what time do you wake up?

Great question

Ever since I wrote that in my earlier post on this thread, I have been sleeping in until 10:15 or later. I guess I have to start setting my alarm again. :banghead:

I dunno, maybe because so many of us like to go on and on, writing lengthy treatises about minor aspects of our retired life like this one? I, for one, am SO guilty of that. :LOL:

Yes & yes :LOL: I read every post here all four pages- not sure how often I’ve done that - I’m not a frequent flier by my # of post but this topic is daily- get it ~ so no set routines for Me had that while working - shift work 0600-1600 / 1500-0100 / 1600-0400 / 2300-0700 / get my drift mostly nights over the years thus I like staying up late 2,3, 4am doze off
wake up some mornings by 7am sleep in till 10am
An early night to bed perhaps 1am up by 9a coffee on rear patio call it my café. Time specific when traveling so flights train rides excursions etc. But that’s all been suspended for now, except a morning drive along the Pacific coast if feel the urge. PCH 1.

Oh, I’ll set the alarm by 0530 get on hiking trail by 7a
tomorrow. Most likely wake before alarm internal clock tends to that if I have plans.

~ freedom of ER right? Sleep when U want
be thankful U wake up, whenever that is for the day.
Retired a year and still getting up a 6am, anyone else? What time do you wake up now that you retired and why? DW thinks it's odd to sleep until 10 am, I think that is what should be normal.

Unfortunately we do not have room darkening shades due to a half moon window, so sun up I'm up.

I go to bed and get up whenever I want to now that my wife and I are both retired. Normally it’s between 6:00 and 8:00 AM when I get up. Normally I go to bed between 10 or 12 PM.
I am amazed by these responses. I have never been a morning person. Thankfully, when I was working, I didn’t have to get up until 7:00 and that was a real struggle. DH got up at 5:00. I was concerned that after retirement, he was going to continue to be an early riser. Nope. He likes sleeping as much as I do. We go to bed around 11:30 and sleep until 9:00 or 9:30. Sometimes he’ll get up around 8:30. Neither one of us naps. I envy morning people.
Can't remember the last time I stayed up til midnight.

Usually in bed around 10 - 10:30. Only need 6 hours sleep so up at 4 - 5.

DW stays up later and gets up around 8:30.

Wish I wrote down all the great things I think of before I get up. :confused:
After a life of getting up before the sun came up, I've found myself going to bed later these last several months and sleeping until 9 or 10am and was feeling somewhat guilty about that until seeing some also admitting to sleeping until 9 or 10am :)
Retired a year and still getting up a 6am, anyone else? What time do you wake up now that you retired and why? DW thinks it's odd to sleep until 10 am, I think that is what should be normal.

Unfortunately we do not have room darkening shades due to a half moon window, so sun up I'm up.

I am a natural born night owl. All my working life, I had to get up around 5 AM due to traffic and parking issues in the Baltimore area. Some people are natural born larks (DH). I will never be an early riser unless I have a reason to get up. My natural sleep cycle seems to be 2AM to 10AM. We owls tend to feel we must defend our natural inclinations. Both of my parents were owls. I don't think you can change your inborn makeup. And FWIW, there is NO moral superiority in being a lark. I'm sure my caveman ancestors were the ones who guarded the tribe while the owls slept securely.
I try to get 7 hours every night. The bladder always gets me up, usually anywhere from 4-7am. If that happens between 4-6 I'll try to go back to sleep and usually do for another couple hours to get my 7 hours in. If it happens at 7 or later.. fagetta boutit... I'm up! That is, unless I've been up till 2 or 3am the night before which sometimes happens when I get interested in something on TV and have to keep watching. In those cases, I'll usually sleep till about 9ish. Seems like every night is different. The best thing though is not having to get up for work the next day! :dance:
I served 40 years in the military (in uniform and as a civilian scientist) and always started my work day at 0600 (or earlier at O dark 30). Now if I can sleep as late as 0630 it is a miracle. My wife, on the other hand, is a former Soviet scientist and naturalized American citizen (prior to my meeting and marrying her). In Moscow because of the number of people travelling on the metro system they set up a system of scheduling based on your type of work. Laborers were early and academics including scientists started work at 0930. Because of that every Russian scientist I have met in my age group stays up seriously late and get up late as well. Because my wife Day Trades every day on the US market, but we live in Europe her schedule is a bit off from normal. So, she tends to go to bed at around 0230 and gets up around 1000. I have never been able to successfully change my sleep patterns to match hers and crash and burn around midnight. I only get 5 hours of sleep but I am wide awake at 0600 on the dot without an alarm. It is actually weird how precise it is. I get a sens e of panic that I should be at work. In my military career in addition to being a scientist I also was prior Special Forces (enlisted) and a rotary pilot and kept my flight status throughout my career so was at the airport for pre-flight briefings etc. As a scientist because I worked in the metro DC area up in Maryland but lived in Virginia, I put my entire lab group (21 people) on an alternate work schedule where we started work at 0600 but left at 1430. The Federal Government to alleviate traffic problems in DC set up this system for alternate work schedules (ironically similar to what Stalin did in Moscow for the metro system) so it worked out well for me. My crew wasn't all that enamoured about it but they were happy to be home early and those with children were able to spend more time with the family. But, for me it seems to have caused a permanent biological clock set to wake early. We have been retired for 10 years now and it hasn't changed at all whatsoever even when travelling 12 time zones away.
Still Up ~ retired life

