what time do you wake up?

For the first 2 months I was waking up at 6 am or slightly earlier - that was my usual work time. These last few weeks I’ve been sleeping in to 6:30 or 7. Feels good. Finally starting to chill out.
I go to bed between 9:30 pm and 11:30 pm. Get up between 8 and 9 AM. Always wear an eye mask to block out light when I sleep. I have room darkening shades but I still wear the eye mask to keep up this habit for when I travel and may stay at relatives's homes who may not have room darkening shades.
Not sure why, but during Covid 19, my bed time and wake up time have shifted. I go to bed later and wake up later. So, I usually get up about 9:30AM. YMMV
Wow, I can't believe there are so many early risers.
We're still working so we wake up early for the daily grind. But we're more night owls and try to sleep in until 10am on the weekends or while on vacation.
And I can't believe there are so many people who sleep in after 6am! Since 1993 or so almost all of my j*bs have started at either 5am or 6am so most of my life I have usually awakened at 3-something except for the 10 months where I w*rked 2nd shift (3-11) and I usually got up around 7am.
On the weekends I'm still usually up and around by 5am with no alarms set.
3:00 am is my normal time to get up. Being retired, I can catch a nap 6:00-7:00 am that helps.

5 hrs. on CPAP is about as long as I can take.
Pre ER was 5:25, now then to 6:00.
Through first seven months of FIRE, we usually woke up between 8:30 - 9:30. Then in August, we wanted to get up at 7, maybe 7:30, to go swimming before the sun light becomes too harsh. Even though 7 am is way later than when I had to get out of bed to go to work, it is still a struggle to get up. There is no way I want to return to work.
I too am amazed by all the early birds. When w*rking, I struggled to get to the office by 9 am. Just a natural night owl all my life.

When I Fired, I started getting up around 10 am or even noon, largely because I went to bed at 2-3am. Since moving to AZ, I surprised to find that i now go to bed at 10-11pm and awake around 6-7:30 am.

I think that the sunlight is so bright down here that it wakes me up early (normal for the rest of you), and I naturally tire by 10 pm since I've been up so long. Besides, when the daytime high is 110F, I'm eager to get outside as early as possible while temperatures are comfortable, or at least tolerable. I thought about installing room-darkening shades, but decided that I love getting up early to enjoy the wonderful mornings in SE Arizona. I've become a morning person, and my morning coffee on the patio is the highlight of my day!
I wake up every day at 4am. I take a power nap in the afternoon for about 1 hour.
Have woken up anywhere from 4 to 6 for many years, long before retirement. When I was still w#rking I was usually up before the alarm clock went off...
Usually wake up 5:00 - 5:30 AM and get about 5 - 6 hours of sleep with a pee break somewhere in there.
Between 6 & 6:30 or if I'm lucky 7 am,internal clock won't reset even after a year.
In my retirement practice (10 week Covid shutdown) earlier this year I was generally sleeping until 7-8 am, and then working on projects all day around the farm. I usually was hitting the pillow about 11-12, so a good (and restful) 8 hours.

I have been back to work since June 1, and have the alarm clock set for 4:20 am, and am usually up before it rings, and heading to be around 10...so 6 hours of restless sleep.
10:00 to 10:30 am. I usually fall alseep between midnight and 12:45 Occasionally I’ll get up by 9:30 am, but not often.
A couple of months ago I started taking 1.5 mg of melatonin before bedtime. I’m no longer waking prior to 5 and now sleep to between 6 and 7:30. I like it.

Do you take it right at bedtime, or an hour before ?

I'm thinking I should try it, as waking up at 6am or earlier is annoying, since I have my alarm set at 8am.
Retired a year and still getting up a 6am, anyone else? What time do you wake up now that you retired and why? DW thinks it's odd to sleep until 10 am, I think that is what should be normal.

Unfortunately we do not have room darkening shades due to a half moon window, so sun up I'm up.

Always been an early riser, 4-6am before the alarm ever goes off. Been retired 3.5 years and am still waking up between 4-6am. Very rarely can I sleep more than about 5 hours at a time. The only difference in retirement is I do usually take a nap at some point during the day. That nap is 1-2+ hours, but I'm being told (by wife and friends) that anything over 30 minutes isn't a nap. :cool:
A couple of months ago I started taking 1.5 mg of melatonin before bedtime. I’m no longer waking prior to 5 and now sleep to between 6 and 7:30. I like it.

I find it helps me go to sleep, but not really stay asleep - I seem to metabolize the effects after about 3-4 hours. (If I wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, which I often do, I don't feel it still in my system)

It's still a great way to avoid those nights where you are staring at the clock, and I've only used the 1mg dose. I wish I'd used it years ago especially on work travel when time zones and hotels always impacted my sleep.

Everything I've read implies no issues with use, but there aren't any studies on long term usage so that concerns me just a little.
It took me at least half a year before I quit waking at 5. Now I'm usually up with the sun (7ish and getting later), or whenever our cat wants us up. She's the boss of me now. >^..^<

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