what time do you wake up?

Between 5:30, which was my get-up time when I w@rked, and around 6:45. I don't like to doze much beyond 7 unless we had a late night. If it's one of those nights when I wake up before 2:30-ish and have trouble dozing off again, I'll take the 1 mg sub-lingual melatonin I leave on the nightstand for those restless wee hours.
Wake up between 6am and 7am daily. Used to wake up 4:30am for work.
Was always a morning person.
It's 1:35 p.m. and I'm still in bed.

Maybe I need to do something worthwhile today. Maybe tomorrow, though.
My normal wake-up time is 5:15 to 6. When I go thru my insomnia spells - like I am right now - i'm up by 3, and if I'm lucky I'll be able to fall back asleep for a little bit more. I've never needed a lot of sleep, so 5 to 6 hours is sufficient for me.
I wake up around 5:30 or 6:00, or earlier if the cat decides he's ready. I wish I could sleep longer.

DF said he always woke up around 4:30 and laid in bed waiting for sunrise; he was retired for 30 years and this never changed. Aunt, on the other hand, sleeps until 9 or 10. She once mentioned that a friend told her that she got up every day around 6. Aunt said, "Why would anyone in their right mind get up that early?"
Well, my normal lights-out time is 11:00 pm, and I would normally naturally wake up around 7:00, but this new kitty isn't having any of that and wants me out bed by 5:15 or 5:30 to feed her. I've had to bring back naps in the afternoon! I need a good 8 hours to feel rested.
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Everyday 5 to 530 AM. Retired 4 years ago and for 35 years of getting about 5 to get to work I'm still getting up early.

I love getting up early in the morning for me it is the best time of day.
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Been retired 6 years and hit the sack around 11pm and up and ready around 530am every day. I always have been a morning person even though I worked rotating shifts.
Bed at 10pm, up at between 7am and 8am (More often 8am) every day. That is 9 hours minimum (in bed). Takes me a little while to get to sleep, so I probably get ~8 hours regularly. I do not nap during the day.
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When working, I always thought I was a morning person and when given the choice, would arrive at work or university "bright eyed and bushy tailed" (as the saying goes), ready to get to work, around 6 AM. I had always worked or gone to school every day, or had other responsibilities inconsistent with sleeping in, so I never actually HAD the choice of being a morning person or not.

In retirement, it's different. I love staying up late, which means I sleep late too. But I don't let myself sleep past 10 AM. If that starts happening, I resume setting my alarm for 10 AM. Right now, without an alarm I am awakening between 9:30 and 10:00 AM.

I never awaken earlier than desired. I love sleeping 7-9 hours each night and do so, except if the alarm awakens me. Now if I could make myself go to sleep earlier, all my sleep problems would be over! But I get too wound up and don't want to go to bed, just as though I was still a kid.
between 9:30 and 10:00 AM.

Me too! Between 9:30 and 10AM. If I'm not careful, I end up staying up until 3AM. I've always been a night owl. I do enjoy cool morning air, but it's painful to be up so early. Even when I wo*ked, I didn't have to get up until 8AM. One time, I did a short stint of having to get up at 6AM to get to wo*k. It was a torture!
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Usually I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00am but sometimes earlier. It helps to have a few indoor cats and 1 outdoor feral cat waiting for breakfast. Once they are fed I can get a cup of coffee to wake up then out for a bike ride at the beach. It's nice to watch the sun come up over the ocean. Depending on the weather the colors can be spectacular. Only so many days left and I don't want to miss anything.

Usually I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00am but sometimes earlier. It helps to have a few indoor cats and 1 outdoor feral cat waiting for breakfast. Once they are fed I can get a cup of coffee to wake up then out for a bike ride at the beach. It's nice to watch the sun come up over the ocean. Depending on the weather the colors can be spectacular. Only so many days left and I don't want to miss anything.

You feed your cats BEFORE you get coffee? Man, they got you trained real good!
Before I retired, I woke up at 5:15 a.m. every morning, 5 minutes before the alarm went off. It was that way for 17 years. The first day of retirement, I woke up at 8:00 a.m., and it’s been that way for the past 13+ years, although once in a great while I wake up sometime around 7:00 a.m., but that’s a rarity.

And it doesn’t matter what time I go to sleep. I usually call it a day between midnight and 2:00 a.m., although it’s occasionally 2:00-3:00, because I like to sit and read for a long time before I go to sleep. Regardless I wake up around 8:00, with no alarm.
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Retired a year and still getting up a 6am, anyone else? What time do you wake up now that you retired and why? DW thinks it's odd to sleep until 10 am, I think that is what should be normal.

Unfortunately we do not have room darkening shades due to a half moon window, so sun up I'm up.

waking up usually around 6 (absent one or more trips down the hall in the middle of the night). i can usually go back to sleep and when i do i usually get up around 8:30-9:00. my wife usually sleeps another hour. but we don't usually hit the sack until 11-11:30.
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We awake when the sun tells us to. Getting later now, 630 or 7AM now, about 45 minutes later than June 20th.

We so seldom set an alarm after 7 years of joyous retirement we don't even know how! I had to set it twice last week and it's amazing how people do this for years.

We had a saying around Megacorp "sleep is optional". While I don't make up for lost amount of hours I do in quality.
Varies for me. Can be anytime from about 6:30 to 8, DH and I know to wake the other if we sleep past 8 unless sick or something.

Averages around 7:30 now that we have darkening room shades, before that the seasons were a big impact.

My parents are in their 70's and don't normally get up until almost 9, and they are up to about midnight, which I find impossible.
Lifetime of early rising habits - I wake up between 5:15-6... Most mornings closer to 5:15.

My excuse is I walk the dog on the beach, like to have coffee before I go.. and have to have the dog OFF the beach before 9am... Oh - and if I go to the beach too late, traffic to and from can be bad. So getting to the beach at 6:30ish is my sweet spot.

DH wakes up anytime between about 4:30am and 8am. But usually around 5am.

Older son wakes up during the week at 5:30 because he has to be at work at 6:30. Younger son rolls downstairs around 10am.
Between 5:30 and 6:30 after getting my solid 7. Even better Sleeping after I started wearing a sleep mask. I love the early morning when I can go out, walk the dog, hike or bike when it’s cooler.
Before I retired, I woke up at 5:15 a.m. every morning, 5 minutes before the alarm went off. It was that way for 17 years. The first day of retirement, I woke up at 8:00 a.m., and it’s been that way for the past 13+ years, although once in a great while I wake up sometime around 7:00 a.m., but that’s a rarity.

And it doesn’t matter what time I go to sleep. I usually call it a day between midnight and 2:00 a.m., although it’s occasionally 2:00-3:00, because I like to sit and read for a long time before I go to sleep. Regardless I wake up around 8:00, with no alarm.
Goonie, good to see you back here! You were missed. :)
Goonie, good to see you back here! You were missed. :)

I’ve just been keeping busy living the dream. I stay busy with my gardening and hobbies, as well as all of the day to day tasks here at the ol’ homestead, planning and prepping three meals a day for my 93 y.o. Mom and myself. I’m the full-time caregiver for Mom, who is still as healthy as a horse, but has some minor mobility issues.

I get together with a few retired friends for coffee a couple of times each week, outdoors and social distancing (usually at separate tables during off peak hours), and other than making the rare venture out for the absolute essentials, it’s the only time any of leave home during this pandemic.

I also stay busy serving on the board, as well as managing and overseeing our 181 y.o. church’s building and grounds.

But mostly, I just haven’t been getting online much anymore, except to check email, pay bills, make online purchases.

I’ll try to get in here more often!

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