I am amazed by these responses. I have never been a morning person. Thankfully, when I was working, I didn’t have to get up until 7:00 and that was a real struggle. DH got up at 5:00. I was concerned that after retirement, he was going to continue to be an early riser. Nope. He likes sleeping as much as I do. We go to bed around 11:30 and sleep until 9:00 or 9:30. Sometimes he’ll get up around 8:30. Neither one of us naps. I envy morning people.

Maybe I’ll go to bed by 1am tonight ~ going on a hike
I’ll probably take a nap in the afternoon ~ perhaps
this tread keeps going:LOL::dance: DW early bird 6a still on her laptop work from Hm during the week but she will sleep later say 9-10am wkends
Not retired yet. Alarm is set for 3:20 but I'm almost always up by 3:10. On the weekends I can usually sleep in until 5am or so. Once I'm retired I plan on sleeping in until 4 or 5 most days.
I yell at anyone who is playing pickelball in our neigjborhood before 8am. Its rude. I dont care how hot it is that day. Wait until 9am if the courts are near residence.
I am usually in bed by 9:30pm. I watch TV until 10 or 10:30pm. I find myself waking up anywhere between 6:00am and 7:15am. Rarely sleep past 7:15. Afternoon naps are fairly common.
I wake up predictably between 8:00-9:00. To bed after the hottub every night between 11:00 and midnight. Had decades of tormented sleep through FIRE, until it was found I had slightly high BP and it was treated with meds.
Retired a year and still getting up a 6am, anyone else? What time do you wake up now that you retired and why? DW thinks it's odd to sleep until 10 am, I think that is what should be normal.

Unfortunately we do not have room darkening shades due to a half moon window, so sun up I'm up.

Get yourself a cloth eye blocker! :LOL:
I get up usually around 4:45 in the summer, as light starts coming into my room. Living in the Phoenix area, we have to get out early in the summer to walk the dogs, or they don’t get a walk. The Boston Terror has to have his walk or he can be a real terror, but being brachysephalic (sp:confused:) he doesn’t tolerate heat very well. The Vizsla does fine. Our runs in the summer are on the treadmill most of the time. As autumn and winter approach, I get more sleep. One of my pet peeves, however, is when DW tells me (in the winter) that I’ve got to get up early to do this or that. I always tell her that I’m retired and I’ll get up when my body tells me it’s dam* good n ready to get up.
After a life of getting up before the sun came up, I've found myself going to bed later these last several months and sleeping until 9 or 10am and was feeling somewhat guilty about that until seeing some also admitting to sleeping until 9 or 10am :)

Same here. I worked rotating shift work for 35+ years, 24/7/365.
It was a 5 week rotation with Five 8-4p, followed by Six 8-4p, then Seven 4-mid and then Seven Midnight - 8a.

Yes, 6 days and 7 days straight, but there were only 5 days in one week, but it carried thru to the weekends +.

There's no reason for me to be up looking at TV at 6 am, so I'm up til ~3am and wake around 9 - 10 am. Good enough.
I wake up with the sun if I cannot sleep in darkness (blinds.)
When I am at home I wake up 6 am - 7 am in summer if I don't have any projects going. If I have projects going I wake up around 5:30 am.
I caretake my mother 15 days a month. When I am there I wake up at 7 am - 7:45 am.
Wow, I can't believe there are so many early risers.
We're still working so we wake up early for the daily grind. But we're more night owls and try to sleep in until 10am on the weekends or while on vacation.
I normally get up at 6AM. It just seems to make the day go better for me. In the summer I try to golf early, to beat the heat, so that I am done by 11AM and have the rest of the day for whatever I want (or do not want) to do. I will take it easy in the middle of the day (siesta time :)), then go back to activities in the evening. I am usually in bed sometime between 11 and midnight.
"My crew wasn't all that enamoured about it but they were happy to be home early and those with children were able to spend more time with the family. But, for me it seems to have caused a permanent biological clock set to wake early."

Honestly, I think your internal clock is set biologically. All my working life I HAD TO get up early and NEVER stopped hating it. I will get up early when I must, but left alone, my body prefers to go to bed late (2 AM usually to 10 AM). I've read several articles about "extreme night owls" and that has only confirmed my belief that our sleep cycle is programmed by nature. Both of my biological parents were night owls.
Still w*rking but have been teleworking for years. Have been waking up between 6:20 and 6:45 without an alarm the entire time. Bed time varies. Not sure I will ever be able to sleep past 7 but will have to RE to find out.
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