamins and eye cream top off the list .
OK, since we cannot mention exercise, that only leaves eating a plant-based diet and hanging out with people much younger than me.
I believe in eat your way to health, lots of dark chocolate when I was in Switzerland.
My secret is to cut out most bread based carbs and sugar. I eat meat, fish and veggies daily. Lots of water too. I've lost 25 lbs and feel and think better than I have in years. Exercise plays a role, but the weight loss is all diet.
I DANCE, DANCE, DANCE. I have a great group of friends that DH and I go dancing with. Some of these friends are 85-90, they look and act like they are in their 70s. To me dancing is like the fountain of youth.
I don't remember. 20180908_120909.jpeg
ETA: Sometimes I think when those clouds go over the continental divide, in the pic, they're gone. Along with them is any negative bs.
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Lots of red meat and cheap beer.
Exercise walk 5 times a week, avoid fads and quackery, and eat glazed donuts in moderation (no more than 1 per day). It's tough, but I can handle it :popcorn:
Yoga is my fountain of youth.

A plant based, mostly whole food diet keeps me thin.

Having a loving spouse, good friends and being kind to others helps with my emotional well being.
A daily regimen of a brisk 3-5 mile walk.

And red wine in moderation.

A lot of moderation.

Moderation in moderation.

And a tad more red wine.
Trying to keep a positive attitude at all times.
Some people seem so negative and full of anger, I don't know but that can't be good for one's overall health.
Intermittent fasting.

So much crap out there from completely useless correlation studies that people believe. Using the same statistical technique that "prove" eating more or less "X" is associated with better health (longevity, whatever), there is a study that "proves" the 15 most common cookbook ingredients increase the likelihood of cancer. Way more should be ignored than seems to be.
3 hours a day in the gym, 4 days a week. All 3 hours are spent exercising, not that hard but steadily. No chatting/looking at phone.

I don't know about "youth," but I am trying to keep various hereditary ills at bay, and all the Dr's seem to agree that exercise is the way to go. At my age, my siblings already had T2 diabetes for some years; and one had several heart attacks and a double bypass.
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